Vocation Archives - Catholic-Link https://catholic-link.org/vocation/ Catholic Resources for the New Evangelization Fri, 02 Feb 2024 04:23:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://catholic-link.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/cropped-Catholic-Link_Logo-no-text-32x32.png Vocation Archives - Catholic-Link https://catholic-link.org/vocation/ 32 32 This Is Why You Should Pray For Your Priest https://catholic-link.org/pray-for-your-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/pray-for-your-priest/#respond Fri, 23 Feb 2024 06:13:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=806265 For many people, the priest is the one whom people go to for their spiritual needs, for prayer requests, for Mass offerings, and other sacraments. Have you ever wondered how a priest is sustained spiritually for the work they do? Should we be praying for a priest as we pray for other people, like our […]

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The Question All Catholic Parents Need To Ask Themselves About Their Child’s Vocation https://catholic-link.org/catholic-parents-vocation/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-parents-vocation/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:10:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805940 I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day and he asked me where my fourteen-year-old son was at with his discernment of the priesthood.  He wanted to know what I was doing to encourage him to be open to this vocation.  My initial response was….to cringe.  “What do you mean?” I thought.  […]

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Dear Coach…| A Letter To Catholic Youth Coaches https://catholic-link.org/cyo-catholic-youth-coach-guidelines/ https://catholic-link.org/cyo-catholic-youth-coach-guidelines/#respond Mon, 04 Dec 2023 07:56:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805869 I hope this finds you well. Before we get into the particulars, please allow me to take a brief moment to simply affirm you … right here, right now. Thank you for stepping up to coach. It often goes unrecognized but to coach means to make a decision: to lead others, to foster relationships, to […]

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This Is What A Catholic Priest Of 50 Years Wants Today’s New Priests To Know https://catholic-link.org/catholic-priest-advice/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-priest-advice/#respond Mon, 06 Nov 2023 21:30:58 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805370 Fifty years is a lifetime for most people. Fifty years in the same profession is almost incomprehensible in the modern age. Priesthood, however, is not a career. It is a vocation, and one that a priest takes seriously. As a lifelong commitment, it is akin to marriage, and like a newlywed, a recently ordained priest […]

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The Documentary FREE Shows Us What We Can Learn From Monks And Nuns https://catholic-link.org/free-duc-in-altum-catholic-movie-review/ https://catholic-link.org/free-duc-in-altum-catholic-movie-review/#respond Mon, 30 Oct 2023 08:02:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805592 Very few films have captured the cloistered life.  Typically, those who are vowed behind enclosure do not wish to have their life broadcasted to the world.  Perhaps the last popular film was Into Great Silence, and if memory serves, it took months, if not several years, to agree to it.   The next glimpse into the cloistered monastic […]

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3 Simple Ways To Help Children Learn About And Foster Vocations https://catholic-link.org/catholic-children-vocations/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-children-vocations/#respond Mon, 23 Oct 2023 06:07:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805349 God is calling your child to be a saint. But how? Which vocation will He lead them to? Teaching your children to listen to God’s call in their lives and uncover how He wants them to love and to serve Him in this world is a great gift. There are a few simple things we […]

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How Do I Know What God’s Will Is When Both Choices Are Good Things? https://catholic-link.org/gods-will-catholic-discernment/ https://catholic-link.org/gods-will-catholic-discernment/#respond Wed, 27 Sep 2023 02:05:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805202 Every day, we face numerous choices, many of eternal consequences.  When our hearts and minds are ordered toward God, these choices are usually between two goods.  We could read to our children, or pray the rosary.   We could spend Saturday afternoon serving at the soup kitchen, or go to confession.   We could go […]

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Becoming Catholic Men Of Grit And Grace: 7 Ways To Lead With Purpose At Work And Home  https://catholic-link.org/catholic-men-lead-home-work/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-men-lead-home-work/#respond Wed, 30 Aug 2023 07:21:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=805029 In a world that demands grit and guts, men are called upon to lead, not just in their workplaces but also within their homes. It’s a journey laden with challenges and triumphs. Qualities like integrity, communication, and adaptability are more than soft skills. They’re the bedrock of true leadership.  This is about more than pushing […]

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The Advice You Need To Discern Your Vocation https://catholic-link.org/discern-god-will-catholic-vocation/ https://catholic-link.org/discern-god-will-catholic-vocation/#respond Wed, 16 Aug 2023 06:16:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=804783 There are really two camps when it comes to discernment. On the one side, some believe that discernment is discovering what is the will of God so they can do it, and on the other side, some believe essentially that a person’s vocation is just a free-willed response to God’s love. I believe that the […]

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5 Excuses That People Often Make When Discerning A Religious Vocation https://catholic-link.org/discerning-vocation-catholic-religious-priesthood/ https://catholic-link.org/discerning-vocation-catholic-religious-priesthood/#respond Wed, 28 Jun 2023 08:06:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=804365 The moment when we start to ask and pray, “What is God calling me to do?” in regard to a religious vocation can be intimidating. However, discovering the vocation that God has intended for each of us is something marvelous. It’s truly wonderful… but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to say “yes.” We know […]

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Making The Most Of Mother’s Day: Queen For A Day…Or Not https://catholic-link.org/mothers-day-catholic-reflection/ https://catholic-link.org/mothers-day-catholic-reflection/#respond Wed, 10 May 2023 04:22:30 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=804245 As Mother’s Day approaches, if you have a house full of kids, like I did ten years ago, you may be trying to keep expectations low. You doubt as to whether your loved ones will show you appreciation in any significant way on this day traditionally devoted to honoring mothers. You wonder if you will […]

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Disagree With Your Priest? Here’s How To Respond https://catholic-link.org/disagree-priest-catholic/ https://catholic-link.org/disagree-priest-catholic/#respond Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:26:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=803695 One of the best and most challenging aspects of the Church is that it is composed entirely of humans, who are flawed and fallible, with their own perspectives, experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. As a result, disagreements between individuals can arise, and this can be particularly challenging when those disagreements are of a spiritual nature and […]

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4 Lessons I Learned In Seminary That Help Me In Marriage https://catholic-link.org/marriage-seminary-catholic-vocation/ https://catholic-link.org/marriage-seminary-catholic-vocation/#respond Mon, 27 Mar 2023 05:08:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=803884 Four years ago, my future seemed clear to me. I thought I’d spend my days living in small-town Minnesota and ministering to country parishes as their priest. I love my home state, and I love the people there very much, but God had other plans.   After leaving seminary, I struggled to know what God wanted […]

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Sister Jean’s Wisdom Goes Far Beyond March Madness https://catholic-link.org/sister-jean-catholic-march-madness-basketball-loyola/ https://catholic-link.org/sister-jean-catholic-march-madness-basketball-loyola/#respond Mon, 13 Mar 2023 09:17:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=803487 In addition to giving her life in service to God and the education of young people, Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, BVM is a March Madness icon. In 1994 she became the chaplain for the Loyola University basketball team and has been a constant presence at the team’s practices, games, and events ever since. Sister Jean […]

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What I Wish I Knew When I Left The Seminary https://catholic-link.org/seminary-left-vocation-catholic/ https://catholic-link.org/seminary-left-vocation-catholic/#respond Mon, 20 Feb 2023 07:12:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=803249 It was December 24th, 2019, and I was on my way to Rochester, Minnesota to serve at the Christmas Vigil Mass at our co-Cathedral for my Bishop, John Quinn. I showed up early to get things set up, but I was distracted like a teenage boy trying to clean his room. My mind and heart […]

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A Reflection On The Queen’s Life And Legacy, By A British Catholic https://catholic-link.org/british-catholic-queen-elizabeth-ii/ https://catholic-link.org/british-catholic-queen-elizabeth-ii/#respond Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:21:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=800649 These last twelve days for me as a British subject have been very strange ones. We have continued our ordinary lives, while all about us in the public sphere, momentous and solemn things have happened. The death of our Queen, the instantaneous transferral of symbolic power to the new King; a country in mourning. Flags […]

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The Spiritual Warfare Of Motherhood https://catholic-link.org/the-spiritual-warfare-of-motherhood-catholic/ https://catholic-link.org/the-spiritual-warfare-of-motherhood-catholic/#respond Tue, 19 Jul 2022 18:31:27 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=46920 I find that the term “spiritual warfare” often makes me think it’s more dramatic and epic than it actually is. I think of saints doing heroic penances and exorcists fighting off demons, but truly spiritual warfare is often a subtle battle the devil wages against us to slowly and steadily lead us off of the […]

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Are You Really Happy? A Question We Should Ask Ourselves https://catholic-link.org/happy-catholic-content-pine/ https://catholic-link.org/happy-catholic-content-pine/#respond Fri, 11 Mar 2022 11:10:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=48207 Would you describe yourself as perfectly happy? Perhaps you’d say you are somewhat happy or happy enough, but not especially so. We often get the general impression that lasting happiness is far-off, practically impossible, not to be hoped for in this life. When we are made to confront our own unhappiness, it can be distressing, […]

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8 Things A Priest Can Do To Support A Couple Experiencing Miscarriage https://catholic-link.org/8-things-a-priest-can-do-to-support-a-couple-experiencing-miscarriage/ https://catholic-link.org/8-things-a-priest-can-do-to-support-a-couple-experiencing-miscarriage/#respond Mon, 25 Oct 2021 13:41:28 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=46089 Ruth KennedyRuth Kennedy (nee Baker) is 30 and lives in England with her husband. She loves running, wild camping and writing, and thinks there is almost nothing better than the feeling of satisfaction after a day out in the mountains. She is a graduate from the University of Wales and holds a First Class Honours […]

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An Inside Look At How The Knights Of The Holy Eucharist Encourage Individual Spirituality https://catholic-link.org/knights-eucharist-spirituality/ https://catholic-link.org/knights-eucharist-spirituality/#respond Mon, 04 Oct 2021 15:15:19 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=45931 Guest Author

