Love and Relationships Archives - Catholic-Link Catholic Resources for the New Evangelization Sat, 17 Feb 2024 03:28:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Love and Relationships Archives - Catholic-Link 32 32 What I Wish I Knew About Dating A Non-Catholic Mon, 26 Feb 2024 05:44:00 +0000 There are Catholics who marry Catholics and who live a wonderful life. There are Catholics who marry Catholics who end up in divorce. There are Catholics who marry non-Catholics who lose their faith. And there are Catholics who marry non-Catholics whose spouses convert and live happily ever after.  All this is to say; every situation […]

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How To Talk To Your Teen About Pornography Fri, 09 Feb 2024 06:15:00 +0000 Imagine this: You stand outside your teen’s bedroom door. You knock a few times and there’s no answer. A few moments pass by and you knock again. All is quiet. You make an executive decision to enter the room. As the door opens, you find your teenager sitting down with the headphones on, facing the […]

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7 Types Of Love And How They Relate To God’s Plan For Your Happiness Mon, 15 Jan 2024 06:43:00 +0000 Heaven’s Currency, the third book in a trilogy I never expected to write (following Why All People Suffer and Dying without Fear), explains what the church has been taught about the nature of love and how it fits in God’s plan. Learning to love is a search for human perfection, to become like God so […]

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Let This Be The Year You Stop Comparing Yourself To Others Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:57:00 +0000 I have a confession to make. Through my spiritual journey, and even through my professional path, I have struggled again and again with comparing myself to others. It has been a bump on the road that has stopped me from flourishing in an authentic, peaceful, and joyful way. It touches my soul’s deepest wounds and […]

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Can Catholic Singles Find Lasting Love In Today’s Throw-away Culture? Thu, 12 Oct 2023 05:53:00 +0000 More young adults than ever doubt they can find real, lasting love. In today’s throw-away culture, a “forever love” that can endure the ups and downs of life can seem unrealistic, even unattainable. Yet, we all feel a deep need for love. In fact, scientific research indicates that the brain’s hunger for love is just […]

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Subtle Ways To Share Your Catholic Faith At Work Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:22:08 +0000 My brother, an Air Force veteran, once shared with me that his co-workers and subordinates have always been aware of his Catholic faith and devotion to God. Occasionally, they come to him with questions and difficulties, knowing that while he has godly wisdom, he won’t launch into a lengthy sermon. When it comes to evangelizing […]

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Netflix’s “Happiness For Beginners” Shares Struggles Of People | Catholic Movie Review Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:53:00 +0000 One of the latest top ten movies on Netflix is Happiness for Beginners, a new release (July 27, 2023) based on the novel of the same title by Katherine Center.  The movie opens with the main character’s wedding day, Helen, and immediately the viewer has doubts about whether this marriage will last.  Helen’s divorce, finalized in […]

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Help! Is A Healthy Dating Relationship Even Possible Anymore?! Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:56:00 +0000 Dating is easy today, right? Hardly. It’s never been easy; but especially in a social media world—and after the pandemic, nothing can be taken for granted.  This is literally uncharted territory. And yet, human nature remains fundamentally the same in so many ways.  So, can Christian principles of virtuous living still speak to our current […]

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The Importance Of Learning To Recognize The Voice Of Those You Love Thu, 27 Apr 2023 08:21:00 +0000 John 10:1-10 Jesus said:“Amen, amen, I say to you,whoever does not enter a sheepfold through the gatebut climbs over elsewhere is a thief and a robber.But whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice,as the shepherd calls his own sheep by […]

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Disagree With Your Priest? Here’s How To Respond Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:26:00 +0000 One of the best and most challenging aspects of the Church is that it is composed entirely of humans, who are flawed and fallible, with their own perspectives, experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. As a result, disagreements between individuals can arise, and this can be particularly challenging when those disagreements are of a spiritual nature and […]

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5 Ways To Honor Your Catholic Grandparents Mon, 06 Mar 2023 09:02:00 +0000 When I was young, my parents used to travel a lot, leaving me and my four sisters in the care of my grandmother. What I remember most is sitting in our living room where she would tell us stories written by her about each of her grandchildren, through which she would teach us Christian values […]

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The World Doesn’t Want You To Love Your Enemies Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:09:00 +0000 Matthew 5: 38-48 Catholic Bible Study Jesus said to his disciples:“You have heard that it was said,An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.When someone strikes you on your right cheek,turn the other one as well.If anyone wants to go […]

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It’s Time For Catholics To Stop Believing These 5 Myths About Online Dating Thu, 09 Feb 2023 07:17:00 +0000 Online dating has never been more popular. In fact, the trend suggests that online dating may become the norm rather than a supplemental tactic.  A recent study showed 19% of internet users in the US said they were currently using an online dating app or platform. A further 27% of participants said they had used […]

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How The Letter Of Saint James Guides Your Speech (And Heart) Mon, 25 Jul 2022 09:49:00 +0000 The Sacred Scriptures contain truth and wisdom from God. These truths are eternal and ever relevant— and practical. When you live in accordance with the Word of God everything in your life is ordered. This doesn’t mean you will be free of struggles and suffering. However, you will experience an otherworldly joy and peace more […]

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4 Ideas For Lent Date Nights Mon, 28 Feb 2022 11:49:00 +0000 Truly, Lent is a time to be solemn and focused on our Lord in his journey to the Cross. But as a couple, it still remains important to be united with our beloved through time together and conversation. A Lent themed date night could be a perfect combination of these two truths! 4 Ideas for […]

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What Does It Mean To Have A Crucifixion Type Of Love For Your Wife? Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:04:00 +0000 This beautiful spoken-word piece titled “A Crucifixion Type Love” was written and performed by Brent Rice and, although (disclaimer) we don’t know much about Mr. Rice and his personal religious beliefs, there is no doubt that his poetry is stunning, passionate, and a piece of art that all can benefit from listening to. In this […]

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NFP And The Deconstruction Of Love Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:43:00 +0000 One of the best things about the Catholic Church (which of course, there are many, many things) is the communion of saints.  The wisdom and holiness of the men and women who have gone before us can guide us toward the light that is Christ.  There are few areas of our faith life that we […]

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World Marriage Day Reflection | Called To The Joy Of Love Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Gospel of Luke 6:17, 20-26 Jesus came down with the Twelveand stood on a stretch of level groundwith a great crowd of his disciplesand a large number of the peoplefrom all Judea and Jerusalemand the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon.And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said:            “Blessed are you who are poor,                        for the kingdom […]

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3 Reasons We All Need Our Own NFP Tribe & How To Find Yours Tue, 07 Dec 2021 04:24:14 +0000 Living the natural family planning lifestyle can sometimes feel like a solo hike up a steep mountain. We start off excited, convicted (by the science and Church teaching), and as prepared as we can be for this beautiful endeavor. A few miles in, we are facing an unexpected obstacle, nursing an old bum knee, and […]

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How To Forgive The Person Who Hurt You Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:40:31 +0000 Forgiveness is so hard, but why? Often, the desire for an eye for an eye overwhelms us, we want the person who hurt us to receive justice and be held accountable. But does holding on to the hurt and anger in fact accomplish our desire for justice? Again and again, I see that when I […]

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If This Is What Marriage Implies, Is It Really Worth It? The Strange Things That All Couples Fight Over Fri, 10 Sep 2021 11:30:00 +0000 oday’s video could be useful for illustrating the daily quarrels that we can all relate to. Although I myself am not married and am on my way towards the priesthood, more than once I have witnessed –with a bit of awe to be honest–the surprising capacity of loving couples to argue over the most ridiculous […]

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What Does Being Open To Life Really Mean? Wed, 04 Aug 2021 04:00:08 +0000 Open to life.  We’ve all heard it, and for the most part, think we know what it means.  For those who are outside the Church, or perhaps those Catholics who have done little more than get their feet wet in this beautiful thing we call Catholicism, the idea of being “open to life” sounds suffocating – […]

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3 Ways To Grow In Chastity Before Marriage Fri, 23 Jul 2021 03:28:06 +0000 Chaste dating is no walk in the park, but it is possible. We’ve been in relationships in the past that were unchaste and ended very badly. When we started courting, we didn’t want to repeat the same habits from our past relationships, so we had to do things differently.  But even so, this was not […]

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5 Essential Tips For Young Adult Men To Live A Pure Life Tue, 05 Jan 2021 14:57:49 +0000 Guest Author

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Three Key Tips For Praying As A Couple Fri, 04 Dec 2020 16:24:11 +0000 Have you ever thought, “Wow, I want to have a great marriage…how does that happen?” The answer is simple – prayer. Here are three simple ways to implement prayer in your relationship and form a strong, intimate relationship with your spouse. Schedule It This may seem simple, but if you are intentional about what time […]

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6 Reasons Your Parish Should Open Its Convent Buildings To Young Adults Thu, 03 Dec 2020 18:22:13 +0000 Across America many Catholic convent buildings, which once housed a blessed surplus of religious sisters, are now standing underutilized and sometimes completely empty. The disuse of these buildings is expensive on our already cash-strapped parishes. On the other hand, there’s another set of problems: chilling statistics that show that our young people are becoming more […]

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The Virtue Of Getting Along Mon, 02 Nov 2020 04:01:03 +0000 Niceness gets a bad rap these days. In politics, being too nice to one’s opponents is seen as a sign of unseriousness, even betrayal of one’s comrades and principles. In Church affairs, the “Church of Nice” gets dragged for being unwilling to stand up for truth and to condemn sin, lest feelings get bruised. And […]

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Start With A Friendship…Here’s How Mon, 05 Oct 2020 16:04:04 +0000 Reese

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Ask A Priest With Fr. George Elliott | Love Is Difficult Sat, 26 Sep 2020 22:18:45 +0000 If you missed Ask a Priest Live with Fr. George Elliott, you can watch the replay here. Each Sunday at 3:00 PM Central, I go live on the Catholic-Link Facebook page. I will start with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, then provide a quick reflection on the Sunday readings, and then answer audience questions in the comment section of the video. […]

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St. Clare, Scandal, & Why Saints Are Often Foolish Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:09:50 +0000 People do foolish things for love. Consider a wonderful Catholic girl I know who creeped away from her loving parents one night to join some neighborhood dude who had shamed his family by stealing from his own father, and then scandalized the whole town by flashing naked on the steps of the cathedral. Yes people […]

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Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? Mon, 13 Jul 2020 18:48:28 +0000 Outside the Church There is No Salvation Can non-Catholics be saved? It is a big question, with a nuanced answer. Let us begin in 3rd Century Carthage. St. Cyprian coined the following perennial adage of the Church: “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” which means “outside the Church there is no salvation.” This phrase was oft-repeated by […]

