The Blog Posts You Need To Read For NFP Week

by Morals & Values, Pro-Life, Sexuality and Chastity

In the United States, it is officially #NFPWEEK. Understanding why the Church encourages the use of Natural Family Planning (NFP) can be a very difficult concept for many Catholics to embrace. Take the time to read some of the teachings of the Church that explain the importance of the”why” behind this belief.

For those marriages that do embrace and live out this aspect of the faith, the path can often be very difficult. NFP requires discipline, sacrifice, and fasting. Yet, the graces bestowed on those couples who faithfully persevere in allowing God to work in the most intimate part of a marriage are numerous. We as the Church must encourage and support one another as we seek to obey the Lord and His plan for our families.

There are many wonderful Catholic bloggers who are doing their part in to inspire others to practice NFP. From advice on talking to your daughters about fertility awareness to pointing out the harmful effects of birth control, these women will inspire you to reflect on the beauty of this teaching and how to practically apply it to your life.

Best of NFP Week

Natural Family Planning: An Overview  from the Hail Marry blog with Kristi Denoy and Rachel Washington
Why Do Catholics Contracept and What Can the Church Do About It? from Life in Every Limb with Leslie Sholly
NFP and the Single WomanNFP For Every Body, and more great NFP posts from Under Thy Roof with Kirby Hoberg
Plan Your Family or Leave It Up to God?  from The Pearl of Great Price with Chiara Finaldi
The Nitty Gritty of Natural Family Planning   from Old-Fashioned Girl Blog with Chloe Langr
Natural Family Planning: Our Story from To Jesus Sincerely with Sara Estabrooks

Happy feast day of St. Joachim & St. Anne: A NFP (Personal Story) Awareness from Hair Bows 4 Life the Blog with Ceci Escobedo

NFP WEEK & HUMANAE VITAE from Catholic Life, Catholic Wife with Annie Deddens

Contraception vs. NFP: What’s the difference? from Couple to Couple League with Sr. Helena Burns
What Natural Family Planning Isn’t  from Catholic News Agency with Jenny Uebbing
Special thanks to Kristi Denoy for her help in collecting this list of posts!

(QUIZ) Which Method of NFP Fits Your Marriage?

You don’t have to use traditional birth control to limit family size. NFP offers many different effective methods to fit your family’s lifestyle.


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