Saints Archives - Catholic-Link Catholic Resources for the New Evangelization Thu, 22 Feb 2024 13:56:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Saints Archives - Catholic-Link 32 32 An Inside Look At What It’s Like To Film A Catholic Movie About A Saint Thu, 22 Feb 2024 13:55:50 +0000 On one of the last chilly mornings of October, I received a text from a producer friend of mine, telling me that there was a an opportunity to be part of the crew for a film called “Triumph of the Heart.” For someone laying upside down on their bed, sponging fallen nutella off their sweatshirt […]

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9 Saints Who Devoted Themselves To The Holy Name Of Jesus Fri, 12 Jan 2024 07:53:00 +0000 Family movie night. We hadn’t watched a movie with my 19-year-old daughter for months. Her boyfriend was there too and as we pushed “play,” I relished the first satisfying crunch of popcorn and snuggled under a plush blanket next to my husband. The movie was just the kind I like. Time travel. Touching family dynamics. […]

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What St. John The Baptist Teaches Us About Expectations | Catholic Bible Study Fri, 05 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000 This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me.I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan […]

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The Meaning Of Saint Lucia (St. Lucy) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 16:15:04 +0000 Who Was St. Lucy? St Lucia is an early Christian martyr with a story that brings us many traditions on her feast day, December 13th. From the Swedish procession led by a young girl wearing a crown of candles to an eldest daughter serving their families sweet treats. She is also one of the eight […]

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St. Elizabeth Of The Trinity: An Ordinary Saint With Extraordinary Devotion Wed, 08 Nov 2023 06:03:00 +0000 Who was St. Elizabeth of the Trinity? There are some saints who, on the outside, do not appear especially remarkable; they are not like Catherine of Sienna guiding a pope back to Rome; or Joan of Arc leading an army into battle. By all outward appearances, they don’t seem to do anything terribly extraordinary. Yet […]

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St. Martin De Porres | 8 Facts To Know Fri, 03 Nov 2023 09:17:00 +0000 St. Martin De Porres, Pray For Us! Image created by @thestumpofjesse Guest PostWe thank those who choose to write a guest post for! We are happy to partner with you to spread the Gospel message worldwide and help Catholics grow in their faith.

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Guess That Saint! QUIZ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 05:20:00 +0000 How well do you know the Saints? Take our quiz to test your knowledge of some of the newest saints in the Catholic church and some who have been around for ages! Press the blue Start button to play now! This Saint lived during the 1800’s in France. As a Carmelite nun, she spent a […]

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Mother Teresa & Me | Movie Review Tue, 03 Oct 2023 17:33:31 +0000 The world knew Mother Teresa because of her great love, humility, and selflessness. Her desire to pursue her “call within a call” and serve the poorest of the poor resonated with millions of people worldwide from those poor people she served all the way up through the highest levels of government and elite circles of […]

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What’s With The Lion? Things We Can Learn About St. Jerome Through Art Sat, 30 Sep 2023 09:28:00 +0000 Some saints are instantly recognizable when you spot them, others remain in hazy anonymity. You know St. Therese when you see her, pristine Carmelite habit surrounding a bouquet of roses, austere and a little saccharine, she stands out in crowd. Peter with his keys, Paul with his sword, Catherine and her wheel, Dominic with his […]

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One Cause For Sainthood You Should Know About Mon, 25 Sep 2023 06:37:00 +0000 Servant of God Fr. Emil Kapaun Fr. Kapaun was named a “Servant of God” in 1993, which is the official beginning of the opening of a cause for canonization, for sainthood in the Catholic Church. Of course, the saints are the blessed in Heaven who dwell with God in Paradise. There are countless unnamed saints, […]

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What St. Padre Pio Can Teach Us About Enduring Trials Sat, 23 Sep 2023 06:13:00 +0000 Padre Pio is one of the most beloved saints in Catholic history. Many know him for having the stigmata or for his ability to bilocate and read hearts in the confessional. The stories of his miracles are inspiring and remind people of the power of God and His Church. But even more important than the […]

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Here’s What The Saints Want You To Know About The Rosary Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:54:00 +0000 All Catholics are called to be saints. If we genuinely want to grow in holiness, we must study the lives of the saints who have gone before us to learn what habits, virtues, and values guided their path to heaven. It doesn’t take long to realize that a deep devotion to Our Mother and praying […]

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Bedtime Stories With The Saints: St. Anthony, Demon Fighter Fri, 16 Jun 2023 05:06:00 +0000 There was once a young man named Anthony who lived with his sister in a village called Coma in Egypt. The hills around the village were dry and brown against the pale blue sky. However, inside the village was lush and green. Palm trees dotted the horizon and water flowed through the canal. Anthony’s parents […]

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Today’s Teens Need The Saints More Than Ever Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:00 +0000 A lot happens between the ages of 12 and 14. I call it the magical age, the ethereal age, the age of heroes and anything’s-possible. We’ve all passed through that moment. For some of us it was just another year, for others it was the turning point that made every subsequent moment in their lives […]

