Leslie Rodriguez's Author Page

Leslie Rodriguez

Leslie Rodriguez

Leslie Rodriguez

Leslie loves creating schedules, organizational charts (the more post-its the better), and convincing people that CAST has the best mission in the world. As a result, Leslie is our Executive Director. She studied Spanish and International Relations during her undergraduate studies at the University of Kentucky and combine this with her graduate degree in Communications from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and experience in business, she is perfectly poised to take over the world one day. Although she currently has no real ambitions of world domination she has had the opportunity to expand her international connections through her correspondent work in Rome and collaboration with the Holy See for a video on St. Peter's Basilica for the Year of Mercy.
Leslie Rodriguez's Articles:
Your Complete Guide To Paying Priests For Things

Your Complete Guide To Paying Priests For Things

“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” - Matthew 6:24. How true that is! The Church and money have always had a challenging history and sometimes it has...

What Is Sex For?

What Is Sex For?

What is the purpose of intimacy? This question is at the heart of the video "Theology of the Body (Catholic Sexuality). The Church's teaching about sex is a topic that probably garners the most attention in today's culture. Why? Because the idea of waiting until...

The Love You’re Looking For

The Love You’re Looking For

In this video, we see the love of a mother for her son, and the impact her son has on her life and the lives of many others. This impact isn't huge or dramatic, but hope given in hard times, or a smile offered at just the right time. You can tell that the mother...

A New Catholic Podcast For Men

A New Catholic Podcast For Men

Today, on the feasts of Sts. Simon and Jude, Tentmaker Podcast launches! A podcast focused on helping men who work non-ministry jobs become actively engaged in discipleship through the advice of other men.Jose Rodriguez started Tentmaker Podcastafter after he realized...

Healing After A Miscarriage

Healing After A Miscarriage

October is Infant Loss Awareness month, and it is also Pro-Life month. How appropriate that these two coincide, and both seek to honor the life of babies in the womb and the women who are carrying them. In this podcast, Becca Thiery shares the story of losing her...

Pro-Life Organizations That Go Above And Beyond

Pro-Life Organizations That Go Above And Beyond

Almost everyone in the Catholic world has heard of 40 Days for Life, but have you heard of Heroic Media? How about the John Paul II Life Center?Sundays for Life? Sidewalk Advocates for Life? There are so many awesome pro-life organizations working for the most...

How I Am Sanctified By My Vocation

How I Am Sanctified By My Vocation

“I’m going to take a pregnancy test!”  I shouted across the apartment to my husband as I anxiously walked into our bathroom to find out if I was having phantom pregnancy symptoms or if I was in fact carrying another life inside of me.  I was bracing myself...

100 New Donors!

100 New Donors!

Do you believe in our mission to offer resources for the New Evangelization? Help us make it happen! During the month of August, Catholic-Link is focusing on building up monthly support to help produce more content that you love! What's in it for you? Well, other than...

What Do You Want To See? Take Our Survey!

What Do You Want To See? Take Our Survey!

What do you love about Catholic Link? What do you want to see more of? We want to hear from you! As Catholic Link gears up to produce more content, we want to hear what you are most interested in, what would be helpful in your ministry, etc. Please take 5 minutes to...

A New Transition And A Bright Future For Catholic Link

A New Transition And A Bright Future For Catholic Link

So, I have some exciting news (maybe not that new of news if you are an avid social media follower): Catholic Link is now directed by Catholic CAST Media. What?! What does this mean?! What will happen to our beloved Catholic Link?! Will this new company come in and...

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