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Just Don’t Ask Me To Be A Sister Or A Priest! | Encouragement For The Reluctant Discerner https://catholic-link.org/just-dont-ask-me-to-be-a-sister-or-a-priest-encouragement-for-the-reluctant-discerner/ https://catholic-link.org/just-dont-ask-me-to-be-a-sister-or-a-priest-encouragement-for-the-reluctant-discerner/#respond Wed, 29 Sep 2021 16:19:33 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=45903 God, I’ll do anything you want, just don’t ask me to be a Sister (or a Priest)! That was the first thing both of us thought when we found ourselves pursuing God’s plan for our lives. We were ready to do something radical and bring Christ’s love to a needy world, but we had stipulations […]

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The Sweet And Sour Of NFP (Natural Family Planning) https://catholic-link.org/the-sweet-and-sour-of-nfp-natural-family-planning/ https://catholic-link.org/the-sweet-and-sour-of-nfp-natural-family-planning/#respond Thu, 02 Sep 2021 02:41:35 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=44443 It doesn’t take long when first discovering the world of natural family planning to realize that most couples have a love/hate relationship with NFP.  The reasons to love it are obvious and the reasons to hate it are obvious.  It is a strange mix of sweet and sour that many couples struggle to find the […]

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8 Practical Ways To Be A Catholic School That Promotes Vocations https://catholic-link.org/catholic-vocations-education/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-vocations-education/#respond Mon, 09 Aug 2021 13:58:39 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=44034 Did you know that studies consistently show that 70% of the newly ordained first heard the call to the priesthood between birth and 18 years of age? (1) At the risk of stating the obvious, these are the prime educational years for faith formation. Children should encounter inspiration and instruction within the family; however, by […]

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Ordinary Work Is An Expression Of Prayer | Kimberly Hahn https://catholic-link.org/ordinary-work-is-an-expression-of-prayer-kimberly-hahn/ https://catholic-link.org/ordinary-work-is-an-expression-of-prayer-kimberly-hahn/#respond Wed, 14 Jul 2021 18:19:15 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=43625 Graced and Gifted with Kimberly Hahn || Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart Catholic homemaking done well creates a domestic church, where your home becomes a sacred space to live out your vocation. Kimberly Hahn is a Catholic wife and mother who provides Biblical wisdom and encouragement to the homemaker’s heart. Kimberly Hahn’s Bible Study, […]

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7 Things Not To Say To Someone Discerning A Religious Vocation https://catholic-link.org/7-things-not-to-say-to-someone-discerning-a-religious-vocation/ https://catholic-link.org/7-things-not-to-say-to-someone-discerning-a-religious-vocation/#respond Fri, 07 May 2021 15:29:07 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=41524 Open foot, insert mouth. Wait. I mean the other way around.  Fr. Michael Zimmerman here, assistant director at Vocations Boston. I’ve probably said a few items on this list myself, and I’ve been on the receiving end of far more, but how can we actually encourage discerning a vocation without sounding like an idiot – […]

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This Order Founded By Mother Angelica Is Calling Young Men To Become Saints https://catholic-link.org/this-order-founded-by-mother-angelica-is-calling-young-men-to-become-saints/ https://catholic-link.org/this-order-founded-by-mother-angelica-is-calling-young-men-to-become-saints/#respond Fri, 26 Mar 2021 15:00:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=40802 “It’s times like these when God is going to call great saints to come forth, and beyond any doubt, you were called to be one,” says Brother Angelo in the new vocations video for the Knights of the Holy Eucharist. The Vocation To The Religious Life The Franciscan Brothers of the Knights of the Holy […]

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Better Than Happy: The Joy Of Your True Calling https://catholic-link.org/better-than-happy-the-joy-of-your-true-calling/ https://catholic-link.org/better-than-happy-the-joy-of-your-true-calling/#respond Mon, 08 Mar 2021 16:16:38 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=39732 I was a postulant with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity when I learned that there is a difference between being happy and being joyful. Up until then, I had thought the terms were interchangeable. Someone could be happy being able to see their friends. A new smartphone could spark joy. My postulant directress thought […]

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A Vocation Story: On The Path of Love https://catholic-link.org/a-vocation-story-on-the-path-of-love/ https://catholic-link.org/a-vocation-story-on-the-path-of-love/#respond Mon, 22 Feb 2021 16:22:40 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=39546 “And Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38) Growing up I had never been around religious sisters as my entire education was in the public schools, and it was not until I was an undergraduate in college that one day while walking to class […]

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5 Essential Tips For Young Adult Men To Live A Pure Life https://catholic-link.org/5-essential-tips-for-young-adult-men-to-live-a-pure-life/ https://catholic-link.org/5-essential-tips-for-young-adult-men-to-live-a-pure-life/#respond Tue, 05 Jan 2021 14:57:49 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=38946 Guest Author

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Cardinals, Bishops, Pope’s Comments On Civil Unions | Civil Unions https://catholic-link.org/ask-a-priest-bishop-cardinal-pope-francis/ https://catholic-link.org/ask-a-priest-bishop-cardinal-pope-francis/#respond Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:37:31 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=37741 Pope Francis recently named new cardinals, but not all of them are bishops…is that even allowed? Well actually, in the history of the Church, it’s not that uncommon. Fr. George explains the history of cardinals and what their function is today. We also learn about some little known details about bishops – blessings and palliums […]

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3 Ways To Recover When Your Day With The Kids Has Gone Haywire https://catholic-link.org/3-ways-to-recover-when-your-virtual-school-day-has-gone-haywire/ https://catholic-link.org/3-ways-to-recover-when-your-virtual-school-day-has-gone-haywire/#respond Wed, 07 Oct 2020 15:54:20 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=37406 Becky RoachBecky Roach lives in Ohio with her husband and six children. When not doing laundry or making memories with her kids, Becky enjoys diet coke and date nights with her husband.

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How To Be A Reflection Of God In A World That Desperately Needs Him https://catholic-link.org/how-to-embrace-the-call-to-be-an-image-bearer/ https://catholic-link.org/how-to-embrace-the-call-to-be-an-image-bearer/#respond Tue, 06 Oct 2020 14:59:39 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=37395 What did I do today that matters? Sometimes the mundane and yet busy daily life can seem ordinarily boring without significant meaning. I can belittle my work, motherhood, and small acts of love that are largely private. We currently live in a society that values what we do publicly more than what we do privately; […]

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Ask A Priest With Fr. George Elliott | Love Is Difficult https://catholic-link.org/ask-a-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/ask-a-priest/#respond Sat, 26 Sep 2020 22:18:45 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=37206 If you missed Ask a Priest Live with Fr. George Elliott, you can watch the replay here. Each Sunday at 3:00 PM Central, I go live on the Catholic-Link Facebook page. I will start with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, then provide a quick reflection on the Sunday readings, and then answer audience questions in the comment section of the video. […]

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A Seminarian Shares 5 Ways To Support Your Parish Seminarian https://catholic-link.org/seminarian-5-ways-support-parish-seminarian/ https://catholic-link.org/seminarian-5-ways-support-parish-seminarian/#respond Tue, 25 Aug 2020 02:36:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=36904 Summer months allow for seminarians to spend time in parishes and embrace pastoral and apostolic work more readily. Many priests recall lasting, grace-filled lessons, friendships, and memories that began on summer assignments or in home parishes as seminarians.As seminarians get ready to head back to seminary life and prayer, classes, community, and formation, many parishioners […]

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Can Moms Volunteer? 9 Tips To Make It Work https://catholic-link.org/can-moms-volunteer-9-tips-to-make-it-work/ https://catholic-link.org/can-moms-volunteer-9-tips-to-make-it-work/#respond Mon, 06 Jul 2020 02:24:16 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=36647 Volunteering is incredibly beneficial to our spiritual growth. Serving in the community provides opportunities to focus on the needs of others, challenges us in new ways, develops virtues, and encourages us to pray more. But, once you become a mom, isn’t your family your ministry? Yes! Your vocation as a wife and a mother will […]

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Class of 2020 This Is Your Time https://catholic-link.org/class-of-2020-this-is-your-time/ https://catholic-link.org/class-of-2020-this-is-your-time/#respond Fri, 05 Jun 2020 03:35:06 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=36455 “The road may not be the direct route you were hoping for, but direct routes are rarely fulfilling or transformative. God thinks too highly of you to rush the divine work he is doing in your life.” Read the full letter here. Use this video to start discussion with the 2020 graduates in your own […]

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25 Photos That Confirm Being A Father Is The 2nd Most Beautiful Thing In The World https://catholic-link.org/25-photos-confirm-father-joy/ https://catholic-link.org/25-photos-confirm-father-joy/#respond Mon, 01 Jun 2020 11:06:00 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=5378 I would ask that you take the title with a sense of humor as it is meant be. After recently posting about motherhood, I knew we couldn’t leave fathers out. Still, keeping in mind the 9 months of pregnancy, the hours of agonizing pain during childbirth, I meant it as a sign of respect and gratitude. Recently, […]

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Reflections On Spiritual Motherhood https://catholic-link.org/reflections-on-spiritual-motherhood/ https://catholic-link.org/reflections-on-spiritual-motherhood/#respond Fri, 08 May 2020 03:04:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=36309 Listen to Mother Gabriella of Christ the Bridegroom Monastery as she shares her insights on the significance of spiritual motherhood and the calling that all women have to embrace this vocation. Through this inspiring video, you will gain a deeper understanding of spiritual motherhood and how it can positively impact the world Spiritual Motherhood For […]

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How I Am Sanctified By My Vocation https://catholic-link.org/how-i-am-sanctified-by-my-vocation/ https://catholic-link.org/how-i-am-sanctified-by-my-vocation/#respond Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:02:03 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=34296 “I’m going to take a pregnancy test!”  I shouted across the apartment to my husband as I anxiously walked into our bathroom to find out if I was having phantom pregnancy symptoms or if I was in fact carrying another life inside of me.  I was bracing myself for the seemingly endless three-minute wait and […]

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My First Month As A Priest https://catholic-link.org/my-first-month-as-a-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/my-first-month-as-a-priest/#respond Mon, 29 Jul 2019 19:28:01 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=34237 I was ordained a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Rockford on June 1st, 2019. Since then, I have been able to celebrate over sixty masses, anoint several people, preside over a couple of funerals, and baptize one child. I also attended two friend’s ordination to the priesthood in Madison, Wisconsin, and Wishaw, Scotland. While […]