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Racism: A Catholic Response Fri, 05 Jun 2020 02:07:04 +0000 Racism is Always Evil There are some things that are always true, no matter when, where, or whom is involved. One of these truths is that racism is always wrong. It is a form of discrimination which is always unjust and, therefore, morally wrong and incompatible with Jesus Christ and the Gospel. The Catechism of […]

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How To Quit Pornography…From Someone Who Has Been There Mon, 01 Jun 2020 16:50:42 +0000 Three years ago, today, I published a blog about my personal struggle with pornography. Before that day, I had never spoken openly about porn, it was very much a secret problem that had been eating me up for years. More than anything else I have ever written, I look back on that piece from 2017 […]

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5 Ways To Strengthen Your Marriage During Quarantine Tue, 26 May 2020 00:06:14 +0000 This time of quarantine has been a relationship accelerator for so many couples. For Better or For Worse. Starting today, what are five things you can do to make the most of this time together? There is a five-step process that we have seen work miracles in hundreds of couples’ lives. The process is this: […]

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A Love Story In The Time Of Quarantine Tue, 21 Apr 2020 03:12:35 +0000 I wish I had always known God’s loving tenderness. I have been a Catholic all my life but it was only a year ago that I discovered a God who loves us with such magnitude that not only is He powerful, He is also tender, as a terrified new father, who stands in by the […]

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What Is Sex For? Tue, 10 Mar 2020 01:20:44 +0000 What is the purpose of intimacy? This question is at the heart of the video “Theology of the Body (Catholic Sexuality). The Church’s teaching about sex is a topic that probably garners the most attention in today’s culture. Why? Because the idea of waiting until marriage to have sex is countercultural. The idea of limiting […]

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A Few Of Our Favorite Catholic Valentine’s Gifts Tue, 11 Feb 2020 01:52:11 +0000 What will you buy your Catholic Valentine? Here are a few of our favorite things… Sock Religious FREE! Catholic Valentine’s Day Cards From Be A Heart Custom Journaling Bible Gethsemani Farms – Chocolate MIRACULOUS SLIDER BRASS | Telos ARt Little Catholic Box Subscription Sacred Heart Jesus Plush Doll  Three To Get Married Catholic Gift Box […]

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Why You Should Listen Closely To This Part Of The Wedding Ceremony Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:28:46 +0000 If someone asked you what was said in the Nuptial Blessing at a wedding, would you know? Probably not. This rather lengthy prayer is tucked between the Exchange of Consent and the Our Father and if you aren’t paying attention, you may miss one of the most beautiful prayers of the entire liturgy. Why is […]

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Love Is Love…Right? Right. Mon, 01 Jul 2019 22:19:58 +0000 Okay, before everyone starts to throw tomatoes at us over here, let me explain. Yes, love is love, and everyone is created for love. If that’s the case, then why do people think the Church is against love? Or why is this phrase so taboo in Catholic circles? Maybe it’s because people have a misunderstanding […]

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5 Tips For Talking To Your Friends About Gender Identity Wed, 12 Jun 2019 03:33:25 +0000 Have you ever had a conversation about gender identity with friends or family? The Vatican offers an educational guide, “Male and Female He Created Them” to address the current educational crisis around human sexuality. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when talking about gender identity with your friends (or anyone). 5 Tips For […]

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10 Ways To Honor Your Catholic Wife On Mother’s Day (Or Any Day) Wed, 08 May 2019 13:39:06 +0000 What I Notice About My Wife I am by no means a perfect husband. I have many faults and do not always show my wife how much I love her. Even when I do not mention the things I see, I do notice quite a bit. Here is what I notice. I notice when my […]

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Objective Standard for Love | Liturgy Live 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Tue, 05 Feb 2019 21:39:56 +0000 Alanna BurgAlanna is a military spouse and mother of 2. She spends her time as a homemaker conquering the chaos along with serving her family and community. In her free time, she dives into learning all aspects of her faith.

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Are We Falling In Love With A List Of Qualities Rather Than A Person? Thu, 30 Aug 2018 17:54:50 +0000 I was 18 years old when I wrote my first ‘list.’ The ‘list’ was introduced to me by a friend of mine who wanted to know what kind of men I would like to date. She explained to me that ‘the list’ is a carefully thought out list of qualities that single people would like […]

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Sick of the Dating Scene? Here are Some Surprising Reasons to Hope Tue, 14 Aug 2018 13:04:43 +0000 This Disorientated Generation – Part 3 Isaac Withers was one of 300 hundred people who attended the Vatican Pre-Synod of Young People, speaking with Pope Francis on the issues that his generation and younger face. Inspired by this incredible trip he has written an eight-part series of articles highlighting these challenges and sharing how we, the Church, […]

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Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It? Wed, 01 Aug 2018 14:57:44 +0000 Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the One True King. Elly and Brendan started to wonder the same thing […]

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New Priest Assignments: Advice For Times of Parish Upheaval Fri, 29 Jun 2018 09:48:36 +0000 So, your beloved parish priest of the past many years has been given a new assignment in another city, what do you do? You may have spent years getting to know him, or you may be brand new to the parish. You may have gone through marriage prep, RCIA or the baptism of one or […]

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Catholic Social Teaching: What It Is And Why It Is So Important! Thu, 28 Jun 2018 15:07:17 +0000 In this first part of a two-part series on Catholic Social Teaching, we explore the seven main themes. This is a bird’s eye view of Catholic Social Teaching and only begins to scratch the surface. The Heart of Christ The social teaching of the Church is a rich treasury of the heart of Christ. As […]

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The Critical Difference Between A Friend And A Master | Catholic Bible Study Fri, 04 May 2018 19:30:57 +0000 A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 15:9-17 Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. “I have […]

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31 Of The Best Catholic Books On Marriage Tue, 01 May 2018 19:59:27 +0000 If you’re like most people, you have spent more time preparing for your career than you have for your marriage. We tend to dedicate years of education to get ready for our jobs, but when it comes to marriage most of us focus more on planning a wedding than investing the hours needed to prepare […]

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Why This Generation Thinks Going Out To Coffee Is More Intimate Than A Hooking Up Fri, 13 Apr 2018 00:01:05 +0000 I was married with a few kids by the time Tinder became a thing. Never having used the app myself, I had no idea how much it is has impacted the culture of dating and romance until I had the chance to view The Dating Project. This documentary, produced by Paulist Productions, features the stories […]

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Catholic Cliques: 4 Steps To Overcoming Them Sun, 11 Mar 2018 21:40:11 +0000 I was scrolling through Facebook one day and I stopped on a photo of a group of friends I knew. They were laughing and posing happily for a selfie. Having grown up together in the same Catholic Group, these particular groups of friends enjoyed a level of intimacy, belonging and close friendship. Plus, the food […]

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Loved Just As We Are? A Short Film That Delves Into Theology of the Body Wed, 07 Mar 2018 20:15:20 +0000 “The Cry of the Heart,” is a new film by evangelist Christopher West and the Cor Project addressing JPII’s Theology of the Body. Based on the General Audiences given by the pope during the course his pontificate, West explains the meaning of our corporeality, why we are created male and female, and how, through the […]

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What The Wolves In Yellowstone Taught Me About Grace Thu, 25 Jan 2018 20:42:07 +0000 This beautiful, enlightening mini-documentary from Sustainable Human provides rich food for thought to us as Catholics. The video describes the “trophic cascade” that occurred when wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995. “How Wolves Change Rivers”? – it catches us by surprise because we rarely consider “tumbling” causal chains of effect. We hear […]

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Want To Marry A Man Who Loves God? Do This 1 Thing Now! Thu, 14 Dec 2017 15:35:05 +0000 The Culture Project has been producing some amazing videos that answer the questions so many of us have about relationships, chastity, and learning to accept yourself. The video featured today contains practical advice for those who are waiting on a man who loves God. The cultural attitudes of this generation of young adults can make it […]

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Christmas Gift Ideas For The Priest Or Seminarian In Your Life! Mon, 11 Dec 2017 20:53:37 +0000 We know we can always count on our priests to be present at Mass and all the liturgical celebrations around the holidays. We watch the deacon assist during sacraments and parish life. We proudly acknowledge the hard work and preparation seminarians undergo for the future of the Church. But, what do we do for the […]

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Are You Willing To Be Wounded? The Paradox Of Mary’s Immaculate Love Fri, 08 Dec 2017 17:24:58 +0000 “Salve, radix, salve, porta…” – 12th Century Marian Antiphon There are many ways to love. There are ways that cut through the different times in our lives and that often dwell together in our hearts. There are people who love to feel less lonely or to give meaning to their lives. There are those who […]

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4 Heroic Stories of Military Chaplains Who Went Beyond Their Call of Duty Sat, 11 Nov 2017 03:38:06 +0000 During patriotic holidays, we are intentional in remembering the men and women who have fought for our freedom from the beginning.  In a special way, military chaplains carry out their duties displaying exemplary courage and faith. They reflect the love of Jesus to those around them, often in heartbreaking and difficult situations. In some cases, […]

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How Far Is Too Far? Answers To Teens’ Toughest Questions On Dating And Sex Wed, 08 Nov 2017 18:32:02 +0000 In this high school assembly, Jason Evert and Crystalina Padilla (not yet married at the time) offer straight answers to teens’ toughest questions on dating, relationships, and how to have romance without regret. Through their humor, honesty, and powerful testimonies, the duo provides compelling reasons to pursue a life of purity, regardless of one’s past. […]

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Is It Really Love? The Question All Dating Couples Should Ask Sun, 05 Nov 2017 19:30:34 +0000 This short film, “I Miss You,” produced by The Beyond Project gives words to the emotions that many feel after they’ve experienced a break-up of a meaningful relationship. “I Miss You” A Deeper Look For those who have experienced a break-up similar to this, the video may bring about some of the same emotions that the narrator […]

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Teens Caught on Surveillance Video After Dark Wed, 01 Nov 2017 12:11:12 +0000 God bless Poland! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that – for all the pain, suffering, and evil in the world – there is still Good, there is still Love, moving through the hearts of men (even self-centered teenagers, out after dark!). “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels […]

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The 2 Greatest Commandments And The Meaning Of Love | Catholic Bible Study Fri, 27 Oct 2017 14:05:00 +0000 “Love is an inclination” – Hannah Arendt A long time ago I heard the story of a rose who realized how beautiful she was. Intoxicated by her own splendor, she decided that she only wanted to be caressed by the gentle touch of a butterfly, and so she did not appreciate the attention she got […]

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What Does A Party Symbolize In The Bible? Fri, 13 Oct 2017 11:53:07 +0000 “Allow me to do the best that I can.” – Babette’s Feast by K. Blixen Organizing a party is a serious matter. It says a lot about us and many times it is a symbol of our lives. There are those that love to take care of every detail themselves and those that leave everything […]

