Why This Generation Thinks Going Out To Coffee Is More Intimate Than A Hooking Up

by Catholic Media, Family, Love and Relationships, Morals & Values, Movie Reviews and Recommendations

I was married with a few kids by the time Tinder became a thing. Never having used the app myself, I had no idea how much it is has impacted the culture of dating and romance until I had the chance to view The Dating Project.

This documentary, produced by Paulist Productions, features the stories of five single people from across the United States who are searching for meaningful relationships, and it is the wake-up call that parents, youth ministers, and educators need. It’s not only crucial that adults see this film, but we must also bring teenagers and young adults along with us. This is a tool that will open up discussion about a problem that most people are unaware exists in our society.

It’s shocking to hear a college student claim that it takes a deeper level of commitment and is more intimate to ask someone out for a cup of coffee than it is to hook-up with someone at a party, but it’s the kind of shock we need to hear in order to educate our youth on a different way of life.

The Dating Project

Questions To Ask

It’s essential that those who see The Dating Project come prepared to discuss the topics presented following the film. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage in conversation and provide direction to a generation that doesn’t know how to date.

  1. Do you feel this film is an accurate representation of the dating culture in your generation? Why or why not?
  2. What are some of the key statements that you will remember from the film?
  3. Have you been on a date? Have you asked someone on a date?
  4. What advice would you give to the five people featured in this film?
  5. Why is it important to abstain from sex before marriage? How does this impact your relationships?
  6. Why is marriage important? What is the purpose of marriage?

Parents, youth ministers, and educators should think about how we can address this problem and why it is important to do so. What types of programming do you have in place to show young adults the importance of dating and meaningful relationships? Please share your ideas and resources with us in the comments below!

” There are many “nones” within the Church today who are oblivious to some of the fundamental realities of life; including the basic life of prayer, dating and marriage. They do not intend to be this way; they simply were not trained in these human essentials. THE DATING PROJECT offers them a path forward.” — Most Reverend John Dolan, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego

 Rules for The Dating AssignmentRules for Dating How to First Date

The movie features the work of Kerry Cronin, Ph.D., the Associate Director of the Lonergan Institute at Boston College and the Faculty Fellow in BC’s Center for Student Formation. For the past 20 years, she has taught in the Boston College Interdisciplinary Perspectives Program and has given her students the assignment to go on a date using the rules above.

More Resources For The Dating Project Movie

8 Things You Should Be Doing If You Want To Find “The One”

Four Benefits Of Growing In Patience When You’re Single

11 Rules For When You Are Absolutely Sick of Today’s Dating Scene

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