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Video Of Fr. Michael’s Hospital Ordination & Photo Of His First Mass! https://catholic-link.org/watch-this-video-of-fr-michaels-hospital-ordination/ https://catholic-link.org/watch-this-video-of-fr-michaels-hospital-ordination/#respond Sun, 26 May 2019 03:53:42 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=33798 The Congregation of the Sons of Divine Providence in Poland are asking for your prayers for the newly ordained, Fr. Michael. Perhaps you’ve seen the now viral video and photos that show the ordination of Fr. Michael Los that took place in a hospital. Just over a month ago, Fr. Micheal was diagnosed with an […]

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One Girl’s Journey To Becoming A Third Order Carmelite https://catholic-link.org/one-girls-journey-to-becoming-a-third-order-carmelite/ https://catholic-link.org/one-girls-journey-to-becoming-a-third-order-carmelite/#respond Wed, 22 May 2019 03:42:52 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=33716 It’s been said that we make 35,000 decisions every day. Some decisions are small things like what we want to eat, what time we’ll brush our teeth, and what show we want to watch. Other decisions are more life-changing like choosing a career path, buying a house, saying “yes” to a marriage proposal. And in […]

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The Vatican’s New Track Team: Nuns, Priests, And Swiss Guards https://catholic-link.org/the-vatican-now-has-a-track-team-of-nuns-priests-and-swiss-guards/ https://catholic-link.org/the-vatican-now-has-a-track-team-of-nuns-priests-and-swiss-guards/#respond Sun, 13 Jan 2019 06:31:48 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=33151 The Vatican announced on Thursday that there will be an official track team set to compete in international races for the Holy See. Currently, the sixty-member team includes nuns, priests, Swiss Guards, and other employees of the Vatican. In a Sports Illustrated article Monsignor Melchor Jose Sanchez de Toca y Alameda, who is the team president and […]

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Feast of Christ the King | Liturgy Live https://catholic-link.org/christ-the-king-liturgy-live/ https://catholic-link.org/christ-the-king-liturgy-live/#respond Thu, 22 Nov 2018 03:17:40 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=32811 This week we go over the prophecy of Daniel regarding the saying “one like a Son of Man”. We discuss the charism of celibacy and the witness of joy in the culture. We go over the Revelation reading and discuss how we relate to Christ as a King and how we see him as a […]

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This Rapidly Growing Order Of Priests Just Launched An Incredible Digital Library https://catholic-link.org/this-rapidly-growing-order-of-priests-just-launched-an-incredible-digital-library/ https://catholic-link.org/this-rapidly-growing-order-of-priests-just-launched-an-incredible-digital-library/#respond Wed, 07 Nov 2018 03:55:39 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=32648 Fr. Ambrose, Director of the Norbertine Father’s Novices, has witnessed several young men hear and answer the call to a priestly vocation with the Norbertines. Currently, there are thirty-eight seminarians living at St. Michael’s Abbey with two more on the waiting list. A seminary with a waiting list? That’s rare for the times we are […]

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From Seminarian To Plumber: How One Priest Is Serving America’s Poor https://catholic-link.org/prophets-are-desperately-needed-in-this-area-of-the-united-states/ https://catholic-link.org/prophets-are-desperately-needed-in-this-area-of-the-united-states/#respond Tue, 11 Sep 2018 01:31:55 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31837 When we hear Bible words like “salvation”, “redemption”, and “covenant”, it can be easy to file them away as relics from another time and place that don’t actually affect us anymore. It is easy to forget that these religious words really do mean something for us here and now. One of these Bible terms is […]

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Are We Falling In Love With A List Of Qualities Rather Than A Person? https://catholic-link.org/are-we-falling-in-love-with-a-list-of-qualities-rather-than-a-person/ https://catholic-link.org/are-we-falling-in-love-with-a-list-of-qualities-rather-than-a-person/#respond Thu, 30 Aug 2018 17:54:50 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31819 I was 18 years old when I wrote my first ‘list.’ The ‘list’ was introduced to me by a friend of mine who wanted to know what kind of men I would like to date. She explained to me that ‘the list’ is a carefully thought out list of qualities that single people would like […]

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Sr. Mary Jo Throws A Curve Ball That Stuns The Internet https://catholic-link.org/sr-mary-jo-throws-a-curve-ball-that-fascinates-the-internet/ https://catholic-link.org/sr-mary-jo-throws-a-curve-ball-that-fascinates-the-internet/#respond Sun, 19 Aug 2018 03:24:08 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31938 Sr. Mary Jo Sobieck is the latest nun making sports news on the internet. Her “perfect pitch” has caught the attention of every major news outlet, is fascinating viewers on social media, and was even featured on ESPN’s sports highlights. Check it out what the Chicago White Sox called “One of the most impressive first pitches […]

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Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It? https://catholic-link.org/is-waiting-for-the-one-really-worth-it/ https://catholic-link.org/is-waiting-for-the-one-really-worth-it/#respond Wed, 01 Aug 2018 14:57:44 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31737 Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the One True King. Elly and Brendan started to wonder the same thing […]

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Catholic Masculinity: How Men Can Grow In Holiness (Part 2) https://catholic-link.org/catholic-masculinity-men-grow-holiness-part-2/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-masculinity-men-grow-holiness-part-2/#respond Wed, 25 Jul 2018 09:58:34 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31449 God created you as a man. He created you as a son. He desires your heart, soul, and strength. Above all else, He calls you to embrace your identity as a child of the Father, as coheir with the Son and empowered by the Spirit. He calls you to be set apart from the world. […]

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Catholic Masculinity: How Men Can Grow in Holiness (Part 1) https://catholic-link.org/catholic-masculinity-men-grow-holiness-part-1/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-masculinity-men-grow-holiness-part-1/#respond Sat, 21 Jul 2018 11:46:39 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31438 God created you as a man. He created you as a son. He desires your heart, soul, and strength. Above all else, He calls you to embrace your identify as child of the Father, as coheir with the Son, and empowered by the Spirit. He calls you to be set apart from the world. This […]

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Dear Father – I Confess, It’s Not You, It’s Me https://catholic-link.org/dear-father-i-confess-its-not-you-its-me/ https://catholic-link.org/dear-father-i-confess-its-not-you-its-me/#respond Fri, 13 Jul 2018 03:31:51 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31581 Many Catholics are blessed to have a priest friend. Or, even if they’re not someone you consider your friend, you still may have that priest who you look up to. You know, the one you talk to every Sunday either before or after Mass. The one who has known you for years and knows your […]

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This Simple Method Of Praying With Your Spouse Will Improve Your Marriage! https://catholic-link.org/this-simple-method-of-praying-with-your-spouse-will-improve-your-marriage/ https://catholic-link.org/this-simple-method-of-praying-with-your-spouse-will-improve-your-marriage/#respond Fri, 06 Jul 2018 02:37:12 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31501 Praying with my husband is something that has never been easy for me to do. Though I tell him everything and share all aspects of my life with him, I’ve always seemed to stumble when it comes to our prayer time together. Our first few years of marriage, I forced myself to say something, but […]

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7 Things Catholic Parents Can Do This Summer https://catholic-link.org/5-essential-resources-to-get-every-parent-through-summer/ https://catholic-link.org/5-essential-resources-to-get-every-parent-through-summer/#respond Tue, 07 Jun 2022 15:07:00 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31251 Summer is my favorite time of the year here in Ohio. I love everything about it, especially the warm weather and the long nights. Having my kids home from school can be incredibly exhausting, but it’s absolutely the highlight of the summer months. So many memories are made during these weeks full of campfires, baseball games, […]

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Does God Make People Gay? A Priest Responds https://catholic-link.org/does-god-make-people-gay/ https://catholic-link.org/does-god-make-people-gay/#respond Wed, 23 May 2018 18:57:11 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=31031 Does God make people gay? Due to some comments allegedly made by Pope Francis, this question is on many people’s minds. Is our sexual attraction determined even before birth by our Creator or is it something we choose as a result of life’s circumstances? Many theologians and religious leaders are responding. There may be a vast array of opinions […]

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A Must-See Video For Husbands Whose Wives Find Mother’s Day Difficult https://catholic-link.org/a-must-see-video-for-husbands-whose-wives-find-mothers-day-difficult/ https://catholic-link.org/a-must-see-video-for-husbands-whose-wives-find-mothers-day-difficult/#respond Sat, 12 May 2018 15:20:43 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=30850 Though I’m blessed with five amazing children here with me on earth, I also have four beautiful children in heaven. The sting of our miscarriages is still present in my heart. So, I was hesitant to watch this video when I saw the title, but I’m so glad that I challenged myself to do so. The […]

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How Jesus Puts Us In Motion When We Find Ourselves Stuck I Catholic Bible Study https://catholic-link.org/how-jesus-puts-us-in-motion-when-expectations-are-shattered-and-we-find-ourselves-stuck/ https://catholic-link.org/how-jesus-puts-us-in-motion-when-expectations-are-shattered-and-we-find-ourselves-stuck/#respond Sat, 12 May 2018 03:34:35 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=30845 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark (16:15-20) Jesus said to his disciples: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive […]

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What Millennial Catholics Really Want To Say To Priests https://catholic-link.org/what-millennial-catholics-really-want-to-say-to-priests/ https://catholic-link.org/what-millennial-catholics-really-want-to-say-to-priests/#respond Wed, 02 May 2018 21:46:47 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=30686 Dear priests,  Let’s just cut to the chase… You do A LOT for us. Probably more than you know. But, there is something that we aren’t sure if you know…and that is how THANKFUL we are for everything that you all do! So, as a token of our appreciation, we have a little something for […]

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31 Of The Best Catholic Books On Marriage https://catholic-link.org/31-best-catholic-marriage-books/ https://catholic-link.org/31-best-catholic-marriage-books/#respond Tue, 01 May 2018 19:59:27 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=30635 If you’re like most people, you have spent more time preparing for your career than you have for your marriage. We tend to dedicate years of education to get ready for our jobs, but when it comes to marriage most of us focus more on planning a wedding than investing the hours needed to prepare […]

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Would You Be Able To Workout With These Nuns? https://catholic-link.org/boxing-nuns/ https://catholic-link.org/boxing-nuns/#respond Mon, 09 Apr 2018 17:42:24 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=30287 The Capuchin Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart in Poland have made it a habit to workout each morning in their habits in order to keep strong and able to serve orphaned children. You’ll be inspired by the intensity with which these hardworking nuns hit the gym. We can only assume that they pray twice […]