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Five Benefits of Dating Catholic Tue, 03 Oct 2017 14:25:55 +0000 Relationships are so many things: wonderful, difficult, adventurous, etc. What about Godly? A relationship that glorifies Jesus Christ? Well, we are meant to glorify our King in all that we say and do, in every aspect of our lives. What about dating men and women who are also members of the beautiful holy, Catholic, and […]

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This Animation Shows How Quickly The Culture Destroys Women Mon, 02 Oct 2017 01:34:52 +0000 This insightful animation from Moondog Animation Studios is a part of the Willy Grunch series. Willy Grunch “is a carefree philosophizing poet happily stumbling through life… He’s not so different than everybody else, but we get to laugh at our own misery at his expense,” and the artists behind this series hope to reach the […]

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3 Keys To Draw Loved Ones Back To God Fri, 22 Sep 2017 14:49:32 +0000 How can you help fallen-away family members return to the Lord? Many of us ache over our loved ones’ separation from God, be it through ignorance, stubbornness, woundedness, or otherwise, but we feel inadequate in our attempts to draw them to faith. We present a Gospel reflection on the parable of the land-owner and the […]

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The Dynamics Of Our Friend Groups And Why We Choose Them Fri, 08 Sep 2017 21:45:21 +0000 Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the […]

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11 Rules For When You Are Absolutely Sick Of Today’s Dating Scene Thu, 07 Sep 2017 11:36:48 +0000 Although I barely listen to any pop music, even I couldn’t fail to notice this single that has spent seven weeks in the UK charts and made it to number one two weeks in a row here in Britain this summer. Dua Lipa’s track “New Rules” is undoubtedly catchy, but it’s the lyrics that have […]

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How Do You Resolve Conflicts With Others? Three Key Insights Wed, 06 Sep 2017 19:17:28 +0000 How do you resolve conflicts with family, friends, in social situations, in the Church? The key to holiness is not that everything will always be perfect in our lives, but rather how do we deal with problems when they inevitably do arise. Father Ian VanHeusen presents his weekly reflection on the Mass readings from the […]

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The Perfect Man Doesn’t Exist. Stop Waiting For Him Thu, 24 Aug 2017 11:25:15 +0000 Neither charming nor perfect. In fact, princes are royalty and seldom mix with commoners so, unless you’re aspiring to be like Princess Kate Middleton and marry a prince, maybe it’s time to accept that ideals are just that, ideals, and that the same rule applies to love matters. It’s not a matter of resigning and […]

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Silence Isn’t Always What It Seems | Catholic Bible Study Sat, 19 Aug 2017 13:31:23 +0000 One of the best ways to enrich your spiritual life is to reflect on the Gospel. A great way of doing this is using the technique of Lectio Divina, a powerful method that we explain here. The following is a Gospel reading with a reflection that is especially aimed at youth. This week, Fr. Piccolo […]

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11 Quotes From Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Women” That Everyone Should Know Fri, 11 Aug 2017 12:22:48 +0000 In my beginning stages of exploration into women and the Church, I’ve been told so many times to check out Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Women, which he wrote in June 1995, before the Fourth World Conference on Women. I’ve finally read it, and his message is just as pertinent today as it was in 1995 […]

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5 Inspiring Stories Of People Who Overcame All Odds To Succeed Thu, 10 Aug 2017 11:31:32 +0000 “There’s no such thing as can’t!”  This phrase will be familiar to many of us from our childhoods, probably met with an eye-roll and stomping off upstairs to finally clean our room. But in this video the phrase has been taken to heart as a powerful and awe-inspiring motivator! Five athletes share their stories of how they […]

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9 Great Literary Quotes That Reveal The Beauty Of Friendship Fri, 28 Jul 2017 00:45:25 +0000 Friendship, especially in our busy modern age, can be overlooked as a nice addition to life, but not necessarily as an important priority. But friendships are important. They are how we learn to choose to love, share, and give. They are how we learn to accept love ourselves. They show us that none of us can live life […]

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6 Steps To Cultivate A Friendship Or To Better Live The Christian Life (After All, Aren’t They The Same?) Thu, 27 Jul 2017 03:00:51 +0000 As almost all of you probably do, every day I receive a bunch of images through WhatsApp or via text. Memes (pretty hilarious if they make fun of the rival football team), encouraging quotes (reminding me that I can achieve everything if I really want it), pious phrases (some of which are very beautiful, by […]

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How To Go Beyond “I’ll Pray For You” – A Guide To Praying With Someone Spontaneously Mon, 24 Jul 2017 21:07:30 +0000 People often ask us to pray for them, whether they’re facing challenges personally, at home, at work, or they’re battling a particular illness. The common practice is that we promise to pray for that person, putting it off to some point in the future (that, let’s be honest, doesn’t always occur). Instead, one thing we […]

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Every Minute, Every Second Is A Gift. Don’t Waste It Fri, 21 Jul 2017 12:57:47 +0000 Tim Burton is, without a doubt, one of the most symbolic directors of the 20th century and the beginning of this century. His signature artistic imprint in his films, each and every one which he’s directed and produced, is the tendency to the strange and grotesque. Among the titles that can be found on his […]

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We’ve Found Your New Favorite Catholic Vlogger! 8 Videos from Emily Wilson on Happiness, Dating, and Chastity Mon, 17 Jul 2017 15:05:07 +0000 We’re a big fan of Emily Wilson’s ministry here at Catholic-Link, and we’re excited to share some of our favourite videos with you. Emily Wilson is a Catholic musician and speaker, and also has a popular Youtube channel where she covers a range of topics in an insightful, fresh and relevant way. Her videos often […]

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15 Quotes That Are Perfect For Thanksgiving! Mon, 10 Jul 2017 14:14:59 +0000 Gratitude is one of the most underrated virtues. It’s so often misconstrued as false enthusiasm, naivety or new-age positivity. It’s not. To be grateful takes strength to see beyond our own egos. If we concentrate only on what is negative in our lives, we forget the fact that our lives are not ours, they are […]

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10 Quotes on Friendship From the Saints That You’ll Want to Share With Your Bestie Sun, 09 Jul 2017 15:40:33 +0000 The Saints understood the value of a good friend. Friends that encourage us and inspire us in our faith are an essential part of the Christian life. As the Saints remind us in these quotes, a true friend is difficult to find and when we do find one, we should do all we can to maintain […]

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Online Workshop: “Friendship Project: Guide to Building Authentic Relationships” Wed, 05 Jul 2017 15:47:31 +0000 Alanna BurgAlanna is a military spouse and mother of 2. She spends her time as a homemaker conquering the chaos along with serving her family and community. In her free time, she dives into learning all aspects of her faith.

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This Heartwarming Video Had the YouTube Comments Section Weeping, But What Can It Teach Us in the Church? Mon, 03 Jul 2017 01:28:03 +0000 This video had the usually brutal Youtube comment section reaching for the tissues to dry their tears, as an articulate little boy and a warm, grandfatherly older man exchange their thoughts, struggles and joys. The most attractive part of their exchange is the fact that the two of them simply listen attentively to each other. […]

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The Magnificat: Canticle of Mary And Magnifying Glass Of Intercessory Love Wed, 21 Jun 2017 00:33:01 +0000 The Magnificat – otherwise known as the Canticle of Mary – is a beautiful, ancient, scriptural “song” of praise spoken by Our Lady. You may have heard the word thanks to the wonderful monthly publication that goes by the same name, but do you know the prayer, itself? “My soul doth magnify the Lord,” the […]

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This Animated Short Film Shows That Love Truly Lived Gives Color To Life Tue, 20 Jun 2017 16:00:09 +0000 Today I present to you a romantic short film about a journalist who falls in love with a girl in the comics section. And yes, this is an appropriate topic for a Catholic Resources website. I believe there are some elements in this short film worth reflecting upon. First, we must accept that love, lived […]

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25 Ways To Be A Great Long-Distance Godparent Tue, 13 Jun 2017 18:12:10 +0000 So you’re a godparent? Congratulations! But, your beloved godchild lives miles away… how will you ever have a strong spiritual mentorship to him or her? Well, God, the Father lives in Heaven and His love still surrounds us constantly. Through Him all things are truly possible, even with the obstacle of distance. Your godparent-godchild relationship […]

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Catholic Guys: Here Are 5 Qualities Catholic Girls Love Sun, 11 Jun 2017 20:43:04 +0000 Single Catholic guys, if you feel confused about how to stand out positively to the single Catholic ladies, don’t lose hope! Although surface qualities like preferred height, appealing eye color, and keen musical talent may be attractive (who does not like being serenaded?), most Catholic single ladies place a much stronger emphasis on just a […]

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7 Reasons To Keep Sharing Your Catholic Faith When People Don’t Seem To Care Tue, 06 Jun 2017 15:53:03 +0000 Here’s a battle I sometimes fight with myself: vacillating between exuberant repetitiveness about my faith, my conversion, how amazing God is, how I wish everyone I love would convert (for their own well-being and happiness!), how I wish every Catholic in the pews on Sunday (or all those who don’t really make it every Sunday) […]

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When A Catholic Falls In Love: 8 Crazy Situations We’ve All Experienced Wed, 24 May 2017 16:50:21 +0000 Raise your hand, those of you who’ve never fallen in love! I’m certain we can’t hear a peep. We have all fallen in love. We know how beautiful it is and how nice it feels to experience love towards another person. Catholics and non-Catholics fall in love, do crazy things for love. Out of our […]

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10 Things That Happen When You Commit To Chastity In Your Life Sun, 21 May 2017 21:44:50 +0000 In the timeless Broadway classic “Les Miserables,” character Fantine wraps up Victor Hugo’s epic saga with one golden line: “To love another person is to see the face of God.” Hugo’s words greatly echo Saint Pope John Paul II’s extremely popular lecture series called the “Theology of the Body,” a title which literally translates to […]

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7 Characteristics Every Authentic Evangelist Must Have Mon, 15 May 2017 21:56:59 +0000 The painter paints, the writer writes, the dancer dances. Following this logic, we could say that the evangelist evangelizes. But, is this true? Is it really true that the person who evangelizes is an evangelist? In order to take Christ to others, it’s necessary to experience Him first, since no one can give what he […]

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In The Beginning Was the Word: Human Communication & Learning How To Talk Again Tue, 09 May 2017 20:13:56 +0000 I picked up a hitchhiker the other day, he was standing on the side of the road and as I was driving towards him I realized that we were both heading in the same direction. So I pulled over and signaled for him to get in. He jumped in the car, a man in his […]

