5 Habits Of People Who Have A Good Prayer Life

by Faith & Life, Holiness, Prayer

Some of the most frequent questions we get at Catholic-Link are about prayer. Our readers want to know:


We have a library of resources for you on prayer to help answer those questions, but we wanted to provide even more insight into this essential topic in the Christian life. We asked some of the most prayerful people we know questions about their prayer life and we found five habits that most of these people had in common. 

5 Habits Of People Who Have A Good Prayer Life

  1. It’s a daily priority. –  It certainly requires daily consistency. People who have a good prayer life typically pray at the same time every day and keep to it as they would any other important appointment or meeting. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you when it’s time to pray.
  2. They get help, support, and advice. – They don’t do it alone. They have accountability partners, mentors, and spiritual directors who help keep them on track. They also use books, apps, and other resources to keep learning and growing.
  3. They read the Bible too.  – Reading the Word of God is an important aspect of daily prayer. When we read the Scriptures regularly, we become better at recognizing the voice of God.
  4. They keep praying even when it’s difficult. – None of the people we asked described themselves as being “good” at prayer. A common characteristic among them seemed to be that they always felt there was more they could be doing to improve their prayer life. Many reported times of spiritual dryness or not hearing from God. Yet, they never gave up coming to God in prayer. They kept praying even when it was difficult, even when life got busy, even when they didn’t feel like it. People who are good at prayer have faith and trust that even when they can’t hear God, God hears them.
  5. They practice gratitude.  They spend a good deal of their prayer time praising and thanking God for all that He has done in their lives.


habits of prayer


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