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What Is Happening To Science-Minded Millennials In Nebraska? https://catholic-link.org/science-minded-millennials-nebraska-newman-centers/ https://catholic-link.org/science-minded-millennials-nebraska-newman-centers/#respond Mon, 19 Mar 2018 12:48:41 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=29976 Good things are happening somewhere in Middle America: Vocations are booming in Lincoln, Nebraska (and Wichita, KS). It’s not a secret in the American Catholic world, though it is somewhat perplexing that more bishops have not looked to imitate certain successful practices long in place in these dioceses. An intentional focus on college students & […]

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Sr. Jean Is The Latest Nun Trending On The Internet…And You’ll Never Guess Why! https://catholic-link.org/sr-jean-latest-nun-trending-internet-youll-never-guess/ https://catholic-link.org/sr-jean-latest-nun-trending-internet-youll-never-guess/#respond Sun, 18 Mar 2018 01:33:16 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=29952 Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt isn’t in it for the fame, but it sure is coming her way. Not only has she won the hearts of many across the United States, but the basketball team that she has cheered on and prayed with for years has just won a game that will put them into The […]

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The Seven Hearts Of A Priest https://catholic-link.org/seven-hearts-of-a-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/seven-hearts-of-a-priest/#respond Thu, 15 Mar 2018 16:38:06 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=29906 God calls those He wants to be priests. He chooses them from among His people in order to consecrate them, to make them His own. From that moment on, priests no longer belong to themselves, but to God. This is why, over the course of his priesthood, the heart of the priest transforms into the […]

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Watch This Priest Ski While Playing The Bagpipes https://catholic-link.org/watch-priest-ski-playing-bagpipes-raise-money-church/ https://catholic-link.org/watch-priest-ski-playing-bagpipes-raise-money-church/#respond Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:42:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=29489 Well, this isn’t something you see every day, or ever. Fr. Nolan, a priest from the Diocese of Boise, Idaho, is hitting the slopes while playing the bagpipes to help raise the money needed to build a new church for a parish he was previously assigned to. You’ve got to admire his passion and ability to put […]

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Check Out What USA Today Had To Say About This Nun And Former Olympic Star https://catholic-link.org/nun-former-olympic-star/ https://catholic-link.org/nun-former-olympic-star/#respond Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:04:31 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=29454 The Winter Olympics are upon us and there is no shortage of amazing stories from the 2018 Games already. But USA Today takes us down memory lane with their article on an Olympic speed-skater from 1998.  And it is well worth the read because it is a warm and positive article on one of the […]

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5 Myths About the Priest Shortage | Video From Breaking In The Habit https://catholic-link.org/5-myths-about-the-priest-shortage-video-from-breaking-in-the-habit/ https://catholic-link.org/5-myths-about-the-priest-shortage-video-from-breaking-in-the-habit/#respond Mon, 12 Feb 2018 12:16:55 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=28462 In this video posted to the YouTube channel Breaking In The Habit, Br. Casey Cole debunks five commonly held myths most people believe about the shortage of priests. 5 Myths About The Priest Shortage Were you surprised by some of the myths Br. Casey revealed? How can you help promote vocations in your diocese? According to the […]

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Dr. Martin Luther King’s Advice For Designing Your Life’s Blueprint https://catholic-link.org/dr-martin-luther-kings-advice-designing-lifes-blueprint/ https://catholic-link.org/dr-martin-luther-kings-advice-designing-lifes-blueprint/#respond Mon, 15 Jan 2018 04:20:32 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=28475 In this video, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gives some exceptional advice on how to create a blueprint for your life. “The end of life is not to be happy, nor to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, but to do the will of God, come what may.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How to […]

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3 Spiritual Exercises To Help Discern Your Vocation https://catholic-link.org/3-exercises-discern-vocation-gospel-reflection/ https://catholic-link.org/3-exercises-discern-vocation-gospel-reflection/#respond Fri, 12 Jan 2018 17:28:42 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=28802 3 Spiritual Exercises to Help Discern Your Vocation 3 Spiritual Exercises to help discern your vocation. 1. Think about Courage: “Here I am Lord” In Sunday’s first reading, the prophet is ready and willing to surrender to the Holy Spirit. “Lord, I am ready to do your will.” St. Ignatius encouraged his spiritual advisees think […]

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Christmas Gift Ideas For The Priest Or Seminarian In Your Life! https://catholic-link.org/gift-ideas-for-priest-seminarian/ https://catholic-link.org/gift-ideas-for-priest-seminarian/#respond Mon, 11 Dec 2017 20:53:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=28082 We know we can always count on our priests to be present at Mass and all the liturgical celebrations around the holidays. We watch the deacon assist during sacraments and parish life. We proudly acknowledge the hard work and preparation seminarians undergo for the future of the Church. But, what do we do for the […]

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Millennial Priests: The Change That The Church Needed? https://catholic-link.org/millennial-priests-change-needed/ https://catholic-link.org/millennial-priests-change-needed/#respond Mon, 04 Dec 2017 15:21:54 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=26832 A little while ago, TIME magazine published an article about a phenomenon that’s becoming more and more common in the United States: the increasing number of millennial seminarians and priests. Millennials are the generation born between the 80s and mid-90s. They are the ones who became adults with the change of millennium, in an era […]

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“The Pilgrim” Promises To Be More Great Music From Luke Spehar https://catholic-link.org/the-pilgrim-promises-to-be-more-great-music-from-luke-spehar/ https://catholic-link.org/the-pilgrim-promises-to-be-more-great-music-from-luke-spehar/#respond Thu, 16 Nov 2017 02:57:09 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=27051 You might remember the name Luke Spehar from our extensive list that is a compilation of the best Catholic music we could find. Luke has a unique style that challenges the stereotypical view of Catholic music with his soulful and inspirational lyrics. Take a listen to a few of his great songs. America and Me Be Still To […]

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4 Heroic Stories of Military Chaplains Who Went Beyond Their Call of Duty https://catholic-link.org/4-heroic-stories-military-chaplains/ https://catholic-link.org/4-heroic-stories-military-chaplains/#respond Sat, 11 Nov 2017 03:38:06 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=27036 During patriotic holidays, we are intentional in remembering the men and women who have fought for our freedom from the beginning.  In a special way, military chaplains carry out their duties displaying exemplary courage and faith. They reflect the love of Jesus to those around them, often in heartbreaking and difficult situations. In some cases, […]

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4 Ways To Promote Priestly Vocations In Your Parish https://catholic-link.org/promote-priestly-vocations-your-parish/ https://catholic-link.org/promote-priestly-vocations-your-parish/#respond Mon, 30 Oct 2017 17:03:24 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=26821 Being a seminarian, I’m surrounded by other seminarians and I’ve heard a variety of vocation stories. What always amazes me is how the Lord calls each man differently to the priesthood. Some felt urged to explore this vocation through promptings from the Holy Spirit, others heard the Lord while in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, […]

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Beholden To Other Men: Masculinity Series Part 4 https://catholic-link.org/beholden-to-other-men-masculinity-series/ https://catholic-link.org/beholden-to-other-men-masculinity-series/#respond Thu, 24 Aug 2017 21:08:53 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=23183 Over the next five articles, we will embark on a brief exploration of the complex and often overlooked topic of being male. The articles will be reflective and open to discussion, so please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Be mindful of one another’s struggles – or their difficulties in speaking […]

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A Comprehensive List of Social Media Priests Bishops, Archbishops, and Cardinals to Follow https://catholic-link.org/a-comprehensive-list-of-priests-on-social-media/ https://catholic-link.org/a-comprehensive-list-of-priests-on-social-media/#respond Sun, 20 Aug 2017 02:13:45 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=23098 Though many point out the evil and harm of social media, we all have the choice to use social media for our own personal gratification or to use it as a tool to bring glory to God. We can choose to use social media for good! An easy way to do that is to carefully […]

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11 Quotes From Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Women” That Everyone Should Know https://catholic-link.org/quotes-pope-john-paul-letter-women/ https://catholic-link.org/quotes-pope-john-paul-letter-women/#respond Fri, 11 Aug 2017 12:22:48 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22936 In my beginning stages of exploration into women and the Church, I’ve been told so many times to check out Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Women, which he wrote in June 1995, before the Fourth World Conference on Women. I’ve finally read it, and his message is just as pertinent today as it was in 1995 […]

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In Obscurity And In Humility: 7 Things You Should Know About The Curé of Ars (St. John Vianney) https://catholic-link.org/obscurity-humility-cure-of-ars/ https://catholic-link.org/obscurity-humility-cure-of-ars/#respond Thu, 03 Aug 2017 18:50:47 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22744 The month of August is jam packed with feasts of spiritual powerhouses. August 4th – or 8th in the pre-1962 calendar – is the commemoration of St. John Vianney, also known as the Curé of Ars. Born in 1786, the fourth of six children to devout Catholic parents in the region of Lyon, France – […]

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Should Priests Breakdance? Watch The Video That Has Twitter In An Uproar! https://catholic-link.org/breakdancing-priests-causing-twitter-rage/ https://catholic-link.org/breakdancing-priests-causing-twitter-rage/#respond Mon, 24 Jul 2017 03:40:55 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22602 Fr. Leo Patalinghug, known as the “Cooking Priest”, and Fr. Kyle Manno , who you might recognize from this viral carpool karaoke video, are causing a bit of an uproar on Twitter because of video that was posted by Katie Prejean McGrady that was taken at the Steubenville On the Lake Conference this past weekend. The brief video […]

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The Rule Of St. Benedict: 7 Radical Values Of Catholic Monasticism https://catholic-link.org/st-benedict-rule-7-radical-values-monasticism/ https://catholic-link.org/st-benedict-rule-7-radical-values-monasticism/#respond Thu, 20 Jul 2017 20:41:54 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22361 On July 11th in the Liturgical Calendar, and on March 21st in the pre-1970 calendar, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Benedict of Nursia, father of Western Monasticism. Saint Benedict’s name has garnered more attention of late due to the conversation across the Catholic and Christian blogosphere over Rod Dreher’s best-selling book, The Benedict […]