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5 Reasons Your Spouse Should be More in Love With God Than With You Wed, 03 May 2017 03:06:43 +0000 Jesus proposes a way of loving that applies to everything in life. He teaches us the new commandment and gives us the coordinates so that our affective relationships may land on safe shore. Marriage is no a stranger to this kind of love nor these instructions that The Lord constantly gives us. Loving God is […]

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10 Saints Who Were Friends Teach Us The Meaning Of Friendship Sun, 30 Apr 2017 17:35:14 +0000 These Saints who were friends discovered that the experience of authentic friendship is a real treasure. It is, as Elredo de Rieval said, “the homeland of those in exile, the wealth of the poor, the medicine of the sick, the grace of the healthy, the strength of the weak, Who is strong.” A real friend […]

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Do Not Forget: You Are Part Of A Love Story Sat, 29 Apr 2017 11:28:09 +0000 One of the best ways to enrich your faith is to read the scriptures daily.  A great way of doing this is using the technique of Lectio Divina, a powerful method which we explain here. The following is from the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35  with a Catholic Bible study that is especially aimed at youth. […]

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The Short Video That Taught Me What It Means To Be A Child Of God Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:42:32 +0000 Life is a unique movement of light where the beginning and the end meet. Just as we are born from our mother’s womb into earthly life, so too, we’ll be born from the Earth’s womb into eternal life. The impulse that assures the completeness of such movement is the impulse of Love. Among terrestrial creatures, […]

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“13 Reasons Why” And Suicide Prevention And Compassion For Struggling Teens Sun, 09 Apr 2017 19:47:00 +0000 Viewer beware: This Netflix series contains language, scenes of rape, normalization of same-sex romance, teen partying, graphic suicide, assault, and substance abuse. It does not depict a healthy teen culture and in fact contributes to a culture of toxicity, even where it does treat the high school experience honestly. We at Catholic-Link do not and […]

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Take A Friend To Church This Holy Week: It Could Change Their Life Sat, 08 Apr 2017 16:24:12 +0000 Each year during Holy Week, we celebrate the most fundamental aspects of our Catholic faith. We remember the love of God, the sacrifice of His Son Jesus for our sake, the institution of the Eucharist, etc. Perhaps most importantly, we rejoice at the end of Holy Week when Jesus, who died, rises from the dead, […]

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Jesus Wept Along The Path To The Glorious Resurrection Fri, 31 Mar 2017 21:44:03 +0000 Fr. Ian Van HeusenFr. Ian is a Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Raleigh, NC. He is assigned to St. Bernadette Catholic Church as a Parochial Vicar, and he writes on prayer and meditation at

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Is Your Relationship Toxic? Here’s How To Know Wed, 29 Mar 2017 00:25:45 +0000 Thinking a little bit about today’s video and rereading some notes about harmful relationships, I came to the conclusion that talking about “toxic love” implies a contradiction in terms, because when one is trapped in an unhealthy relationship under the guise of a “love without limits,” one doesn’t really realize that what he or she […]

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15 Tips For Every Catholic Man Seeking To Win A Woman’s Heart Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:03:39 +0000 For many young men, approaching a lady is not an easy task. There’s the fear of rejection, of looking foolish, of not knowing exactly what to say, fear of what others will say, and so on. In addition there are all the fantasies that Hollywood, television, and social media present to us about what falling […]

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Pixar Short Perfectly Captures How Parents Feel When Teens Start Dating Tue, 07 Mar 2017 23:42:17 +0000 I’m hoping that I have at least a few years until my kids enter the world of dating. My older boys (thankfully!) still turn shades of red at the thought of liking a girl, but my first grader is a self-proclaimed “ladies’ man.” Though they are young, it is not too soon for me to start […]

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QUIZ: Is It Time To Give Up Dating? Mon, 06 Mar 2017 20:44:43 +0000 Our culture sends us so many messages about who we should date, how we should date, and why we should date that it can be difficult to find the truth for ourselves. Once we enter the dating scene, we quickly find out that dating and relationships aren’t always as glamorous and simple as the movies […]

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Does The Person You’re In Love With Have These 10 Essential Qualities? Sun, 05 Mar 2017 22:45:11 +0000 There is no feeling quite like being in love. It’s a time in life when you are truly overwhelmed with joy, happiness, and exuberance. Life feels fresh and exciting. You spend time daydreaming and planning about the future life you and the one you love will share together. But, as we all know, sometimes those […]

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I Am Not That Girl: A Letter Of Advice To My 16-Year-Old-Self Fri, 03 Feb 2017 04:49:08 +0000 There is a lot of well-founded emotion in this Buzzfeed spoken-word video “I Am Not That Girl”. There is honesty, and not a trace of self-pity as the narrator says: “having a lack of male attention in this world is seen as an abnormality, is seen as less than womanly. I am always forced to […]

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Adoration: The Ultimate Act And Habit Of Friendship Sat, 21 Jan 2017 14:00:01 +0000 One of the most fruitful yet daunting experiences in my life has been Eucharistic Adoration. Just a few years ago, I would often marvel at how some people could sit before the Blessed Sacrament and get lost in the experience. Meanwhile, I was scratching my head trying to figure out what to do or say, […]

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Love, Football, And Public Faith Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:00:24 +0000 It’s been my word – my word all year’s been LOVE. Last week, Alabama and Clemson squared off in the National College Football Championship, in front of an estimated television audience of over 26 Million viewers. Amidst a dramatic finish and an “underdog” subplot, Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney gave a spontaneous, emotional interview as […]

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11 Tips For Living Purely When You’re In A Serious Relationship Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:00:16 +0000 Embracing chastity and starting to foster it is not always an easy task. If you come from a Catholic background and you have heard it since you were young then perhaps it’s more simple. It gets complicated when, like St. Augustine, conversion happens as an adult and it’s only then you begin to understand what […]

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“The Lighthouse” – A Beautiful Animated Short About Fatherhood Mon, 09 Jan 2017 14:21:51 +0000 I write this article on the first anniversary of my father´s death and first year in heaven. And it is not presumption or bragging: my father died one Saturday morning, wearing the Scapular of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel and with the final Sacraments administered by his grandson (a priest). For this reason, today’s […]

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Here’s The Nativity Play That We All Need To See This Christmas Thu, 22 Dec 2016 03:46:23 +0000 This short video from Speak Life shares a brief but beautiful insight into the life of a mother and her daughter Leeva, who has Down’s syndrome. Leeva is taking part in a Nativity play, and all her cast-mates also have Down’s syndrome. It is explained that the play will have some actors speaking lines, while others […]

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3 Christmas Gift Ideas From the Heart Of A Seminarian Thu, 15 Dec 2016 03:11:13 +0000 I love gifts. I love giving them, and I sure as heck love receiving them too. But a few years ago, I learned a lesson that gifts that come straight from one heart to another are treasured a lot more than what’s usually found under a Christmas tree (more on that below). Gifting someone a […]

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The “Word of the Year” and the Season’s Most Popular Ads Reveal A Lot About Humanity Thu, 01 Dec 2016 03:36:38 +0000 Its become the trend in the last few years for to announce their ‘Word of the Year’, the word that they feel is most relevant or trending to the year. Past years words have included ‘Privacy’ (2013), ‘Exposure’ (2014) and ‘Identity’ (2015). 2016’s Word of the Year? 2016’s Word of the Year? Xenophobia. Just […]

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What Charlie Chaplin’s Tear-Inducing Ending Taught Me About Prayer And Christianity Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:35:36 +0000 Roger Ebert once said that if only one of Charlie Chaplin’s films could be preserved, “City Lights” (1931) must be the one. With an almost Gospel-like simplicity, it transmits a lot with little, leaving out what we often consider important to reveal only the essential. The entire movie is worth seeing, but the main elements […]

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National Geographic Reveals “The Secret Lives of Mexican Nuns” Thu, 13 Oct 2016 01:01:42 +0000 “When I began this project, I thought of nuns as always dour and serious.” So says Marcela Taboada in her beautiful photo-story “the Secret Lives of Mexican Nuns”. She quickly proves this wrong with her photos of cake-slice waving sisters, a habited exercise biker and a volley-ball playing Carmelite. Marcela spent three years photographing religious […]

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Is Your Friend Getting Divorced? 5 Tips To Helping Them During This Tough Time Sun, 02 Oct 2016 18:26:07 +0000 As Pope Francis continually reminds us, the first attribute of God is mercy. Mercy is His name, and this mercy is greater than any error that we might commit. In being intimately connected with the love of God, it is transformed into infinite proportions. It has no limits. Nevertheless, sometimes we have allowed religious guilt […]

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Radical Trust, What Does it Mean? Catholic Bible Study Luke 16:1-13 Sun, 02 Oct 2016 10:49:52 +0000 Gospel of Luke 16:1-13 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” The Lord replied, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. “Who among you would say to your servant who has […]

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A Video That Made Me Understand What It Feels Like To Be Elderly And Alone Fri, 30 Sep 2016 06:34:09 +0000 On August 2, neighbors of an elderly couple living heard sobs so loud that they decided to call the police. When they arrived, they found no crime, just two very lonely people: Jole, 89, and Michele, 94. According to to the Facebook post (reported by CNA), they “improvised a cozy dinner. A plate of pasta with […]

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9 “Pro-Tips” For Meeting And Dating Online Wed, 28 Sep 2016 01:34:02 +0000 If you’re a Catholic who is active on social media, then you might have read an article about the trending Twitter hashtag #ThisCatholicGirl and the catfishing scandal that took place. If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, I’m going to fill you in. To summarize, thousands of millennial Catholics who are part of […]

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8 Points For Addressing The “Safe Space” Mentality In Colleges Thu, 22 Sep 2016 02:22:09 +0000 Before I begin, I would like to make it clear that support, help and sensitivity for those who have experienced trauma or difficulties in life is so important and necessary. Providing or receiving support for those struggling at college or university is vital and a really good service to give and be able to avail […]

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Does God Intervene In Love Stories? | A Providential Animation Mon, 19 Sep 2016 02:09:59 +0000 God’s ways are always surprising. You don’t need to be overly pious to realize how reality is like a fine piece of cloth, knitted together by God. I am not one to see signs of God in absolutely everything that happens. I say this because just recently I have had the opportunity to witness one of these […]

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10 Times I didn’t Realise How Great a Dad You Are Sat, 18 Jun 2016 12:30:20 +0000 Many times, children (even adult children) demand to have perfect parents.  We lose our patience with them, and sometimes we even blame them for the things that go wrong in our lives.  We forget that they gave us life and have made many sacrifices for our well-being and happiness.   Through this photo gallery, we […]

