Saint Teresa of Calcutta was known for spending countless hours attending to the dying, the sick, and the poor. This flowed from her rich prayer life: Daily Mass and a daily holy hour. Where did Mother Teresa learn to sacrifice herself for others? Her first teacher in...
Patrick O'Hearn's Author Page
Patrick O'Hearn
Patrick O'Hearn
Patrick O’Hearn is an acquisitions editor at TAN Books and author of several books including the Parents of the Saints: The Hidden Heroes Behind Our Favorite Saints (TAN Books 2021) and a new children’s book: The Shepherd at the Crib and the Cross (Emmaus Road Publishing).
Patrick O'Hearn's Articles:
Raising A Saint: Lessons From Holy Dads
If you could ask a few male saints how they were raised, what do you think they would say? Certainty, every Catholic father wants to raise a saint, but not every father is willing to make the sacrifice or knows where to start. The Father Of St. Thomas More Let’s...
Raising A Saint: 2 Essential Lessons From Holy Mothers
In one of his most famous dreams, St. Don Bosco saw a large ship being attacked by smaller ships. Eventually, the Holy Father steered the larger ship, which represented the Church, safely between two pillars: the Blessed Mother and the Holy Eucharist. Like the Holy...