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St. Julie Billart And Bite-Size Sainthood Sat, 08 Apr 2023 06:09:00 +0000 Modeling our lives after those of the saints can sometimes feel like a formidable task. We count the ways it seems impossible in the 21st century. We examine the action of the holiest saints and we wonder how we could ever compare. We’re juggling so many balls as it is – how could we possibly […]

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St. Frances Of Rome, 3 Cars, And A Blessing To Remember Wed, 08 Mar 2023 07:19:00 +0000 In 2004, I became that convert who immediately jumped, with both feet, into all things Catholic. I was the one running to the Religious Goods store regularly, because, of course, I now needed a crucifix for every room, statues of our confirmation saints, candles, framed images and all the prayer cards I could find. Our […]

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Who Taught Mother Teresa To Be A Person Of Virtue? Wed, 11 Jan 2023 10:57:00 +0000 Saint Teresa of Calcutta was known for spending countless hours attending to the dying, the sick, and the poor. This flowed from her rich prayer life: Daily Mass and a daily holy hour. Where did Mother Teresa learn to sacrifice herself for others? Her first teacher in virtue was none other than her mother, Dranafile […]

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9 (Easy To Understand!) Quotes From Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclicals That Teach Us To Love, Hope, And Trust Wed, 04 Jan 2023 07:43:00 +0000 CARITAS IN VERITATE | June 29, 2009 Each person finds his good by adherence to God’s plan for him, in order to realize it fully: in this plan, he finds his truth, and through adherence to this truth he becomes free (cf. Jn 8:32).  Pope Benedict XVI Without God man neither knows which way to […]

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A Catholics Guide To Living 2024: Quotes, Devotions, & Resources For A New Year! Mon, 02 Jan 2023 08:45:00 +0000 Start 2024 strong by committing to grow in your Catholic faith and answering the call to be devoted to daily prayer. Our Catholic Guide to 2024 will lead you with the quotes, monthly devotions, and intentions to help you stay motivated each month of the year. Save or print this article so that you can […]

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St. Ambrose And The Legend Of A Bizarre Encounter With Bees Wed, 07 Dec 2022 07:59:00 +0000 Living in the 4th century A.D., St. Ambrose was bishop of Milan during a tumultuous era of Church history. His road to ordination was an interesting journey. The sudden death of the current bishop of Milan in 374 A.D. left the bishop’s seat open amid the climate of the Arian heresy. Ambrose, an unbaptized believer […]

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Four Practical Ways Catholics Can Embrace Martyrdom Each Day Tue, 04 Oct 2022 16:25:29 +0000 When we think of the saints and martyrs, especially the first Christians, we struggle to conceptualize their experiences.  We don’t live in the same era, they seem “more Catholic” than us, and their level of holiness can feel unrelatable and unattainable. The magnitude of their sacrifice and their commitment to the name of Jesus can […]

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How To Choose Your Confirmation Saint Thu, 22 Sep 2022 09:13:00 +0000 What Is A Patron Saint? When you are baptized, the priest says the name chosen for you by your parents. However, when you are confirmed, in the Latin Rite of the Church, you get to choose a “Confirmation Saint.” This saint is a special patron saint which you have chosen to be a special protector […]

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The Legacy Of Truth This Potential Saint Brought To The World Continues To Inspire FOCUS Missionaries Tue, 20 Sep 2022 09:06:00 +0000 Bishop David Kagan, Diocese of Bismarck, N.D., announced the opening of the diocesan investigation which could lead to the beatification and canonization of North Dakota native Michelle Christine Duppong. Born in 1985, Duppong grew up in Haymarsh, N.D. She earned a degree in horticulture at North Dakota State University in 2006. While there, she encountered […]

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The Life And Love Of St. Anthony Mary Claret In The Biopic Film “Slaves And Kings” Mon, 22 Aug 2022 02:30:00 +0000 The Catholic Church celebrates the memorial of St. Anthony Claret on October 24th.  But moviegoers will have the opportunity to learn about him sooner with an upcoming Fathom movie release of Slaves and Kings on August 22 (English) and August 23 (Spanish) in select theatres throughout the United States.  Personally, I was familiar with St. Anthony Claret […]

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What Did Pope Pius X Contribute To The Catholic Church? Sun, 21 Aug 2022 04:21:00 +0000 Who Was Pope St. Pius X? Born in 1835 in Venice, Guiseppe Melchiorre Sarto was pope from 1903 to 1914 under the name Pius X. He was a staunch defender of the truth, a liturgical reformer, and a man of great faith. Pope St. Pius X is well known globally for his repression of Modernism […]

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Who Are The Seven Women Saints Named In The Eucharistic Prayer At Mass? Tue, 12 Jul 2022 02:43:00 +0000 To us, also, your servants, who, though sinners, hope in your abundant mercies, graciously grant some share and fellowship with your holy Apostles and Martyrs: with John the Baptist, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicity, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, and all your Saints: admit us, we beseech you, into their company, […]