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The Mystery of the Trinity: Why True Love Always Requires Three Mon, 23 May 2016 10:26:32 +0000 One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray the gospel reading personally. A great way of doing this is using the “Lectio Divina”; this is a powerful method which we explain here. The following is the Sunday gospel reading with a reflection that is especially aimed at youth. We hope that […]

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10 Ways To Develop And Strengthen A Long Distance Relationship Fri, 22 Apr 2016 02:44:49 +0000 Long distance relationships don’t just occur after a fleeting summertime romance. Work and school are the primary reasons why two people who love each other have to spend time apart while trying to keep the flame of love lit. I don’t know about you, but more than once I have seen a guy sad because […]

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An Extraordinarily Beautiful Video Series About The Value Of Family And Marriage Sat, 16 Apr 2016 13:41:37 +0000 One of the most misunderstood teachings of our time is what the Catholic Church says about sexuality, marriage, and family life. The beauty of what our Church truly believes is often overshadowed by what the media distorts it to be. As a result, there is truly a lack of understanding of the value of family […]

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5 Truths About Marriage That Are Hard To Understand When You’re Single Fri, 04 Mar 2016 13:04:50 +0000 I recently read Catholic-Link’s  ‘A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, and Chastity’  article and my heart went out to the writer and her situation. I loved her willingness to make herself vulnerable to us and I loved her words of fortitude and resolve. But what touched me most was the […]

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Four Benefits Of Growing In Patience When You’re Single Tue, 01 Mar 2016 02:45:58 +0000 Waiting for the person whom we will love into eternity can sometimes be daunting. At times, the longing can seem unbearable and impatience can set in.  While being single can at times be difficult, this time in life can also be one filled with hope and important life lessons that lead to fruitful relationships.   […]

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Why You Should You Get Married In The Catholic Church? Tue, 23 Feb 2016 13:26:17 +0000 With so many options nowadays, the humble church building can be the last place that is considered for a wedding. We asked 7 couples why they chose to get married in a Catholic Church. These answers, ranging from the comprehensive to the short-and-sweet, are honest, down to earth and beautiful.  They can help us unpack […]

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Go, Be Reconciled With Your Brother | St. Augustine Mon, 22 Feb 2016 20:44:26 +0000 “Brethren, let no disagreement remain amongst you seeing that these are the holy days [of Lent]… Maybe you begin to say to yourselves in thought: “I want to make peace but my brother is the one who has offended me… and doesn’t want to come to terms”. What then?… In that case some third parties […]

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8 Things You Should Be Doing If You Want To Find “The One” Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:20:19 +0000 The time spent waiting to meet “the one” can be difficult, lonely, and slow moving.  Yet, it doesn’t have to be.  You have a choice.  You can choose to sit around and wait for love to come to you or you can actively seek it.  You can complain that there is no one out there […]

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A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, And Chastity Sat, 13 Feb 2016 02:18:42 +0000 A single twenty-something intimately and honestly shares with Catholic-Link her personal thoughts on dating, chastity, and the single life.  We invite you to enter into the heart and mind of a young woman who is patiently waiting for God’s plan to unfold in her life: I want to know that it’s worth it. Of course, […]

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Dear Catholic Teen Guys, What We Really Want In A Relationship From A Catholic Teen Girl Thu, 11 Feb 2016 14:27:35 +0000 Dear Every Catholic Teen Guy,                                                  Hello darling, I have noticed you noticing me. The awkward passings in the hall have got to stop.  I wanted to capture my thoughts in this letter because the flow of words on paper is easier, and because there is no autocorrect in life. There is no better time […]

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4 Movies That Teach Us The Definition Of Love Wed, 10 Feb 2016 03:57:22 +0000 When people ask me, “Why do you love movies so much?”, I answer the same way every time. A film is created through the eyes of people. Meaning all the emotions in life, with their many trials and misfortunes, are portrayed by artists who have felt much of what we have felt in one way […]

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A Love Letter To My Future Wife Mon, 08 Feb 2016 03:49:20 +0000 Dear Future Wife, It’s funny to write this letter, and yet not know if you will ever read it… Because where should I send it? I have no address for you. No phone number on which to contact you. Facebook and WhatsApp are of no use, and Skype and Instagram will not reveal your face […]

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Children Are So Much Work! Are They Worth It? Fri, 05 Feb 2016 16:18:35 +0000 At a first glance, the idea of parenthood and having children is pretty insane. Parenthood is demanding. From the moment of conception till their death, and particularly till they are out of your house, your life is theirs. Grab your bucket, because you better be ready to pour out a lot of love.  Just for starters: 1. […]

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What Does It Mean To Be Cheerful? | Archbishop Fulton Sheen Quote Wed, 03 Feb 2016 21:57:14 +0000 “The cheerful person always sees in any present evil some prospective good; in pain he sees a Cross from which will issue a Resurrection; in trial, he finds correction and discipline and an opportunity to grow in wisdom; in sorrow, he gathers patience and resignation to the Will of God. Helping others is not only […]

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9 Quotes On Chastity To Help You When You Feel Tempted Mon, 01 Feb 2016 13:58:15 +0000 One of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life is to master the virtue of chastity.  It seems that everywhere we turn the world is pulling us away from the ideals God calls us to.  Some people naively think that the struggle to remain chaste will go away once they are married, but the […]

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Who Can Receive God’s Mercy? (and how to receive it in just 2 easy steps!) Thu, 21 Jan 2016 04:22:01 +0000 Who can receive God’s mercy?  Who is eligible to attain this great gift? “I have decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee which has at its center the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live in the light of the word of the Lord: “Be merciful, even as […]

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Finding God in Moments of Great Love and Great Sorrow Tue, 19 Jan 2016 03:58:50 +0000 When were you most in Love? More specifically, when were you most in Love with God? Do the words of Ron Rolheiser fit with you, that, ‘except for rare, graced, moments we still believe in a God who is hyper-serious, wired, intense, pained, disappointed in us, disappointed in the world, and far from the unconditionally […]

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8 Questions That Every Good Boyfriend Should Be Able To Answer Mon, 18 Jan 2016 04:01:10 +0000 Dating is a beautiful time. A time when we feel anxiety for meeting with the other person, when some of us show our sweetest side, which can have terrible manifestations, depending on the “seriousness” of the situation, when the soul seems to give a 180-degree turn every time you think or listen the other, there […]

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Who Will Stop The Bullying? Fri, 15 Jan 2016 04:50:55 +0000 As believers and followers of the Prince of Peace, we are all called to bring peace to the world around us. Start by respecting each person you encounter, especially when others are not showing that respect. The Catechism paragraph 2507 teaches us, “Respect for the reputation and honor of persons forbids all detraction and calumny […]

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6 Reasons Why You Should See “The Intern” and Use It In Your Apostolate Tue, 12 Jan 2016 05:07:34 +0000 “The Intern” begins when a successful startup company dedicated to fashion and online retail sales decides to start a program for senior citizen interns.  Ben Whittaker (played by Robert De Niro) is a 70-year-old retiree and recent widower who signs up for the program to make use of his free time and is hired almost […]

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Don’t Go Alone – 5 Tips for Walking In Faith With Others Fri, 11 Dec 2015 14:53:33 +0000 Reality check: life is as beautiful as it is complicated.  More often than not, difficult situations can shake us to the core, but fear not, faith comes to the rescue of those in need.  Saint Augustine said it best when he said, “Faith is to believe what you do not see: the reward of faith […]

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5 Tips for Spending Alone Time with your Girlfriend Without Having to go to Confession the Next Day Thu, 03 Dec 2015 15:18:12 +0000 Imagine this (it’s pure fiction):  It’s never happened in real life, so I doubt you’ll be able to identify with this scenario, just imagine it… Your parents are running errands, so you know you’ll have the house all to yourself for a few hours.  Your girlfriend is on her way to your house where no […]

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4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Saying “I Love You” To Another Mon, 30 Nov 2015 16:23:06 +0000 When I like you is enough, hope is enkindled with the possible fulfillment of reciprocal like. The fulfillment of that like springs forth new hope from this newfound mutual likeness, possibly turning into love. What an exciting time with endless possibilities, can’t you hear the music?! Then your hopes are realized with “I love you”, […]

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10 Things You Can Do When You Love Your Family…But They Drive You Crazy During The Holidays Thu, 19 Nov 2015 16:01:27 +0000 Do any of these words describe your family : Aggravating, Irritating, Dysfunctional, Crazy, Weird?  I’m betting that most of us can circle one that fits at least some of the time. “We put the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional” is a popular saying around this time of year.  Truth be told, it would be difficult to find […]

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Moving Beyond Beer, Beards, and Sports: Why You Need To Add Prayer Time To Your Man Time Mon, 09 Nov 2015 15:58:07 +0000 As men living in the world today, we can feel isolated in our faith. We look around in search of inspiration, but the state of the world can leave us uninspired, dry, and alone. Why? Because, “every guy needs a brother.” Our culture today almost seems opposed to this, it encourages the lone wolf, the […]

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Encourage Girls To Treat Each Other As True Sisters In Christ Fri, 16 Oct 2015 04:17:37 +0000 Notorious for gossip, jealousy, and obsession with appearance, women are poorly and stereotypically portrayed in popular culture, especially when it comes to our relationships with each other. Movies often have a set of “mean girls” or stage the plot around a romantic interest that tears friendships apart. Catholicism, however, teaches that girls should seek to […]

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Recommended Movie: McFarland, USA (2015) Sat, 10 Oct 2015 14:01:54 +0000 McFarland, USA, starring Kevin Costner, is a funny and inspiring movie based on the real story of Jim White, a football coach who, looking for new opportunities, moves with his wife and two daughters to a poor neighborhood in the County of McFarland in the state of California, populated mostly by Hispanics. In this meeting […]

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Three Questions Catholics Should Ask Before Telling A Joke Wed, 23 Sep 2015 14:54:21 +0000 Maybe you’re the class clown, storyteller, or the dry humor sort. We all have our own taste in humor. I admit that lately I have favored “punny” jokes. Guess how many people laugh at my Catholic jokes? …Nun. Whichever flavor of humor you enjoy the most, when you laugh, you’re in good company – the […]

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Dear College Freshmen: College Is About More Than An Education Thu, 03 Sep 2015 18:06:51 +0000 As you begin this new chapter of your life, it is important to firmly root yourself in the faith. College is about much more than learning from professors and writing term papers. College is about more than an education. It’s about formation. College will be your first experience of living life by your own rules […]

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How To Move On When You Can’t Forgive Tue, 01 Sep 2015 15:33:09 +0000 I can’t forgive. Not always and never easily. It is hard to forgive and sometimes I don’t want to forgive. What do you do when there is something in your life that is too huge for forgiveness? A friend of mine once visited Auschwitz. He described how he saw that outside one of the buildings, […]