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“What I Hate Most About Being A Priest” https://catholic-link.org/what-i-hate-most-being-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/what-i-hate-most-being-priest/#respond Mon, 17 Jul 2017 17:32:05 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22403 Fr. Ian Van Heusen provides a Gospel commentary and video each week for Catholic-Link. He loves being a priest, but there is one thing that bothers him about his vocation. In this video, Fr. Ian shares that people actually asked him more spiritual questions when he worked at a coffee shop than they do now […]

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6 Medieval Religious Orders That Came to the Rescue of the Church https://catholic-link.org/6-medieval-religious-orders-rescue-church/ https://catholic-link.org/6-medieval-religious-orders-rescue-church/#respond Thu, 13 Jul 2017 22:47:24 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22352 In the history of the Church, the regular clergy, that is to say the communities that decide to live by a determined rule which dictates their religious practices, have been something like the Ecclesiastical body’s lung. The Church, although Holy, has had a need for correction in every age. Subordination to temporal powers, worldly corruption […]

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This Tennis Umpire Who is Also a Catholic Priest Shows that God Can Serve Up Anything In Your Life! https://catholic-link.org/tennis-umpire-priest-god-serve-life/ https://catholic-link.org/tennis-umpire-priest-god-serve-life/#respond Wed, 05 Jul 2017 16:17:43 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22199 It’s tennis season here in the UK, and fans all over the world will be tuning in to watch the All England Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, which are followed up several weeks later with the final Grand Slam of the year, the US Open, at Flushing Meadows in New York. This year the BBC published […]

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7 Unmerited Gifts that God Gives to Priests and Consecrated Religious https://catholic-link.org/7-gifts-god-gives-priests-consecrated/ https://catholic-link.org/7-gifts-god-gives-priests-consecrated/#respond Tue, 04 Jul 2017 16:20:01 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22180 How is it possible that a young man decides to leave everything behind to enter the seminary? Why would this young woman decided to leave her old life to shut herself in a convent? How did this man leave his career and prestigious job to follow God? All these are questions people ask us on […]

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Holy Heat: Meet the Monks Behind This Incredible Hot Sauce https://catholic-link.org/holy-heat-meet-the-monk-behind-this-incredible-hot-sauce/ https://catholic-link.org/holy-heat-meet-the-monk-behind-this-incredible-hot-sauce/#respond Thu, 29 Jun 2017 18:39:56 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21862 When you envision the life of a Monk, you most likely think of a simple lifestyle centered around prayer. The Monks at Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas definitely embrace the monastic, contemplative spiritual life, but they do have a tradition that might surprise you. “A good monk is a balance between prayer and work,” Father Richard Walz tells us […]

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A Beautiful Video Of Dominican First Professions And Receiving The Habit https://catholic-link.org/dominican-first-professions-habit/ https://catholic-link.org/dominican-first-professions-habit/#respond Mon, 26 Jun 2017 21:29:21 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22075 The Dominican Order was canonically established in the year 1216 by Pope Honorius III. Named after their founder, St. Dominic, they claim the official designation is the Ordo Praedicatorum (O.P.), or, in English, the Order of Preachers. Various mottoes characterize Dominican spirituality, or their charism: Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare (To praise, to bless and to preach); […]

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If You’re Confused About What God Wants You To Do With Your Life, You’ve Got To Hear This Testimony https://catholic-link.org/confused-life-encouraged-testimony/ https://catholic-link.org/confused-life-encouraged-testimony/#respond Mon, 26 Jun 2017 00:47:05 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=22022 “Spotlight of a Calligrapher”, published by Ascension Presents,  tells the story of Erica Tighe, a designer and calligrapher. Erica’s story of how she came to be a full-time calligrapher is moving and poignant. She tells how she came back from a year and a half of living in Brazil, where she had looked after abandoned children. On […]

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A Fun Look at Routine, Vocation, and Awakening: “Stranger than Fiction” https://catholic-link.org/routine-vocation-awakening-stranger-than-fiction/ https://catholic-link.org/routine-vocation-awakening-stranger-than-fiction/#respond Thu, 22 Jun 2017 20:13:54 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21852 *Warning: There’s a scene in this movie that doesn’t go too far, as romance is concerned, but could be inappropriate for minors. Discretion is advised* Routine, that cultural phenomenon that can take away our capacity to be amazed about things. The English Catholic author Gilbert Keith Chesterton wrote a story about routine: “Homesick at Home.” […]

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Faith Is A Gift: Following 4 Seminarians On Pilgrimage To Iraq https://catholic-link.org/following-seminarians-pilgrimage-iraq/ https://catholic-link.org/following-seminarians-pilgrimage-iraq/#respond Mon, 19 Jun 2017 20:05:19 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21936 A few weeks ago, four seminarians from Michigan embarked on a pilgrimage to Iraq. Iraq may seem like an unusual choice for a pilgrimage destination for most of us, but the country holds a special meaning for these four men. They are all studying to be Catholic priests for the Chaldean Catholic Church, an Eastern […]

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9 Images That Take The Confusion Out Of Identifying Religious Orders Of The Church https://catholic-link.org/9-infographics-religious-orders/ https://catholic-link.org/9-infographics-religious-orders/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2017 20:14:35 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21759 Do you ever get confused by the many religious orders that the Catholic Church has? Each individual order has their own particular character, or charism, attracting different people with the same common style of prayer, work and way of life. The religious orders are as rich and as varied as individual people are, meaning that […]

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When A Catholic Falls In Love: 8 Crazy Situations We’ve All Experienced https://catholic-link.org/when-catholic-falls-in-love/ https://catholic-link.org/when-catholic-falls-in-love/#respond Wed, 24 May 2017 16:50:21 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21379 Raise your hand, those of you who’ve never fallen in love! I’m certain we can’t hear a peep. We have all fallen in love. We know how beautiful it is and how nice it feels to experience love towards another person. Catholics and non-Catholics fall in love, do crazy things for love. Out of our […]

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These Nuns Took A “Frozen” Song And Made It About Vocations: Do You Wanna Be A Sister? https://catholic-link.org/these-nuns-created-do-you-wanna-be-a-sister/ https://catholic-link.org/these-nuns-created-do-you-wanna-be-a-sister/#respond Mon, 22 May 2017 16:24:42 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21209 I can’t believe it took me two years to find this video! Happy Nun has turned “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” into “Do You Wanna Be a Sister?” and the result is a very inspirational song about how to discern the call to pursue a religious vocation. If you have a daughter under the age of eight, […]

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5 Times The Franciscan Friars Of The Renewal Astounded Us With Coolness https://catholic-link.org/5-times-franciscan-friars-renewal-astounded-us-coolness/ https://catholic-link.org/5-times-franciscan-friars-renewal-astounded-us-coolness/#respond Thu, 18 May 2017 15:07:55 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21205 The fact that these Franciscan Friars of the Renewal aren’t trying to be cool makes the many different things they do even cooler. From basketball to cooking, these Friars have found creative ways to engage the culture and it’s working. Their YouTube videos have thousands of views and shares. When you evangelize do you think […]

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These 10 Married Saints Teach Us How Marriage Can Lead To Holiness https://catholic-link.org/married-saints-teach-marriage-holiness/ https://catholic-link.org/married-saints-teach-marriage-holiness/#respond Tue, 16 May 2017 14:02:58 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=21157 Did you know there are several married Saints? As our society likes to frequently remind us, marriage is no easy task. To live out the vocation of marriage requires a great deal of self-sacrifice and self-discipline. In the Sacrament of Marriage, both the husband and the wife make a promise before God to remain committed to […]

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The Georgia Tech Player Who is Leaving Football to Become a Priest https://catholic-link.org/georgia-tech-player-football-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/georgia-tech-player-football-priest/#respond Sun, 07 May 2017 01:25:36 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=20904 Last week Catholic-Link published an article about Esmeralda Solís Gonzáles, a young woman who left behind her life as a beauty queen in Mexico to pursue a religious vocation with the Poor Clare Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. Today, we have another inspiring story about Grant Aasen. Grant spent last year as a kicker for the Georgia […]

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She Traded Her Life as a Beauty Queen to Live a Vocation of Beauty for God https://catholic-link.org/she-traded-her-life-as-a-beauty-queen-to-live-a-vocation-of-beauty-for-god/ https://catholic-link.org/she-traded-her-life-as-a-beauty-queen-to-live-a-vocation-of-beauty-for-god/#respond Thu, 04 May 2017 12:44:28 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=20831 “You mustn’t be afraid. If God is calling you, he’ll take care of everything. All you need to do is receive him with a lot of peace, joy, and confidence. I believe fear is a big excuse that is responsible for truncating the true happiness that only God can offer,” Esmeralda Solís Gonzáles told Catholic […]

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The Hierarchy Of The Catholic Church Explained | Visual Guide https://catholic-link.org/hierarchy-catholic-church-infographic/ https://catholic-link.org/hierarchy-catholic-church-infographic/#respond Thu, 27 Apr 2017 00:14:20 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=20641 Have you ever wondered why the Catholic Church is structured in a hierarchical form? Or, what makes the difference between a deacon and a priest? Or how our local parishes fit into the global relationship of the Church? Each member of the Church has an equally important role to play in sharing the Good News […]

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11 Signs Your Community Is Sick With Sectarianism https://catholic-link.org/11-signs-community-sick-sectarianism/ https://catholic-link.org/11-signs-community-sick-sectarianism/#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2017 01:21:39 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=20608 I know, I know, the title is not encouraging, but let me explain to you why I think it correctly responds to the reality that I want to explore. We are living in a very difficult time for the Church, a time of pain and embarrassment due to various types of scandals: sexual, economic, political, […]

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7 Characteristics Every Man Called To The Priesthood Has https://catholic-link.org/7-characteristics-every-man-called-priesthood/ https://catholic-link.org/7-characteristics-every-man-called-priesthood/#respond Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:50:13 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=20137 In my life I’ve listened to diverse opinions about what candidates for the priesthood should be like, how they should behave before entering the seminary and how they should lead an impeccable life. Many people believe that those men who feel the call of God to the priesthood have never missed Mass, that they know […]

