Use this Catholic Bible Study for your own personal spiritual growth or with the apostolate you are involved with. Matthew 20:17-28 Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time 17 Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to...
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Guest Author
12 Essential Keys To Help Christians Understand Same-Sex Attraction
Let’s start out by saying that when we talk about same-sex attraction, what’s important is acceptance and tolerance. We aren’t talking about “tolerating” others as if there was a fundamental distinction between them and us. We are only talking about us. For those who...
“We are the Innocents”: Powerful Reflection On The Anniversary Of Roe V. Wade
This January 22 marks the anniversary of the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the “Roe v. Wade” case, a decision which legalized abortion throughout the United States. This is thus an occasion to strengthen our efforts to try to stop abortion. At the same time,...
How I Went From Typical College Party Girl To Catholic Missionary
By the fall semester of my junior year at Northwest Missouri State University, I was completely consumed with the typical college culture. I partied every chance I got and sought to make my mark on campus. But because of my conscience and the Lord’s grace, I was still...
My Resurrection- Coming Forward as a Survivor of Sexual Abuse
Jesus was my excuse. He wanted me to forgive my abuser, to give him a second chance. But in the pit of my stomach, I know that I just made that up because I was too afraid to speak up. My name is Maria Sage. I am a 24-year-old Catholic, a writer, a bookworm, a lover...
A Guide To Appreciating Catholic Churches For The Non-Catholic
First, let me tell you that I'm not Catholic. But having lived in Europe for several years, I've probably been in more Catholic Churches than most Catholics. Not that this makes me an expert, but more of a connoisseur. However, I have asked several of my Catholic...
Only The Church Can Whup The Devil – Reason #30 Dr. Peter Kreeft Is Catholic
Whenever anybody gets really serious about exorcism, they go to a Catholic priest. Did you ever see a movie with a Protestant exorcist? The Catholic Church is an “expert” in the most dangerous war of all, spiritual warfare. Why? For these reasons: Jesus was. He...
New Catholic Music Video From Array Of Hope!
Array of Hope has released its newest music video: A cover of Beautiful Name by Hillsong United. Array of Hope is a Catholic organization that addresses the decline of God in our culture through faith-filled, family-friendly films, music videos, and...
Catholic Cliques: 4 Steps To Overcoming Them
I was scrolling through Facebook one day and I stopped on a photo of a group of friends I knew. They were laughing and posing happily for a selfie. Having grown up together in the same Catholic Group, these particular groups of friends enjoyed a level of intimacy,...
Loved Just As We Are? A Short Film That Delves Into Theology of the Body
“The Cry of the Heart,” is a new film by evangelist Christopher West and the Cor Project addressing JPII's Theology of the Body. Based on the General Audiences given by the pope during the course his pontificate, West explains the meaning of our corporeality, why we...
Don’t Miss One Of The Best Pro-Life Videos Ever Made: “Aaron”
It’s a thought that haunts the waking hours of many post-abortive women: “What if my child were still alive?” Produced by the American Family Studio, today's video makes it clear that "Abortion is not just about the child, it is also about the mother – there...
How To Explain The 7 Sacraments Without Boring Your Children
Don't know how to start explaining the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church to your son or daughter? Are you lacking material for your church’s catechesis program? Is it sometimes a bit complicated for you? Don’t worry. Through this article, we’ll help you...
What’s a Maronite Catholic? One Woman’s Experience in the Eastern Rites
“Marie, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!” In my family, we often speak to each other with movie quotes. The first time my parents attended Mass in the Maronite Church, when the priest began the liturgy chanting in Syriac, my father leaned over to my...
Five Benefits of Dating Catholic
Relationships are so many things: wonderful, difficult, adventurous, etc. What about Godly? A relationship that glorifies Jesus Christ? Well, we are meant to glorify our King in all that we say and do, in every aspect of our lives. What about dating men and women who...
This Girl Thought She Could Have An Easy Life Without Any Consequences, But… (The Ending Will Surprise You!)
Who hasn’t ever wished to have a magic wand or a fairy godmother to do our homework assignments, take that horrible test for us, or simply make our problems disappear? In the video we present today, an amusing little wooden doll makes all this possible… and yes, for a...
7 Unmerited Gifts that God Gives to Priests and Consecrated Religious
How is it possible that a young man decides to leave everything behind to enter the seminary? Why would this young woman decided to leave her old life to shut herself in a convent? How did this man leave his career and prestigious job to follow God? All these are...
This Animated Short Film Shows That Love Truly Lived Gives Color To Life
Today I present to you a romantic short film about a journalist who falls in love with a girl in the comics section. And yes, this is an appropriate topic for a Catholic Resources website. I believe there are some elements in this short film worth reflecting upon....
“How’s That Half-Way Thing Working For You?” – A Young Catholic’s Testimony On Going All-In
I love attention. I knew this from a tender age; those days I would come out to our living room packed with people to dance for them and get applauded for being such a good dancer. I basked in the admiration. As I grew older, that love matured into something more...
Recommended Apostolic Movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
Sometimes we think that our whole life has to be an endless adventure full of adrenaline and that, if it’s not this way, we are wasting our existence. What is the “quintessence” of life? We all want to achieve something in our lives so that as we approach death and...
May 24th: Feast Of Our Lady Help Of Christians, Ever A Mother For Our Times
The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is celebrated every May 24. We often hear of the invocation “Help of Christians” in the Litany of Loreto, but how did it start and flourish? What To Know About The Feast Of Our Lady Help Of Christians 1. The Battle of Lepanto It...
God’s Secret Service (5 Points To Consider When You Feel Like Your Work Goes Unnoticed)
After my meeting I walked back to my office feeling small and overlooked. At my place of work the wheels above me had turned and I had been told that I was not going to be consulted on some decisions which closely affected my job. It felt that whether I threw myself...
“Do It Again, God!” – 2 Videos of Wonder Remind Us That Life Should Never Be Boring
"Do it again, God!" Would that every routine, mundane, taken-for-granted tidbit of reality were replete with the wonder of the first time! The great G.K. Chesterton seemed to live by this philosophy, and he has such a knack for helping us all remember: “Because...
7 Characteristics Every Man Called To The Priesthood Has
In my life I’ve listened to diverse opinions about what candidates for the priesthood should be like, how they should behave before entering the seminary and how they should lead an impeccable life. Many people believe that those men who feel the call of God to the...
Is Your Relationship Toxic? Here’s How To Know
Thinking a little bit about today's video and rereading some notes about harmful relationships, I came to the conclusion that talking about “toxic love” implies a contradiction in terms, because when one is trapped in an unhealthy relationship under the guise of a...
The Solemnity Of St. Joseph, Truly A Saint For Our Times
The Gospel of Matthew gives emphasis to St. Joseph, for it is through him that the legal, filial line passed from King David to Jesus. The following are virtues we all stand to learn from St. Joseph. St. Joseph's Silence If we look at Sacred Scripture, there is not...