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5 Secrets To Establishing A Sibling Bond That Will Last A Lifetime Wed, 19 Aug 2015 17:58:28 +0000 I’m telling! These are the words that have echoed through my home this summer. Some days, I feel more like a referee than a mom and I wonder if I am doing anything right. But then just when I’m on the brink of buying a slew of new parenting books, I overhear my children encouraging […]

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5 Characteristics Of Falling In Love That Change Your Christian Life Now Fri, 07 Aug 2015 18:53:24 +0000 “Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling in Love in a quiet absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you […]

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How Do We Love Those Who Oppose Us? Wed, 29 Jul 2015 20:51:52 +0000 It can seem easier to keep everyone happy by agreeing with the majority. We earn praise, or at least avoid trouble, when we’re on board with popular opinion. On the flip side, actually disagreeing, even politely, can draw all kinds of pressure to change our minds.  Our peers may even go as far as to […]

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This Common Advice Might Actually Be Hurting Your Marriage Fri, 24 Jul 2015 17:10:15 +0000 This Buzzfeed video contains a lot of facts on marriage, but are they all true? Everyone seems to have an opinion about what works and what doesn’t in a marriage. It takes time to figure out what will help you and your spouse have the best marriage possible. “I do.” I’m not sure how it’s […]

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6 Ways to Persevere with Charity Tue, 21 Jul 2015 15:00:58 +0000 Living the truth through charity is walking a fine line through the messy confusion of life. The truth is not complete if not presented with charity; the facts themselves might be truth, but the attitude behind the facts must also be presented with kindness and compassion. No truth will be accepted through anger. A lie […]

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7 Things I Didn’t Fully Understand Before Parenthood Tue, 14 Jul 2015 17:35:57 +0000 Each of us has a vocation from God and mine happens to be marriage. My husband and I got married nearly five years ago and I was pregnant with our daughter four months after we got married. That means my husband and I went into parenthood right away and both of us have learned a […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Caring for an Elderly Catholic Loved One (Don’t Miss the Video) Wed, 08 Jul 2015 16:50:47 +0000 This inspiring story of Jeanette and Alexander Toczko demonstrates the type of love that only a marriage in Christ can produce.  The dedication and love this man and woman had for one another is reflected in the actions of their children. Among the many lessons that could be learned from this story, one that I […]

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LifeTeen presents “Youth MinisTinder” – The Dating App Catholics Have Been Waiting For Tue, 07 Jul 2015 18:27:28 +0000 April Fools! We couldn’t resist joining in on the fun of this clever joke from Lifeteen.  I know more than a few people that would love for an app like this to be created! This funny and creative video really makes you stop to think about what we are looking for in our relationships. It’s […]

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“The Butterfly Circus”: Why Our World Needs Wonder! Mon, 29 Jun 2015 19:24:43 +0000 “What this world needs is a little wonder!” There are so many themes that can be unpacked from the short film, The Butterfly Circus, that it is hard to know where to begin, but maybe beginning with wonder is a start. Set in the era of the Great Depression, this short film follows the fortunes of […]

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“Just Like You”: A Look At Our Attitude Towards Down Syndrome Thu, 25 Jun 2015 19:14:00 +0000 Today’s video talks about persons of special needs, and gives us some interesting facts. It invites us to recognize and overcome certain stereotypes that prevent us from discovering the beauty and dignity of those with Down Syndrome. What’s more, in better understanding their condition and how they see things, we will be able to draw […]

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Have You Seen Pixar’s Inside Out? 5 Points To Talk About After The Movie Wed, 24 Jun 2015 16:59:10 +0000 Inside Out is the newest release from Pixar Animation Studios and Disney. We know the Pixar brand’s penchant for entertaining both children and adults, alike (Up, Monsters Inc, and Cars just to name a few), and they have certainly lived up to their reputation this time around. Inside Out is packed with emotional ups and […]

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10 Things You Can Do Instead Of Worrying Tue, 23 Jun 2015 22:06:48 +0000 I’ll admit it – it can be annoying to watch a movie with me. As soon as the movie begins, I try to figure out who the bad guy is or what the twist will be. If I do say so myself, I happen to get it right a lot of the time. It isn’t […]

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3 Virtues That Help Me Thrive As A Military Spouse Sat, 20 Jun 2015 18:49:37 +0000 Being a military spouse is not for everyone. We endure many unique struggles and sufferings. I have found that living out my faith is the most reliable way to thrive in – and not merely survive – our lifestyle. The Three Theological Virtues of Faith: which is trust in God; Hope: looking forward to the […]

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Engaged Couple’s Spiritual Checklist Mon, 08 Jun 2015 18:12:35 +0000 When a couple gets engaged, most brides-to-be are busy creating Pinterest boards and checklists of things that need to get done before the big day.  Details such as flowers, colors, napkins, and centerpieces are painstakingly agonized over. Grooms often get wrapped up in details of the bachelor party and honeymoon, as well as making final […]

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Incredible Experiment: What Will Your Relationship Look Like In 100 Years? Thu, 21 May 2015 21:27:43 +0000 This video can be a great apostolic resource for those who are considering embarking upon a serious relationship. Often the idea of aging, of losing the ever so idolized beauty of youth, scares us. At the bottom lies that idea of insecurity: how could I be loved if I look like that? Or even: how […]

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10 Saints Who Were Mothers Sun, 10 May 2015 16:57:35 +0000 In our modern world, it is essential to have role models of women who exhibit virtues and willingly embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood. We are fortunate that our Church has many Saints who were also mothers and can inspire us to live out our vocation with sanctity. From single mothers to working mothers […]

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Is Chivalry Dead? Young Men Weigh In On The Question Fri, 08 May 2015 19:25:46 +0000 Buzzfeed put together a video asking a group of men and women: is chivalry dead? There are mixed responses that show the general understanding of our culture today. In the video, one of the men asked, “are we implying that women are literally so dainty that they cannot hold a door for themselves?” Good question! […]

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The 5 Levels Of Beauty: A Different Approach To Talking About Sex Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:13:58 +0000 Beauty is the glory of the body. Yet there are many ways of perceiving it and too often we fail to grasp the types of beauty that, like treasures, are buried deeper within. What’s more, many consider Catholic morality as suppression of beauty, rather than a celebration of it. This isn’t helped by the fact that […]

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A Powerful Video of the Passion: Have you experienced Christ’s gaze of love? Thu, 02 Apr 2015 19:00:45 +0000 Easter is quickly approaching and in the remaining time in Lent we ask Our Lady to lead us to her Son. My friend, Julie Rodgers, made this powerful video for a talk about authentic encounter. Clips from the Passion of the Christ show the encounters of love between Mary and her Son and how the […]

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What Would You Tell A Baby On Their First Day Here? Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:39:09 +0000 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 Throughout our lives, we have made many sacrifices to God. Now it’s a good time to start recognizing how amazing God is to us. It is a moment to start thinking more about the […]

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A Little Iraqi Girl Figured Out How To Respond To ISIS Thu, 12 Mar 2015 16:15:42 +0000 Myriam is an Iraqi Christian whose family had to flee their home near Mosul when ISIS took control of their town in mid-2014. They fled to Irbil, a safer area of the autonomous region of Kurdistan where they live as refugees. She told her story to Essam Nagy, the presenter of one of SAT-7 KIDS’ […]

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Who Will Help The Freezing Homeless Child? Mon, 02 Mar 2015 15:28:59 +0000 Back in 1990, Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) spoke to a group about the Christian life and the good Samaritan. The title of the text was based on Isaiah 58:7 “Do not disregard those of your own flesh”. The message is clear: you can’t pretend to live your faith if you aren’t willing to make it […]

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5 Ways To Give Your Spouse The Best Gift Ever (Hint: It’s You!) Fri, 27 Feb 2015 16:31:31 +0000 “Man finds himself when he makes himself a sincere gift.” These are the words of wisdom given to us by Saint Pope John Paul II and reiterated by Leah Darrow in this promotional video for Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage. What is the best gift you can give your husband or wife? The gift of […]

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Blind Devotion: Is The Best Kind Of Love Blind? Sat, 14 Feb 2015 15:54:30 +0000 When we think of the martyrs like Saint Valentine, what do we imagine? Probably the cruel scene of his death or the torture that he endured. This is an important part no doubt. It’s a sign of what he was willing to endure for his beliefs. But there’s a danger here: we might be forgetting what happened […]

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14 Fun Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day When You’re Not in a Relationship Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:27:45 +0000 Valentine’s Day can be tough when you’re not in a relationship.  Everywhere you turn it’s hearts and chocolates and romance… for everyone else!  Don’t let that get you feeling down. Get out there and make the most of this special day that our culture uses to celebrate love.  Here are some great tips to avoid […]

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Watch This Beautiful Act of Love As A Nurse Sings To His Patients Wed, 11 Feb 2015 17:13:42 +0000 Meet Jared Axen, Los Angeles’ “singing” nurse whose voice began to catch the attention of his patients when he was putting together their daily medications. He makes his daily tasks an act of love; even something as simple as changing his patients’ medication turns into a loving encounter with his neighbor. One of Jared’s patients, […]

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10 Reasons 50 Shades Of Grey Teaches Wrong Lessons About Love And Relationships Mon, 09 Feb 2015 18:30:13 +0000 50 Shades of Grey is a best-selling book that glorifies a most pitiable relationship. The entire book consists of Christian and Anastasia having sex, talking about sex, or trying to figuring out if Ana can live up to the sadomasochistic and abusive “contract” that Christian gives her.  There are countless problems with the way love […]

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“Look Up”: Is Real Life Passing Us By In The Virtual World? Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:47:40 +0000 Here at Catholic-Link, we are obviously big fans of the internet, social media, social networking; we are present on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. Those of us in the international Catholic-Link team have met, collaborated and even become friends online. Two of the Spanish language team, who only knew each other through the internet, have collaborated […]

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25 Things Couples Miss Out On When All They Think About Is Sex Wed, 28 Jan 2015 20:03:28 +0000 In today’s world, it seems as though the only gesture of love between two people is through a sexual act. Aside from the beauty and virtue of love between a man and woman, we tend to forget Chastity as a path to true love, as a way of preparing ourselves for marriage, as well as […]

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What Made This Serial Killer Break Down In Just Minutes? Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:03:15 +0000 How powerful is forgiveness? How far can God’s mercy reach? Are we called to forgive what seems to be unforgivable? Gary Ridgway was an American serial killer who was known as the Green River Killer. He was convicted of 49 murders but later confessed to nearly double that number. Part of Gary’s trial is shown […]