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6 Reasons The World Needs You To Follow Your Dreams https://catholic-link.org/wonderfully-made-follow-dreams/ https://catholic-link.org/wonderfully-made-follow-dreams/#respond Tue, 28 Mar 2017 13:33:03 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=20164 “Follow your dreams!” the world tells us when we are young, but as we grow up, we learn that living our dream is not only hard, it’s also often criticized. Especially dreams involving radical vows in a religious order, low-income paychecks at a non-profit, or counter-cultural pursuits leave others questioning your sanity. Society doesn’t always […]

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Building the Church: One Man’s Incredible Story Teaches Us What We All Must Do https://catholic-link.org/building-cathedral-mans-story-teaches-us/ https://catholic-link.org/building-cathedral-mans-story-teaches-us/#respond Mon, 13 Mar 2017 17:42:48 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19719 I was once walking around the outside of an incredibly beautiful cathedral; I walked around it twice just gazing in marvel upon the architecture, and trying to work out, or glimpse an understanding of what must have gone through the architect’s mind as he designed and built such an incredible structure. And to be honest […]

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QUIZ: Is It Time To Give Up Dating? https://catholic-link.org/take-break-dating-personality-quiz/ https://catholic-link.org/take-break-dating-personality-quiz/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2017 20:44:43 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19857 Our culture sends us so many messages about who we should date, how we should date, and why we should date that it can be difficult to find the truth for ourselves. Once we enter the dating scene, we quickly find out that dating and relationships aren’t always as glamorous and simple as the movies […]

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Does The Person You’re In Love With Have These 10 Essential Qualities? https://catholic-link.org/does-the-person-you-love-have-these-10-qualities-dating/ https://catholic-link.org/does-the-person-you-love-have-these-10-qualities-dating/#respond Sun, 05 Mar 2017 22:45:11 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19839 There is no feeling quite like being in love. It’s a time in life when you are truly overwhelmed with joy, happiness, and exuberance. Life feels fresh and exciting. You spend time daydreaming and planning about the future life you and the one you love will share together. But, as we all know, sometimes those […]

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How to Love Your Pastor Even When You Don’t “Like” Him https://catholic-link.org/6-ways-to-support-your-parish-priest-even-if-you-dont-like-him/ https://catholic-link.org/6-ways-to-support-your-parish-priest-even-if-you-dont-like-him/#respond Fri, 03 Mar 2017 02:35:36 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19556 First of all, before we get started, let’s make some things clear. This is NOT a post about priest-bashing. It is our priests, the lovable ones, the grouchy ones, the aloof ones, the bookish ones, the weak ones, the wounded ones (you get the picture), who bring us the saving sacraments of Holy Mother Church, […]

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Do Seminarians Celebrate Valentine’s Day? https://catholic-link.org/seminarians-celebrate-valentines-day/ https://catholic-link.org/seminarians-celebrate-valentines-day/#respond Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:03:24 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19502 I may be a seminarian, but I’m a huge fan of romantic tales. I like movies with happy endings when the boy gets the girl. I enjoy hearing stories about how couples met or what they did on their anniversary. And one of my favorite things is watching friends of mine who, after years of […]

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These Nuns Rock… Literally https://catholic-link.org/nuns-rock-literally/ https://catholic-link.org/nuns-rock-literally/#respond Wed, 08 Feb 2017 14:59:17 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19367 It’s not what you would typically expect, but this unique group of nuns found a way to use their gifts to evangelize through music. When they realized that so many of them were musically talented, they decided to form their own band. And not just any band… a rock band. A few years back, the “Siervas” […]

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4 Things Pope Francis Wants All Young People To Remember https://catholic-link.org/4-points-francis-letter-young-people/ https://catholic-link.org/4-points-francis-letter-young-people/#respond Tue, 31 Jan 2017 15:13:35 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19183 Pope Francis began a letter to address young people by stating, “I want you to be the center of attention because you are in my heart.” This letter serves as an invitation to all young people to place their trust in Jesus who will guide them to fulfillment through their faith and vocational journey. 4 […]

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10 Things That Prevent Us From Hearing God’s Voice https://catholic-link.org/10-obstacles-hearing-gods-voice-need-start-listening/ https://catholic-link.org/10-obstacles-hearing-gods-voice-need-start-listening/#respond Sun, 22 Jan 2017 11:32:01 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=19019 Knowing that we are called to follow the Will of God and being able to discern His Will are two very different things. Do you ever feel like asking God for a neon sign to guide you in your next step in life? Usually, God does not send neon “go here, do that” signs. So […]

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See The Passion In These 7 Young Men Who Have Heard “The Call” https://catholic-link.org/vocation-stories-seminarians-inspire/ https://catholic-link.org/vocation-stories-seminarians-inspire/#respond Wed, 11 Jan 2017 03:37:28 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=18838 Have you ever been on Facebook and suddenly found yourself looking at wedding pictures of someone you’ve never even met? I’ll admit, it’s happened to me more than once. There’s something about the joy in the life of another that draws us in. We want to see it, experience it, and journey through some of […]

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The 9 Bible Verses That Will Help You Discern God’s Will For Your Life https://catholic-link.org/the-9-bible-verses-that-will-help-you-discern-gods-will-for-your-life-in-2017/ https://catholic-link.org/the-9-bible-verses-that-will-help-you-discern-gods-will-for-your-life-in-2017/#respond Fri, 30 Dec 2016 03:47:32 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=18737 The new year is only a few hours away and with it comes the setting of goals and resolution lists.  Whether it’s switching jobs, choosing what colleges you want to apply to, deciding if you’re ready to have another baby, or going back to school (among other things) the decision-making process can be daunting. To […]

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Is God Calling Me? 7 Tips To Discern If God Is Calling You To Consecrated Life https://catholic-link.org/god-calling-7-tipsdiscern-vocation-life-consecrated/ https://catholic-link.org/god-calling-7-tipsdiscern-vocation-life-consecrated/#respond Thu, 15 Dec 2016 23:14:54 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=18484 When I talk about vocation, many get scared at just the though of it. The first things that come to their mind are religious habits, endless prayers, people living in the same house, having to live far from their families, etc. However, the truth is that vocation means so much more than that. For those […]

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How To Encourage Your Child’s Religious Vocation? 8 Essential Tips https://catholic-link.org/childs-religious-vocation/ https://catholic-link.org/childs-religious-vocation/#respond Wed, 07 Dec 2016 03:20:31 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=18436 Events like World Youth Day or a young saint’s canonization (recently, Saint José Sanchez del Río), tend to spawn a boom in vocations to the consecrated life like fungi after a storm. It’s only logical. These celebratory events in the Church can be very moving and stir in many young people the urge to do […]

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10 Essential Things You Need To Talk About Before Getting Married https://catholic-link.org/issues-married/ https://catholic-link.org/issues-married/#respond Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:23:39 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=18004 When I read that Pope Francis said “most marriages today are invalid” I almost fell over backward. I’ve had the same hypothesis for so long! Working in family counseling, when we interview marriages in crisis and we evaluate how and why they got married, we discover that they often took the sacrament as a mere […]

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Priesthood Sunday: A day to promote vocations and honor those who have responded to the call https://catholic-link.org/priesthood-sunday-promote-vocations/ https://catholic-link.org/priesthood-sunday-promote-vocations/#respond Fri, 28 Oct 2016 13:33:53 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=17826 In the United States, on Sunday, October 28th, we celebrate Priesthood Sunday. Hopefully, your parish has something planned that will raise awareness of vocations to the priesthood. It is important for young people to begin to open their minds and hearts to the direction in which God is calling them.  There is still time to plan a […]

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A Must See Tap Dance Duel Between Two Seminarians https://catholic-link.org/a-must-see-tap-dance-duel-between-two-seminarians/ https://catholic-link.org/a-must-see-tap-dance-duel-between-two-seminarians/#respond Sun, 16 Oct 2016 03:55:08 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=6102 The video shows Reverend David Rider, 29, of New York and Reverend John Gibson, 28, from Milwaukee, engaging in a bit of healthy competition and sharing their tapping talents during a fundraiser at the North American College (NAC), an American seminary in Rome, near the Vatican. A fun example of the joy of a community centered […]

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National Geographic Reveals “The Secret Lives of Mexican Nuns” https://catholic-link.org/national-geographic-reveals-secret-lives-mexican-nuns/ https://catholic-link.org/national-geographic-reveals-secret-lives-mexican-nuns/#respond Thu, 13 Oct 2016 01:01:42 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=17514 “When I began this project, I thought of nuns as always dour and serious.” So says Marcela Taboada in her beautiful photo-story “the Secret Lives of Mexican Nuns”. She quickly proves this wrong with her photos of cake-slice waving sisters, a habited exercise biker and a volley-ball playing Carmelite. Marcela spent three years photographing religious […]

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Mark Wahlberg’s Sends Incredibly Inspiring Video to Support Priestly Vocations https://catholic-link.org/mark-wahlberg-support-priests-vocations/ https://catholic-link.org/mark-wahlberg-support-priests-vocations/#respond Wed, 05 Oct 2016 10:39:13 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=17370 While almost anyone knows who Mark Wahlberg is and has seen at least one of his movies, few know about his Catholic faith. While my goal here isn’t to present Mr. Wahlber as model (seeing how I don’t know him), I think he shares an inspiring message about the priesthood. Yesterday, through the FB page […]

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5 Things To Know About Consecrated Virgins https://catholic-link.org/cosmo-consecrated-virgins-viral/ https://catholic-link.org/cosmo-consecrated-virgins-viral/#respond Fri, 16 Sep 2016 03:38:18 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16949 In the history of Catholic-Link, we’ve never recommended that you read an article from Cosmopolitan, but that changes today! On September 12th, Cosmopolitan.com published an article titled, “I Am Happily Married to God — as a Consecrated Virgin” and we highly encourage you to read it, as well as share it with your apostolate. It is […]

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10 Catholic Quotes You Can Use When You Want To Take A Nap https://catholic-link.org/rest-according-bible-saints/ https://catholic-link.org/rest-according-bible-saints/#comments Thu, 08 Sep 2016 03:03:14 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16784 A common answer to the question, “How are you?”, is often “Busy.”  Yet, many times we don’t have to be quite as busy as we schedule ourselves to be.  Though there is great importance and dignity in the work we do, we often forget that there is also value in rest. Our on-the-go culture makes […]

