Comments on: A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, And Chastity Catholic Resources for the New Evangelization Mon, 15 Feb 2021 03:31:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clare Sat, 13 Feb 2016 19:37:22 +0000 It is only recently I have started taking chastity seriously, and making it a conscious choice, and it is so hard and there are days I just wanna throw in the towel and go “it’s not worth it. The struggle isn’t worth it.” because my body is doing what it does naturally- i.e. going through the cycle of fertility- and my heart is yearning for something else, something much greater that giving in just does not bring.

Thank you for writing this, and sharing your thoughts and feelings. You are not alone in your struggle. Being single is not always fun, I guess neither is being in a relationship, and being single and chaste is definitely not always fun, but the fruits are worth it.

God bless you.

By: Charles Sat, 13 Feb 2016 19:05:53 +0000 Thank you for your reflection. I am glad to hear that you are feeling fulfilled in your single life. I would like to share a word of encouragement and a word of advice. First, though there may be a general silence toward our sexualized culture in which pornography is the norm, more and more people are acknowledging the harm caused by de-contextualizing sexual acts from the loving married life (I even read a blog of someone claiming not to be “a religious person” who was fed up with the degradation of sex). Second, I want to offer the words of a friend of mine who recently spoke on the topic of vocation. His point was that marriage need not be seen as a default vocation. Though many of us will be called to marry, this is not the “first option” after which other options are discerned. We all have individual calls centered in the universal call to love and know God. We are all called to love, for love is not limited to the romantic love of courtship and marriage.