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“A Letter To My Kids” | This Dad Expresses What All Parents Feel Tue, 20 Jan 2015 15:05:42 +0000 This video is one of a series produced by SoulPancake, looking at what it means to be a father today, and the role our dads played in our own lives. In “A Letter to My Kids” from The Fatherhood Project this dad truly expresses what all parents feel. Filmmaker Corbyn Tyson explores what it means […]

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Does Your Media Use Make You More Fully Alive? Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:08:43 +0000 We live in a world of instant gratification— we are so connected through technology, we are disconnected from reality. Prince Ea says, “I’m so tired of performing in the pageantry of vanity, and conforming to this accepted form of digital insanity”. But how do we begin to change this culture of 24/7 screen time? How […]

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Do You Think This Boy Will Slap A Girl When Told To? Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:05:40 +0000 “Slap Her” is a thought provoking viral video created by in order to create awareness about domestic violence. The Italian news organization took to the streets of Italy to ask a few boys ages 7-11 years old questions about themselves and then introduce them to an attractive girl. After a brief introduction the voice […]

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Make Laughter A Common Place In Uncommon Places Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:21:00 +0000 Comedian Michael Jr. presents a video that outlines his overarching goal in his comedy career. He describes his big break that occurred when he began to do comedy for others and not for himself. Michael describes this change in his interior that transformed his exterior, “I felt a little shift take place, where I felt […]

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The Welcome Symphony: Celebrating Life In Way You Would Never Imagine Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:54:34 +0000 “Celebration of life.” A perfect name for the vital experience of the Christian existence. “Awe,” wonder,” “marvel,” are all words that point to this deep, riveting beam of light which the faith allows us to perceive in all its richness. With it, each color that passes under its gaze, each tremendous tone, exploding with brilliant […]

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The Christmas Truce: Would You Take The Risk? Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:41:01 +0000 Imagine yourself in a muddy, filthy trench. You’ve been lying there for days, perhaps even for weeks. You’re not sure what strange powers that be put you there, but there you are. 50 meters away, others are caught in a similar situation – although they speak a little funny and are dressed a little different. You are both well […]

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What LeBron James Teaches Us About the Communion of Saints Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:38:08 +0000 “Just a kid from Akron” (Ohio), LeBron James was the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers. He was instantly a hometown hero.  LeBron was to be the savior that would rescue Cleveland from the 50-year championship drought the city has had. This is a city that loves its sports […]

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The Hero Who Rescued 669 Children From The Nazi Holocaust And Lives To See Them! Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:08:58 +0000 Nicholas Winton is someone that we can truly call a superhero. Not because he possesses extraordinary powers, rather because of the incredible fact that he saved the lives of 669 people. Born in England, his parents were German Jews. Nicholas worked in England’s stock market just before the beginning of World War II and lived […]

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The 21st Century Autograph with Kirsten Dunst: The Relationshipless Selfie Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:45:02 +0000 Today’s video gives us a taste of raw egoism. It’s the 21st century autograph, where the photo matters all, the person nothing. No disclaimers, no excuses, no decorations: Pure “selfie”. The angle of the photo matters little, it’s the spirit underneath it all that makes me shutter. In the words of Pope Francis: “Egoism leads […]

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You Are Not Alone! Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:24:44 +0000 ear Brothers and Sisters in the Middle East, Weeks ago, we listened to the dramatic petitions of Cardinal Fernando Filoni, the personal envoy of Pope Francis. They came after his visits with Iraq population,  Christians and the Yazidis minorities, both of which have been for weeks victims of an intense and ferocious persecution by fundamentalist militias […]

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God’s Gift: How A Mother’s Love Conquers Alzheimer’s Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:27:40 +0000  suppose that when Kelly Gunderson put “God’s Gift” as the title of this video she was referring to the very special moment when her Grandmother remembered who she was, expressing how much she loved her. It was indeed a gift that is rare in the life of a family struggling with the illness of  Alzheimer’s. […]

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5 Videos that Will Surely Make You Want to Spend More Hours of Your Life in Front of a Screen Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:42:35 +0000 et’s start with a simple question: “How many hours do you spend looking at a screen?”. Be honest, be clear. Count’em up. Next question, why do you do it? There will be a lot of reasons, but at the bottom it’s because you are looking for happiness, right? For that answer, you might want to […]

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Successful Comedian, Catholicly Crazy. Meet Jim Gaffigan. (Don’t miss his comedy routine below!) Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:49:17 +0000 Jim Gaffigan, an American stand-up comedian, actor, author and a proud Catholic father lives with his beautiful wife, actress Jeannie Noth, and their 5 children in a two-bedroom apartment in New York City. He is known for his routines relating to being lazy, and eating food, especially Hot Pockets, cake and bacon… just another everyday comedian? Besides […]

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The Third Way: Sexuality, happiness and authentic love Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:46:48 +0000 he Third Way, made by Blackstone Films, is a clear and sensitive discussion of the Catholic Church’s teachings on homosexuality, including personal testimonies from Catholics with same sex attraction (sometimes also called ‘homosexual tendencies’). It does contain occasional strong language and frank discussions of adult themes such as sex, drugs and alcohol which should obviously […]

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What Is Your Motivation For Doing Good? Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:31:30 +0000 Why do we do good to others? Have you asked yourself? In today’s video, a Thai insurance company offers us a commercial that invites us to seriously ask ourselves this question. Do I do good for the gratitude that I receive from others? Because doing it makes me feel at peace? Why? On the other hand, […]

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A Message Of Love From A Woman To All Women: You Are Loveable Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:04:45 +0000 I love this music video by the musician Colby Caillat. She communicates a poignant message, made all the more powerful by the stark unmasking of the women of various ages and shapes as they remove their make-up and their aesthetic “enhancements.” So many of us notice the deception behind our image-driven popular culture. We can […]

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Alex the Cat Helps Understand Happy Unhappy Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:48:57 +0000 It is an experience that we live every day. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are sad. What to do? What to think? All of us desire happiness.  We live for it and without it we would die. It is the reason we wake up every morning, even when we  aren’t aware of it or […]

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The History of a Love Submerged in Water Sun, 13 Jul 2014 23:27:56 +0000 La Maison en Petits Cubes (つみきのいえTsumiki no Ie, “The House of Small Cubes”) is a 2008 Japanese animated short subject film created by Kunio Katō. It won several prizes, the most important being the Grand prize for short films (the Annecy Cristal) at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in 2008[1] and the 2008 Academy […]

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Her Audition Shows How Music Helps Overcome Depression Mon, 07 Jul 2014 16:04:57 +0000 Anna Clendening is a 20 year-old American girl who suffers from clinical depression and anxiety. For a long time, her difficult situation kept her indoors, feeding fears that kept her away from social interaction. With the help of her parents, she discovered music, and has found it an invaluable tool to cope with her anxiety […]

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Dad, I Need You Fri, 13 Jun 2014 21:56:28 +0000 We have all said it more than once: “Daddy!” The magic word, a trumpet capable of calling in reinforcements for any and every situation. Dad. It’s like rubbing a magic lamp, except what is most important aren’t the wishes that he can grant, just the fact that he comes. Today’s video reminds us that we are all sons […]

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The Great Christian Paradox: My Happiness Is About You, Not Me Sat, 15 Feb 2014 01:32:43 +0000 My happiness is seeing you happy. There is nothing that my heart longs for, more than the sentinel longs for the morning light, than to see you smile. This is the fundamental truth that flows in the veins of everything that is good and Christian. It is a truth that God himself has revealed and […]

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Love In The Time of Advertising Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:04:44 +0000 Written by Matt Berenty and David Bokser, “Love in the Time of Advertising” is “An animated musical love story about a young man who lives inside a billboard and is charged with updating the advertisements. When he falls in love with a beautiful lady living across the highway, he has to use the only method he […]

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Behind Every Great Accomplishment, There Is A Great Mother Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:17:28 +0000 “Thank you, Mom. Pick Them Back Up” is a commercial that reminds us that courage and decisiveness aren’t self-made attitudes. Behind the scenes of the greatest of athletes were the greatest of moms. The scenes are appealing – they make us smile, laugh, and sympathize with the original journeys of life such as walking the […]

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Life Is Not An “Existential Bummer” – A Critical Look At Bad Philosophy Sun, 05 Jan 2014 18:34:30 +0000 For dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return ~ Genesis 3:19 ~ Might as well detach from it all… right? Safer not to love at all? Better that I avoid the pain that seems to come hand-in-hand with love. “Everything dissolves in meaninglessness when you think about the fact that impermanence is a really […]

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“The Hedgehog” Shows How Love and Dedication Can Heal Wounds Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:51:42 +0000 Le hérisson (the hedgehog) is a French movie, based on Muriel Barbery’s novel The Elegance of the Hedgehog, which questions the judgments which we can often make about others without knowing them well. The story is told through the eyes of Paloma, an 11-year-old girl, who observes the lives of the tenants in an apartment […]

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Even Adults Can Be the Object of Bullying Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:09:53 +0000 Bullying doesn’t always end with childhood. From the workplace to family life, you may encounter and adult bully. How often do we sacrifice the dignity and esteem of the person for a mere flicker of artificial laughter, one that brings only darkness afterwords? To accept Christ’s call to be apostles means that the focus of […]

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Moments of Mercy: The Embrace of Forgiveness. Thu, 14 Nov 2013 23:42:02 +0000 In this video entitled “Momentos,” directed by Nuno Rocha, there is no dialogue; however, the actions that take place speak louder than words, which led this video to awards such as the Cinematic Achievement Award at the International Short Film Festival in Greece and the Audience Award at a Film Festival in France. This video […]

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The Most Overlooked Ingredient For Happiness: Gratitude Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:36:37 +0000 “The Science of Happiness- An Experiment in Gratitude” is a video produced by Soul Pancake. It looks to pose one of the most important questions we can ask: What makes you happy? How often, when asking someone what makes them happy, have you heard them list off gratitude as an important element? Have we too fallen […]

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Danny and Annie: A Love Story for the Ages Thu, 07 Nov 2013 03:14:53 +0000 A love story for the ages. A simple love story. A small love story.  A quiet love story. It’s entirely unglamorous, and – yet – doesn’t it speak to us? “I mean, those aren’t very romantic things to say, but they stir my heart.” What do we hold up as desirable… as a model to […]

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These Guys Took One Direction’s Song And Made It About Virtue: What makes you beautiful? Sat, 02 Nov 2013 20:08:37 +0000  A wise man I once knew (no, really!) gave a group of us some seriously good advice: marry a man who loves you for your heart, not for your face. Although this video is a group of guys speaking to girls, predominantly about modesty, I think the main point, that ‘virtue makes you beautiful’ can, […]