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24 Unstoppable Catholic Women Doing Amazing Things For God https://catholic-link.org/20-catholic-women/ https://catholic-link.org/20-catholic-women/#comments Wed, 07 Sep 2016 01:19:21 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16730 Have you ever heard it said that the Catholic Church oppresses women? Many are quick to pass judgment on what they think is the truth of the Catholic faith.  In reality, the Catholic Church esteems women and calls us to live out the beauty of our femininity in a way that brings glory and honor to […]

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The Spiritual Journey Of St. Mother Teresa Illustrated! https://catholic-link.org/infographic-the-life-and-holiness-of-mother-teresa-illustrated/ https://catholic-link.org/infographic-the-life-and-holiness-of-mother-teresa-illustrated/#respond Sat, 03 Sep 2016 06:14:03 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16666 The life of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was extraordinary: her generosity, her tireless struggle for justice, her love and care for the poorest of the poor, and the simplicity of her words and deeds. But what is most moving about her life was not only her capacity to see and acknowledge the suffering in […]

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Top 10 St. Teresa of Calcutta Quotes of All Time https://catholic-link.org/st-teresa-calcutta-quotes-resources/ https://catholic-link.org/st-teresa-calcutta-quotes-resources/#respond Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:15:31 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16621 Many of us anticipated the day in which we could call our beloved Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta.  She lived her life as a witness to this generation of Catholics and was canonized by Pope Francis on September 4th, 2016.  Because of modern technology, we are have been able to have a more intimate […]

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Meet Two Former Olympians Now Leading Others to Religious Vocations https://catholic-link.org/olympian-religious-vocations/ https://catholic-link.org/olympian-religious-vocations/#respond Sun, 21 Aug 2016 02:45:43 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16461 Throughout the Olympics, I have grown attached to some of the athletes competing for Gold. Many of them quickly went from names I had never heard of to people I desperately wanted to see win. I’ll admit that after the Olympics conclude I probably won’t continue to follow Women’s Volleyball or the Men’s Single Skull. But, […]

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“So, what are you doing after you graduate?” – What to do if this question makes you nervous https://catholic-link.org/graduate-nervous/ https://catholic-link.org/graduate-nervous/#respond Fri, 19 Aug 2016 00:56:40 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16443 What to do when this question, “So, what are you doing after you graduate?”, makes you a little nervous. When someone finds out that you are a senior in college, there seems to be a typical conversation that goes something like this… “Oh wow! You’re a senior! So… what are you doing next year?” “Well… […]

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18 Catholic Colleges That Are Proud To Be Catholic! https://catholic-link.org/9-catholic-colleges-that-are-proud-to-be-catholic/ https://catholic-link.org/9-catholic-colleges-that-are-proud-to-be-catholic/#respond Tue, 16 Aug 2016 13:09:49 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=16387 Worried about going to a university and forgetting your Catholic roots? Choosing a school can be a nightmare, especially when you have no idea about the college lifestyle. Many Universities claim to be Catholic, yet the types of programs, speakers, and groups they have available on campus defy Catholic teaching. We would love to help […]

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“Be a Man!”: Has Society Broken True Masculinity? https://catholic-link.org/be-a-man-has-society-broken-true-masculinity/ https://catholic-link.org/be-a-man-has-society-broken-true-masculinity/#respond Wed, 08 Jun 2016 02:25:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=15196 Over the next five articles, we will embark on a brief exploration of the complex and often overlooked topic of being male. The articles will be reflective and open to discussion, so please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Be mindful of one another’s struggles – or their difficulties in speaking […]

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An Extraordinarily Beautiful Video Series About The Value Of Family And Marriage https://catholic-link.org/6-extrordinarily-beautiful-videos-about-the-value-of-family-and-marriage/ https://catholic-link.org/6-extrordinarily-beautiful-videos-about-the-value-of-family-and-marriage/#respond Sat, 16 Apr 2016 13:41:37 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=14200 One of the most misunderstood teachings of our time is what the Catholic Church says about sexuality, marriage, and family life. The beauty of what our Church truly believes is often overshadowed by what the media distorts it to be. As a result, there is truly a lack of understanding of the value of family […]

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A Letter To God From A Dying Priest https://catholic-link.org/letter-god-dying-priest/ https://catholic-link.org/letter-god-dying-priest/#comments Thu, 31 Mar 2016 02:08:06 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=13928 José Luis Martín Descalzo is a priest, a journalist, and a Spanish writer from a profoundly Christian family in which he was the youngest of four siblings. He completed degrees in History and Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He was ordained a priest in 1953. He worked as a professor and director […]

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Meet 11 Priests Who Are Doing Things The Church Has Never Done Before https://catholic-link.org/priests-who-are-sharing-the-gospel-in-unique-ways/ https://catholic-link.org/priests-who-are-sharing-the-gospel-in-unique-ways/#comments Mon, 14 Mar 2016 02:31:10 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=13654   There are so many wonderful priests throughout the world coming up with innovative ways to share the Gospel.  They are serving the poor, standing for life, evangelizing through social media, and much more. We are proud to share the stories here that you might not be hearing about in the local news. Help us […]

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7 Reasons You Can’t Figure Out What Vocation You’re Called To https://catholic-link.org/7-reasons-you-cant-figure-out-what-vocation-youre-called-to/ https://catholic-link.org/7-reasons-you-cant-figure-out-what-vocation-youre-called-to/#respond Wed, 09 Mar 2016 04:54:45 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=13554 One of the great joys of being a teacher is watching my students’ growing awareness of who or what they want to become. When they finally voice that decision for ‘engineer’, ‘designer’, ‘university student’, ‘apprentice’, I very often see a mix of composure, elation, eagerness and resolve in their faces and I know that, to some degree, my […]

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Four Benefits Of Growing In Patience When You’re Single https://catholic-link.org/four-benefits-of-growing-in-patience-during-your-single-years/ https://catholic-link.org/four-benefits-of-growing-in-patience-during-your-single-years/#respond Tue, 01 Mar 2016 02:45:58 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=13399 Waiting for the person whom we will love into eternity can sometimes be daunting. At times, the longing can seem unbearable and impatience can set in.  While being single can at times be difficult, this time in life can also be one filled with hope and important life lessons that lead to fruitful relationships.   […]

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Meet The Monk Who Says “I often thank God that He let me be blinded…” https://catholic-link.org/meet-the-monk-who-says-i-often-thank-god-that-he-let-me-be-blinded/ https://catholic-link.org/meet-the-monk-who-says-i-often-thank-god-that-he-let-me-be-blinded/#respond Thu, 28 Jan 2016 04:35:04 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=12773 Poor Oedipus. If you don’t know the classic story of the king who accidentally married his mother and blinds himself, I’d be surprised. Many deep ponderings can be taken out of this story about fate, truth, control, and free will, but what about that self-blinding? It’s horrific! But not the most horrific thing that a […]

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We Are Not Called Only Once St. John Henry Newman https://catholic-link.org/we-are-not-called-once-only-john-henry-newman/ https://catholic-link.org/we-are-not-called-once-only-john-henry-newman/#respond Thu, 07 Jan 2016 20:08:38 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/we-are-not-called-once-only-john-henry-newman/ ”For in truth we are not called once only, but many times; all through our life Christ is calling us. He called us first in Baptism; but afterwards also; whether we obey His voice or not, He graciously calls us still. If we fall from our Baptism, He calls us to repent; if we are […]

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6 Tips To “Keep Holy the Sabbath Day” When You’re Stuck Working https://catholic-link.org/how-to-keep-sunday-holy/ https://catholic-link.org/how-to-keep-sunday-holy/#respond Mon, 23 Nov 2015 13:50:43 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=11700 We are called to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy (and as Catholics we have a moral obligation to attend Sunday Mass). For many of us, however, our job or station in life may mean that Sundays are just as busy as every other day of the week, maybe even more so. In […]

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11 Things You Stop Doing When You’re Stuck In Front of A Screen https://catholic-link.org/11-things-you-dont-do-when-youre-in-front-of-a-screen/ https://catholic-link.org/11-things-you-dont-do-when-youre-in-front-of-a-screen/#respond Tue, 17 Nov 2015 05:21:14 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=11604 More often than not, it seems time flies by.  We constantly complain about lack of time, yet we spend an incredible amount of time sitting in front of computer and telephone screens.  Surfing the web, social media and online shopping have left us static and ironically more disconnected than ever before from those around us. […]

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This Nun’s Culinary Skills Helped Her Win Big, But It’s Her Vocation Story That Will Win You Over https://catholic-link.org/the-vocation-story-of-the-nun-that-won-chopped/ https://catholic-link.org/the-vocation-story-of-the-nun-that-won-chopped/#respond Wed, 11 Nov 2015 04:24:03 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=11488 Sr. Alicia Torres is the nun that wowed fans and, more importantly, the judges of the Food Network hit television show “Chopped” with her culinary skills this past week. Her prize of 10,000 dollars will go to help the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels hunger center that her order, the Franciscans of the Eucharist, operates in one of […]

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(Quiz) What Vocation Are You Called To Single, Married, or Religious Life? https://catholic-link.org/what-vocation-are-you-called-to-single-married-or-religious-life-quiz/ https://catholic-link.org/what-vocation-are-you-called-to-single-married-or-religious-life-quiz/#respond Tue, 03 Nov 2015 03:09:38 +0000 https://catholic-link.org/?p=11370 Every baptized person is called to live out a vocation as either a single, married, consecrated or ordained person in order to grow in holiness here on earth and lead to our eternal happiness.  This type of vocation is more than your job or your career, it is your calling from God and your means […]

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What Does God Want Me To Do With My Life? https://catholic-link.org/what-does-god-want-me-to-do-with-my-life/ https://catholic-link.org/what-does-god-want-me-to-do-with-my-life/#respond Tue, 22 Sep 2015 12:05:50 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=10414 “What does God want me to do with my life?!” Fr. Mike Schmitz addresses the very heart of a matter that so deeply affects many of us in this video on discernment. Or, to put it more emphatically, he addresses that heart-wrenching question yelled at top volume from the bottom of our souls, what does […]

