Whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening prayer time, keeping a journal along with your spiritual reading offers many benefits. Drew and Katie Taylor recently sat down with Kelly Wahlquist and Allison Gingras from WINE: Women in the New Evangelization to discuss the power of journaling and their new daily devotional Called By Name: 365 Daily Devotionals for Catholic Women. Below is the video and three healthy effects of journaling.
Called By Name Devotional
The Gift of Hindsight
At the moment, as you reflect on the Scripture or read a reflection, the lesson the Holy Spirit has for you might not be apparent or make sense. However, returning to your journal notes a week, month, or even years from now, might be just what you need to hear. Although journaling is not the same as keeping a diary, it can certainly work to help us to look back and remember where we’ve come from spiritually and where we’ve seen God at work in our lives.
It’s Science!
Psychologically and cognitively, the act of writing your thoughts down has been proven to be very beneficial. Writing thoughts, feelings, and emotions down has long been a therapist tactic to help people process and work through healing, especially for people who experienced traumatic events. Cognitively, studies have shown a marked increase in retention and understanding of information when a pen is put to paper. Summarizing Scripture through the steps of Lectio Divina may be just what you need to start making meaningful connections to the Word of God and your spiritual journey.
Fruitful Fridays Introduction Video
Have Fun!
Journaling can be a fun, creative expression. A journal is for your personal use; no one is coming to correct the grammar or criticize your handwriting or ideas, so enjoy it! Get extra creative with colored pens, highlighters, or stickers (the Called By Name book bundle on CatholicVineyard.com includes a 24 sticker pack to get you started).