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What “the chicken or the egg” can teach us about fidelity Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:41:18 +0000  This short animation, made by Christine Kim and Elaine Wu of Ringling College of Art and Design, tells the story of a pig with a strange addiction to eggs. When he falls in love with a hen he has to choose which comes first…the chicken or the egg?! I think this a good opportunity to […]

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Why Should Bullying Matter to Catholics? Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:26:07 +0000 Bullying can be defined as the following: the unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. It can imply verbal (teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, etc.), social (leaving someone out on purpose, spreading rumors), and or […]

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This Is An Example Of The Kind Of Love That Every Human Longs For Sun, 22 Sep 2013 13:13:58 +0000 What does it mean to live the Gospel? We are encouraged to do it all the time in sermons, but how does a person do this? It starts with looking away from ourselves, looking at others, looking with love. This video is a beautiful example of the power of looking at others and not at […]

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Lessons on True Dedication, Loyalty, and Friendship Found in A Beer Ad Sun, 15 Sep 2013 17:50:34 +0000 The first time I watched this video I thought “How cool, wheelchair basketball… but where is this going?” Towards the end, it appeared to me that all the guys got out of their chairs, and I thought this was a video about “walking a mile in another person’s shoes (or chair as the case might […]

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In a World So Connected, Why Do I Feel So Alone? A video on social media and loneliness Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:48:08 +0000 Today’s video is one of the most impressive and comprehensive videos that I have been able to find on today’s greatest ailment: loneliness. It is the elephant in the room that no one speaks of… because they are all texting. We plug ourselves more and more into the electronic networks, but fail to realize that […]

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A Beautiful Lesson on Unconditional Love from a Couple that Lives It Mon, 29 Jul 2013 05:53:30 +0000 “What is Love” is a video produced by CVCNow, a group that offers creative short films, designed to entertain and challenge your thinking about real life. They are hoping to bring a “much needed positive presence online and bring a fresh new perspective on real life struggles.” The video expresses the beauty and happiness that can […]

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Does The Catholic View On Marriage Increase Tension Among Spouses? Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:32:38 +0000 The greatest challenge of any relationship is simultaneously the source of its beauty, value, and mystery. Here, I am talking about tension. I am not speaking of a psychological or muscular concept, rather a very deep and human one. I have in mind, for example, the tension that results from looking into the eyes of another. It […]

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F8 Things Every Catholic Dad Should Know About Fatherhood Sun, 16 Jun 2013 13:20:14 +0000 Father’s Day is an exceptional occasion dedicated to honoring the invaluable role and significance of fathers worldwide. It serves as an opportunity for all individuals, particularly men, to contemplate the true essence of fatherhood and evaluate our own commitment to fulfilling this noble responsibility. While it is impossible to encompass the entirety of fatherhood within […]

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A Hilarious Video About The Difficulties Of Communication Between Guys And Girls Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:41:37 +0000 Communication is extremely important in any relationship. One of the greatest challenges is to be able and willing to step continually outside one’s proper paradigms so as to understand what the other person says from their viewpoint, from their life experience. Today’s video, in a very graphic and humorous way, reminds us that people think differently and without […]

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Love Is So Much More Than A Beautiful Feeling Fri, 07 Jun 2013 12:55:41 +0000 To speak about love is something quite common in the life of an apostle.  We speak of love in many ways: love of God, love of neighbor…Of course, this is correct and good; however, I think there is also a danger that we must watch out for: the danger of getting accustomed to the word, using […]

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The Inspiring Story Of Zach Sobiech Teaches Us The Meaning of “Dying with Dignity” Tue, 21 May 2013 13:33:43 +0000 Zach Sobiech is a 17-year-old diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. With only months to live, Zach turned to music to say goodbye. His life offers a powerful testimony of what it means to appreciate the beauty of bringing smiles to other’s faces, to overcoming those moments in life when everything gets […]

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Les Miserables: The Cross As A Way Of Salvation Thu, 16 May 2013 10:58:46 +0000 Over the years there have been many adaptations of the monumental work of Victor Hugo‘s Les Miserables. These include a musical adaptation originally presented in 1980 in France, which later was translated into several languages. The major motion picture we are discussing, directed by Tom Hooper and starring renowned actors like Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, and […]

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Our Favorite Mother’s Day Videos Sat, 11 May 2013 17:00:20 +0000 Hello friends. I am happy to say that my pilgrimage on the Way of St. James was an extremely blessed one. It was a moment to focus on what God is asking me in my life, on the ways that I can grow in holiness, and, above all, to thank Him for his love and […]

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The Windows Of Beauty: Discovering The Truth Requires The Help Of Another Tue, 16 Apr 2013 08:25:59 +0000 Love brings us this video that presents a project called Real Beauty Sketches. The idea is to help women reassess the way they see themselves. It is a simple yet extremely clever idea. I think the video could be very useful for any female audience. When referring to beauty, we must be sure to understand it in […]

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“Making All Things New” Music/Video compilation of Christ’s Passion Tue, 26 Mar 2013 14:49:21 +0000  In watching this beautiful video, one fundamental idea came to me: Christ wants my heart. All that He did and continues to do is in hopes that I will allow him to truly enter into the core of my being, to allow his life to enter into mine and to make it full, to allow […]

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Love Your Neighbors, Worldwide Through The Joy Of Adoption Sun, 03 Mar 2013 20:09:49 +0000 In this video, we see an unbelievable witness to the power of self giving love. Through the sacrifice of this couple not only to one another but to the children outside of what would commonly be considered their, “circle”… they have enriched the beauty of their community and even saved the lives of several individuals […]

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Dating Culture: Do We Treat People Like Products? Sat, 23 Feb 2013 22:51:44 +0000 When was the last time that you were honest, truly honest? How many of us keep holding onto that delusional aspiration of a safe and comfortable relationship built on external smiles, hollow dialogues, and cheesy silence-fillers. Isn’t it obvious that it is destined to fail? How many times are we swayed and dominated by the […]

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What Is The Best Way To Prepare Yourself For Christmas? Mon, 17 Dec 2012 21:29:06 +0000 or our 10th Advent Avalanche we bring you an excellent production by “Soul Pancake”. From the first time we saw this video, we decided to use it on Catholic-link as preparation material for Christmas. We really liked it! Whilst it isn’t specifically Christmas-themed, I think the message within it is directly related to the moment we […]

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The Surprising Benefits of Using NFP Mon, 10 Dec 2012 19:46:30 +0000 It has been extremely difficult to find videos which cover contraception and family planning from a Catholic perspective. However, it seems that we at Catholic-Link are not the only people to have noticed the lack of resources in this area, and this short video was the winner of the Goodness Reigns video mini-contest on Natural […]

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Why Do We Change Our Look? Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:04:01 +0000 For five and a half years (2006-2012), the girl in today’s video took photos with different “looks”. In 50 seconds, you will see more than a thousand photographs of her face and changes in look (and age). Her video quickly went viral and currently has around 8 million hits. On twitter, she defines herself as […]

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The “Dump Him List” Might Save You or Your Friend from Dating Abuse Sat, 17 Nov 2012 22:20:51 +0000 Crystalina Evert, learning from past experiences and mistakes, offers her “dump him list,” a list of more than a dozen signs that it’s time to let go of the relationship. If you hope to find lasting love, then it’s time to stop ignoring the red flags. Who is Crystalina Evert? Crystalina Evert is the founder […]

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Our Culture Has No Idea How Much God Loves Us Because We No Longer Understand the Definition of Love Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:12:17 +0000 Call everything “special,” and shortly it will begin to mean “ordinary.” Say that you love everything, and soon people will believe that you really love nothing. But does it really matter what you call things? What changes in the end? An interesting exercise is opening up the Bible and analyzing the words Jesus uses when […]

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Losing Memories: When an Artificial Life is Swept Away, What’s Left? Sat, 27 Oct 2012 22:21:22 +0000 This short video is based in Paris in the year 2020. A beautiful couple enjoys a day taking pictures together.  Then, suddenly, everything changes. The technologically advanced brilliant holograms and digital streams until it comes face to face with a strange contraption: an old Polaroid camera. Tomorrow will never be the same. A deeper look: […]

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Apostolic movie recommendation: “Untouchable” (2011) Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:44:22 +0000 Untouchable is a French movie (original title The Intouchables) directed by Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano and released in 2011. A few weeks after its release it became one of the biggest French box office hits of all time. Together with great cinematography, the story offers many interesting points for discussion and analysis. Untouchable (2011) […]

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What Can Falling In “Love at First Sight” Teach Us About The Mass? Sat, 29 Sep 2012 13:49:41 +0000 A look, a fleeting glance, when motivated by a love that is pure and authentic, can generate a remarkably strong attraction. The two are intimately linked: purity and attraction. Lose the first, and the second is weakened and emptied immeasurably. This short film, directed by Arev Manoukian, can serve as an invitation to revise our […]

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Teamwork Is Essential to the Christian Life Wed, 26 Sep 2012 16:57:08 +0000 “Lone ranger”, “independent”, “self-made man/woman”, “do-it-yourself” are just a few common phrases that we hear a lot. There is definitely something positive to being capable of doing things alone, but why has it become an all-important virtue? Why is doing something on your own necessarily better? Sometimes I wonder if society trains us to be lonely. Teamwork […]

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“I Share Therefore I am”: A Look at Communication Today Mon, 24 Sep 2012 17:53:44 +0000 “As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication — and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of connection we want to have.” (Ted) Turkle is a Professor of the Social Studies of […]

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How to Help a Friend Who is Mourning Mon, 17 Sep 2012 09:11:16 +0000 “Without God, the Cross crushes us; with God, it redeems and saves us” (John Paul II). Perhaps something similar can be said of a friend, a presence by our side that brings a little light into our darkness. How to be that friend? How to be Christ to someone when he or she is suffering? […]

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Pennyhouse´s Palace of Solitude: A Video About the Need for Others Sun, 16 Sep 2012 17:28:45 +0000 My private space, my rules, my decisions, my times, etc. The perfect life? “A man by the name of Frederick Pennyhouse” is written, directed, and produced by Christopher S. Towle and Josh Knight. It tells the story of a man who lives alone. His house, located in the middle of the ocean, is the world […]

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A father’s love Thu, 13 Sep 2012 16:00:30 +0000 A story of a father’s love for his daughter. Garrett JohnsonBorn in Texas, I spent 12 years living and working in Peru and Italy. A philosopher and a theologian, I have a passion for the power of stories in our lives.

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“The Ultimate Gift”: A movie about discovering what really matters. Tue, 11 Sep 2012 14:26:33 +0000 – This is a trailer of a great movie for talking about the meaning of our lives and the need to value those things that really last: love, friendship, faithfulness, faith… Garrett JohnsonBorn in Texas, I spent 12 years living and working in Peru and Italy. A philosopher and a theologian, I have a […]

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