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This Common Advice Might Actually Be Hurting Your Marriage https://catholic-link.org/popular-marriage-advice-we-dont-follow/ https://catholic-link.org/popular-marriage-advice-we-dont-follow/#respond Fri, 24 Jul 2015 17:10:15 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=9435 This Buzzfeed video contains a lot of facts on marriage, but are they all true? Everyone seems to have an opinion about what works and what doesn’t in a marriage. It takes time to figure out what will help you and your spouse have the best marriage possible. “I do.” I’m not sure how it’s […]

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11 Amazing Products Made By Monks https://catholic-link.org/11-surprising-ways-monks-spend-their-time/ https://catholic-link.org/11-surprising-ways-monks-spend-their-time/#respond Mon, 01 Jun 2015 19:10:18 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=8671 When I started to prepare this article and wondered about what life in a monastery might be like, words like privacy, silence and solitude came to mind. So I took it upon myself to do a little research, and discovered that the life and work of a monk is far more rigorous and intense than […]

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Vocations Video: How To Go “All-In” With God https://catholic-link.org/have-you-gone-all-in-with-god-another-awesome-vocations-video/ https://catholic-link.org/have-you-gone-all-in-with-god-another-awesome-vocations-video/#respond Fri, 20 Mar 2015 16:06:41 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=7557 Responding to a vocation takes guts. Whether it’s a calling to marriage with that special someone, to the silence of the cloister as a religious brother or sister, or to serve in the priesthood, answering to God’s call requires an “all-in” type attitude. Fr. Barron has teamed up with Spirit Juice Studios in order to […]

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14 Fun Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day When You’re Not in a Relationship https://catholic-link.org/valentines-day-blue/ https://catholic-link.org/valentines-day-blue/#respond Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:27:45 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=7150 Valentine’s Day can be tough when you’re not in a relationship.  Everywhere you turn it’s hearts and chocolates and romance… for everyone else!  Don’t let that get you feeling down. Get out there and make the most of this special day that our culture uses to celebrate love.  Here are some great tips to avoid […]

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This Is One Of The Most Beautiful Videos On Vocations Ever Made https://catholic-link.org/the-most-beautiful-videos-on-vocations-catholic/ https://catholic-link.org/the-most-beautiful-videos-on-vocations-catholic/#respond Thu, 05 Feb 2015 21:29:08 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=7062 Saint Augustine, upon arriving at one of the most intense moments of his phenomenal work, The Confessions, once wrote these words to God: “Too late did I love You, O Fairness, so ancient, and yet so new!” Speaking from my own story, perhaps no other phrase summarizes the experience of God’s call better. Often, when speaking […]

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How To Be A Great Parent In One Easy Step! https://catholic-link.org/how-to-be-a-great-parent-in-one-easy-step/ https://catholic-link.org/how-to-be-a-great-parent-in-one-easy-step/#respond Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:25:24 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=5622 Handle with Care combines factual information with parenting experiencing to take a light-hearted look at how to care for a newborn baby. A Deeper Look at Being a Parent Of course, if anyone thought parenting was a matter of completing a checklist like this one, people wouldn’t worry so much about having children. Yes, babies […]

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37 Photos That Prove That Catholic Nuns Are Not Boring At All https://catholic-link.org/37-photos-that-prove-that-nuns-live-boring-lives/ https://catholic-link.org/37-photos-that-prove-that-nuns-live-boring-lives/#comments Thu, 21 Aug 2014 21:37:11 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=5114 With today’s post, we hope to share a secret joy that few people ever come to know. It is the joy of a life totally dedicated to Christ. While any faithful Christian can experience this, I believe that those who the Lord calls to consecrate their lives in a special way receive in turn a […]

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Cheerios Ad that Portrays Dads as They Should Be https://catholic-link.org/adios-stupid-dads-cheerios-ad-that-portrays-dads-as-they-should-be/ https://catholic-link.org/adios-stupid-dads-cheerios-ad-that-portrays-dads-as-they-should-be/#respond Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:50:39 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=4955 I wanted to share this Cheerios Ad because of its refreshing image of fatherhood. The whole cliché of the idiot-dad-that-can’t-do-anything-right-but-we-pity-him-and-laugh-anyway is getting really old. Fatherhood isn’t for idiots, it’s for heroes. Dads deserve our respect. In fact, in my humble opinion, the James-Bond-Playboy-I-Live-Completely-For-Myself-And-Am-Superficial are the idiots. Unfortunately, usually the images we get show the opposite reality. […]

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Love In The Time of Advertising https://catholic-link.org/love-in-the-time-of-advertisement/ https://catholic-link.org/love-in-the-time-of-advertisement/#respond Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:04:44 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=4221 Written by Matt Berenty and David Bokser, “Love in the Time of Advertising” is “An animated musical love story about a young man who lives inside a billboard and is charged with updating the advertisements. When he falls in love with a beautiful lady living across the highway, he has to use the only method he […]

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4 Things You Need to Know If You’re Discerning the Priesthood https://catholic-link.org/video-consecrated-life-real-men/ https://catholic-link.org/video-consecrated-life-real-men/#respond Fri, 13 Dec 2013 08:00:13 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=3996 Today’s video is a recording of a presentation made by the young members of the priestly discernment program at the University of Steubenville (USA) for a talent show. They decided to do a parody of the song “I’ll Make A Man Out Of You” from Mulan. Although intended to be funny, the video really does allow […]

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What “the chicken or the egg” can teach us about fidelity https://catholic-link.org/which-comes-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg/ https://catholic-link.org/which-comes-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg/#respond Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:41:18 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=3687  This short animation, made by Christine Kim and Elaine Wu of Ringling College of Art and Design, tells the story of a pig with a strange addiction to eggs. When he falls in love with a hen he has to choose which comes first…the chicken or the egg?! I think this a good opportunity to […]

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The Altar Server: A School of Faith https://catholic-link.org/altar-server-school-faith/ https://catholic-link.org/altar-server-school-faith/#respond Wed, 18 Sep 2013 20:52:25 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=3526 Today’s video provides both an excellent explanation of some of the ideas behind the altar server together with practical tips on how to serve with reverence and understanding. As a reflexion, I would like to propose the idea that the liturgy, and above all the Mass, is indeed a School of Christian Living. There, in addition […]

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A Beautiful Lesson on Unconditional Love from a Couple that Lives It https://catholic-link.org/a-beautiful-lesson-on-unconditional-love-from-a-couple-that-lives-it/ https://catholic-link.org/a-beautiful-lesson-on-unconditional-love-from-a-couple-that-lives-it/#respond Mon, 29 Jul 2013 05:53:30 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=3288 “What is Love” is a video produced by CVCNow, a group that offers creative short films, designed to entertain and challenge your thinking about real life. They are hoping to bring a “much needed positive presence online and bring a fresh new perspective on real life struggles.” The video expresses the beauty and happiness that can […]

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Does The Catholic View On Marriage Increase Tension Among Spouses? https://catholic-link.org/catholic-marriage/ https://catholic-link.org/catholic-marriage/#respond Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:32:38 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=3248 The greatest challenge of any relationship is simultaneously the source of its beauty, value, and mystery. Here, I am talking about tension. I am not speaking of a psychological or muscular concept, rather a very deep and human one. I have in mind, for example, the tension that results from looking into the eyes of another. It […]

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Suffering Is The Way To Knowledge Of God. https://catholic-link.org/father-john-nepil-experiences-suffering-on-his-path-to-knowledge-of-god-obs/ https://catholic-link.org/father-john-nepil-experiences-suffering-on-his-path-to-knowledge-of-god-obs/#respond Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:30:57 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=3108 Today I would like to share one of my favorite videos from the OBS page. It is a beautiful video with an important and timely message for our time: suffering is the path to knowledge of God. It’s hard to imagine a more irritating phrase for today’s culture. Can it possibly be true? How can suffering lead us […]

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Will You Choose Comfortability Or Greatness? https://catholic-link.org/created-to-be/ https://catholic-link.org/created-to-be/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2013 18:38:44 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=2502 The video that we are presenting is called “Defining a Prodigy.” It is an excellent reflection about the existing richness of each individual person and the importance of discovering one’s own vocation. We’ve asked some fellow Catholics to give you perspective on how this video can be applied to your life as a Christian. In his […]

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Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko: The Holy Man You Should Know https://catholic-link.org/jerzy-popieluszko/ https://catholic-link.org/jerzy-popieluszko/#respond Tue, 08 Jan 2013 17:48:26 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=2143 This video is a trailer for the docu-film Jerzy: Messenger of Truth. Jerzy Popieluszko, a Polish priest, was murdered by the Communist authorities in 1984 at the age of 37. He was beatified in June of 2010. On this occasion, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message to the Church in Poland saying that Fr Jerzy’s […]

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Does The Catholic Church Believe Sex Is A Sin? https://catholic-link.org/theology-body-sex-sin/ https://catholic-link.org/theology-body-sex-sin/#comments Sun, 09 Dec 2012 10:51:05 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=1831 How can you follow a Church that still believes that sex is a sin? This is the question one friend asks of another and thus begins a fantastic overview of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Theology of the Body (TOB) is much more than just a theology of sex in the modern world; […]

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What if you lived your whole life for a false “you”? https://catholic-link.org/what-if-you-lived-your-whole-life-for-a-false-you/ https://catholic-link.org/what-if-you-lived-your-whole-life-for-a-false-you/#respond Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:35:40 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=1633 Catholic-link.com – What if you worked  your whole life and, on the day of your death, you saw for the first time that you weren’t doing what you were supposed to? That you worked for someone else, for a false idea of who you are? The video, narrated by Alan Watts (who I am not […]

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The “Dump Him List” Might Save You or Your Friend from Dating Abuse https://catholic-link.org/the-dump-list-more-than-a-dozen-signs-that-its-time-to-let-him-go/ https://catholic-link.org/the-dump-list-more-than-a-dozen-signs-that-its-time-to-let-him-go/#respond Sat, 17 Nov 2012 22:20:51 +0000 http://en.catholic-link.com/?p=1588 Crystalina Evert, learning from past experiences and mistakes, offers her “dump him list,” a list of more than a dozen signs that it’s time to let go of the relationship. If you hope to find lasting love, then it’s time to stop ignoring the red flags. Who is Crystalina Evert? Crystalina Evert is the founder […]

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