Parents often wonder when they should begin teaching the Theology of the Body (TOB) to their children…the answer is: In the womb! Yes, that means talking to your unborn child who begins to hear and recognize voices—your body matters to the unborn child. “The Body...
Saint John Paul II
St. John Paul II And The Gospel of Life
The Gospel of Life It has been a quarter of a century since the landmark encyclical of St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), was released. In that time, the truths contained have become even more poignant and applicable to our concrete individual...
St. John Paul II’s Advice For When Life Is Stressful
If you find that your life is filled with tension and anxiety, one obvious solution is to offer what you're going through to Christ in prayer. And in a rich and beautiful podcast, Dr. Edward Sri shows us why and how we can do...
The Divine Plan: JPII, Ronald Reagan, And the Cold War
The Divine Plan is a film by Robert Orlando, played across the United States in theaters only on November 6, 2019. This documentary asks the question: Were President Ronald Regan and Pope St. John Paul II to credit for the downfall of the Soviet Union and Communism?...
Called To Be Creative
1941 was a dark and cruel year for Eastern Europe. Torn between the oppressive forces of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, thousands of ethnic Slavs, Jews, Roma, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, homosexuals, people with disabilities and intellectuals were seen as...
15 Of St. Pope John Paul II’s Most Inspirational Quotes
Pope St. John Paul II is rightly nicknamed John Paul the Great because of his tremendous impact on so many spheres of our life and on world history. Not only will he be remembered as the Pope who traveled more than any of his predecessors, but his legacy also includes...
8 Things St. John Paul II Wanted All Artists to Know
One of my favorite texts of all time is Pope St. John Paul II’s Letter to Artists. What I read in this beautiful letter presented me with a deep call to foster artistic talents in myself and to be confident in recognizing that to be an artist is an essential part of...
The Path Of WYD: From Rome (1984) To Lisbon (2023)
This week the Church has been in the midst of World Youth Day (WYD)! World Youth Day was established because of the creative genius of St. John Paul II. His unique ability to perceive the needs of young people led him to invent this unique way of...
Change Your Life In 33 Days Using The Same Method As Saint John Paul II
Thirty-three days doesn't seem like a very long time to do anything, yet alone change your life. However, it was this devotion that Pope St. John Paul II said was the "decisive turning point in my life". Our beloved JPII read (and re-read many times) St. Louis de...
10 Powerhouse Quotes From JPII’s Theology Of The Body
It’s summer and that means many couples will be entering into the Sacrament of Marriage. If you want to give a great gift to your future spouse, then I would suggest studying a bit of Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. You can find information and guides at...
San Giovanni Paolo II, la vita di un papa santo
Perché è santo? E 'a causa delle sue realizzazioni apostoliche, la sua vita e il suo instancabile viaggio imponente? Tutto ciò che è importante, ma non basta. San Giovanni Paolo II è sacro per un altro motivo ... cerchiamo di darvi la risposta a questo video...
EWTN Interviews Catholic-Link About Our Viral Saint John Paul II Cartoon
Days before the launch of our video, "Saint John Paul II, the Life of a Holy Pope", we were invited by EWTN and Catholic News Agency (CNA) to participate in an interview about the project. We had no idea that our Saint John Paul II Cartoon would go viral! Check...
St. John Paul II, The Life Of A Holy Pope (Animated Video)
What led St. John Paul II to greatness? Was it because of his apostolic success, his impressive figure, or his untiring travels? Why is he so beloved by Catholics? No doubt, all this is important, but it isn't enough. John Paul the II has been recognized a saint for a...
Saint John Paul II: Why Did We Love Him So Much?
Many years have passed since our beloved Saint John Paul II passed on and entered into God's loving embrace, yet his presence is still strongly felt today. This video reminds us why JPII was so great, why he was able to reach so many hearts, why he become like a...
How A Saint Responds When Elected Pope – A Powerful Video Clip Of St. John Paul II
Is there any experience like that of being elected as the Vicar of Christ? Where does the strength and courage come from to utter those fateful words, "I accept." We have decided to share this clip from the movie Karol: The Man who Became Pope which offers a...
Saint John Paul II Singing Dynamite: “Perhaps I Love You More”
When I saw this video, I couldn't help but smile. It is an extremely creative and fun "remix" of a few words of our beloved Saint John Paul II. They are words full of vitality and truth that point us to Jesus Christ. Still, it is the joy, the conviction, and the love...
The Moving Speech George Bush Gave The Day St.John Paul II Died: “A Hero For The Ages”
This video, from 2005, is the speech given by George W. Bush on the death of St.Pope John Paul II. One world leader with international influence speaks of his regard for another such leader, describing him as humble, wise, fearless and great. He tells of how the...