Join me on a journey through Advent with weekly reflections and insights. First Sunday of Advent Reflection Questions For Reflection: How are you preparing for Christmas? Are you running to or running...
Fr. Ian Van Heusen's Author Page
Fr. Ian Van Heusen
Fr. Ian Van Heusen
What Is Servant Leadership? A Catholic Perspective
What is servant leadership? As leaders, we should be oriented towards service, self gift. It's a simple principle, but it has to be renewed constantly. We also have to take care of ourselves in order to be able to give of ourselves to others. In this week's Catholic...
How To Overcome Fear Of Death | Catholic Bible Study
Are you afraid of death? Imagine just how much your fears hold you back from God's awesome plan for your life! In this week's Gospel reflection, Father Ian VanHeusen examines Lk. 24:35-48. Much like Jesus' plan for his disciples, it's hard for us to imagine what...
Be Bold! The Father Is Waiting And Will Always Catch You | Catholic Bible Study
Are you holding back in your faith? Cowering in the locked upper room like the Disciples? Father Ian VanHeusen leads us in a Catholic Bible Study on John 20:19-31, and the awesome trustworthiness of God to catch us when we step out, risk big, and shed our fears in...
8 Rules For The Discernment Of Spirits
Fr. Ian presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercises on the Gospel reading options for Easter ( 20:1-9, Mk. 16:1-7, and Lk. 24:13-35). Using the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, we examine how to discern between authentic feelings of consolation and the ego traps...
Finding Consolation In The Lord’s Passion And In Your Own Life
Fr. Ian VanHeusen presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercise on the Gospel reading for Palm Sunday, Mk. 14:1-15:47. Throughout the Lenten season, Father encourages us to invest in prayer of self-examination, and he provides practical assistance in the method...
How to Discern Between Consolation & Desolation | Lenten Spiritual Exercises
Fr. Ian VanHeusen presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercise on the Gospel reading of John 12:20-33, Jesus' startling statement about hating life in this world in order to gain eternal life in heaven. Throughout the Lenten season, Father encourages us to...
3 Questions To Examine Your Heart During Lent
Fr. Ian VanHeusen presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercise on the Gospel of John 3:14-21, when Jesus proclaims Himself the Light of the World. Throughout the Lenten season, Father encourages us to invest in prayer of self-examination, and he provides...
The Power of Persevering in a State of Grace | Lenten Spiritual Exercises Part 3 (Gospel Reflection)
Fr. Ian VanHeusen presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercise on the Gospel reading for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, John 2:13-25, when Jesus cleanses the Temple of money changers, foretells of its destruction and - to the bewilderment of those who hear Him - that...
5 Gifts Of Living With A Clear Conscience | Lenten Spiritual Exercises
Fr. Ian VanHeusen presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercise on the Gospel reading for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, Mark 9:2-10, the account of the Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor. Throughout the Lenten season, Father encourages us to invest in prayer of...
3 Things That Happen When You Regularly Examine Your Heart
We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and reflection, and work your way through the Exercises. We pray that this might help you in your apostolate, your family, your classroom, or personally... to prepare for and more deeply...
Uncontainable Joy & Keeping Secrets: 3 Thought Experiments
Father Ian VanHeusen presents a Catholic Bible Study and spiritual exercise on the Gospel reading from Mark 1:40-45, when Jesus cleanses the leper and His reputation for miracles and wonders begins to spread near and far. We invite you to watch Father's video, then...
4 Key Components Of A Good Daily Routine For Holiness
Father Ian VanHeusen presents a Catholic Bible Study and spiritual exercise on the Gospel reading from the Mark 1:29-39, when Jesus visits and heals the mother-in-law of Simon Peter. We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and...
How To Overcome Your Addiction To Sin
Be Courageous! How to Overcome Your Addiction to Sin Overcome your bad habits and sin by claiming authority as a child of God 1. Stop cowering in fear or acceptance of your weakness as if it's "just the way it is, I'm stuck." 2. Name and...
3 Marks Of An Authentic Disciple | Catholic Bible Study
3 Marks of an Authentic Disciple 3 Marks of an Authentic Disciple 1. Repent Every day, you must practice ongoing conversion, recognizing that you need the Lord. The Desert Fathers would do this through short little prayers like the Jesus...
3 Spiritual Exercises To Help Discern Your Vocation
3 Spiritual Exercises to Help Discern Your Vocation 3 Spiritual Exercises to help discern your vocation. 1. Think about Courage: "Here I am Lord" In Sunday's first reading, the prophet is ready and willing to surrender to the Holy Spirit....
How To Pray With Your Imagination On The Epiphany
How to Pray with Your Imagination on Epiphany 2 Spiritual Exercises to let the light of Christ shine and break into our darkness 1. Imagine the vivid scene of clouds and darkness, pierced by light. Using especially this week's first Mass...
3 Things Mary Teaches Us About How to Follow Her Son | Catholic Bible Study
We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and reflection. We pray that this might help you in your apostolate, your family, your classroom, or personally... to prepare for and more deeply experience Sunday's Mass, and to better integrate...
4 Ways To Allow Christ To Be Born In Your Heart This Christmas
Christmas is a time where we are invited to open our hearts up to Christ, a time to allow Him to be born within us. Today's video looks at offering you 4 ways to embrace this invitation. We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and...
5 Ways To Prepare The Way Of The Lord: An Advent Spiritual Exercise
Advent is a time to prepare your heart for Jesus' coming at Christmas, as well as to prepare others around you to receive Him as their Savior. Especially with the non-Catholics and non-Christians in your life, how can you use this season of grace to help others open...
3 Thought Experiments To Unleash Glory In Your Life
Advent is a wonderful time to examine your heart and your prayer life, and to make small changes that can set you on a new trajectory of hope in the year ahead. We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and reflection. We pray that this...
How To Exercise Your Authority as a Child of God | Bible Study
Father Ian VanHeusen presents a Gospel reflection and spiritual exercise for the Feast of Christ the King, Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus tells His disciples. As adopted children of God, we actually participate in God's Authority. When we celebrate the authority of...
3 Ways You Can Prepare For Your Future Spouse
If you feel that you are called to marriage, there are series of things that you can do to prepare yourself for that beautiful call. Here we are going to go over three key ideas that can help you together with some reflection questions. We invite you to watch Father's...
Conquer the Day: Four Points for Morning Meditation
How well (or poorly) do you prepare for your day? Are you one of the wise virgins, ready with oil in your lamp, or - like the foolish, unprepared virgins - does the day get away from you for failure to properly prepare, pray, and meditate on a structure that keeps you...
5 Things Jesus Teaches About Leadership
Is your authority building up, or tearing down? Presenting five things that Jesus teaches about leadership, used as an examination of conscience. We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and reflection. We pray that this might help you...