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Raising A Saint: Lessons From Holy Dads Fri, 17 Jun 2022 10:07:00 +0000 If you could ask a few male saints how they were raised, what do you think they would say? Certainty, every Catholic father wants to raise a saint, but not every father is willing to make the sacrifice or knows where to start.  The Father Of St. Thomas More Let’s begin with John More, the […]

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Thoughts And Prayers From The 13 Patron Saints Of World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 Sun, 22 May 2022 04:12:24 +0000 World Youth Day will take place August 1-6, 2023 in Lisbon. The motto chosen from Luke 1:39, “Mary arose and went with haste,” is one that will speak to the hearts of the thousands of young people expected to join Pope Francis in prayer during this international faith gathering. Catholics are asked to begin interceding […]

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10 Quotes From The Catholic Church’s 10 Newest Saints Wed, 18 May 2022 04:15:43 +0000 On May 15, 2022, Pope Francis introduced ten new Saints to the Catholic Church. Each of these holy men and women are powerful examples of lives dedicated to God through service, faith, and love. At the canonization Mass, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that all are called to become saints. “Being disciples of Jesus and […]

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Raising A Saint: 2 Essential Lessons From Holy Mothers Fri, 06 May 2022 09:45:00 +0000 In one of his most famous dreams, St. Don Bosco saw a large ship being attacked by smaller ships. Eventually, the Holy Father steered the larger ship, which represented the Church, safely between two pillars: the Blessed Mother and the Holy Eucharist. Like the Holy Father, the parents of the saints helped guide their domestic […]

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St. Catherine Of Siena And A Woman’s Gift Of Intuition Fri, 29 Apr 2022 10:07:00 +0000 Though she was physically short in stature, St. Catherine of Siena was a spiritual giant among the giants. She was canonized by Pope Pius II in 1461, only eighty-one years after her death. In 1866, she was declared a patron saint of Rome, and in 1939, co-patron saint of Italy (along with St. Francis of […]

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Bedtime Stories With The Saints: St. George The Dragonslayer Sat, 23 Apr 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Once upon a time, there was a horrible dragon who lived in a pond near a village called Silene. The dragon was terribly large with a pointed head and a flickering forked tongue like a snake. He had sharp curved claws bigger and sharper than any sword. Deadly, though he was, the dragon was also […]

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The Saints Show Us How Stewardship Starts With Wonder Fri, 22 Apr 2022 10:00:00 +0000 I am impressed every time my child spots a dandelion and plucks it as if something truly magnificent has captured his attention. This kind of wonder seems to fade as we get older. So I have always been interested in how the saints were able to not just maintain this sense of awe but also […]

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What Would The Saints Say To Will Smith And Chris Rock? Mon, 28 Mar 2022 15:52:54 +0000 Even if you didn’t watch the Oscars, you’ve likely seen all over social media what occurred between Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Will Smith. An offensive joke was told at the expense of Jada Pinkett Smith and her husband retaliated by walking on stage to slap Chris Rock and then proceeded to cuss him […]

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Man Of God: The Powerful Story Of St. Nektarios Of Aegina Tue, 22 Mar 2022 10:28:00 +0000 The present situation in the world between Russia and Ukraine has brought to our attention many different saints that the western Church, that is, Roman Catholics, would have little familiarity. They could be saints associated with the Eastern Churches in communion with Rome like the Ukrainian Catholic Church or it could be saints associated with […]

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2024 Catholic Monthly Devotions And An Inspirational Catholic Quote For Each Month Thu, 24 Feb 2022 23:04:00 +0000 It is a tradition of the Catholic Church to observe a specific devotion during each month of the year. Here is the list of those devotions and a saint quote that will inspire you! 2024 Catholic Monthly Devotions January – The Holy Name of Jesus “The sweet name of Jesus produces in us holy thoughts, […]

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From Swordsmen To Dancer: What You Should Know About St. Francis De Sales Mon, 24 Jan 2022 14:34:01 +0000 St. Francis de Sales Francis de Sales was the Bishop of Geneva in Switzerland. Francis was born two months premature to a noble family in a castle: the Château de Sales. His father was the Lord of the castle, and his mother was a noblewoman, the daughter of a high-level magistrate. Francis was given a […]

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41 Resolutions From St. Gabriel Of Our Lady Of Sorrows Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:46:37 +0000 How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up?! If you haven’t been able to stick to your own goals or you just need some inspiration to try something different, take a look at this incredible list written by St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrow. If you don’t think you can stick to all 41 […]

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Christmas Prayers Of The Saints Fri, 24 Dec 2021 12:36:00 +0000 This Christmas, pray as the Saints did with these Christmas prayers! Let Your Goodness Appear To Us | St. Bernard of Clairvaux Let your goodness Lord, appear to us, that we, made in your image, may conform ourselves to it. In our own strength we cannot imagine your majesty, power, and wonder, nor is it […]

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How St. Albert The Great Integrated Religion And Science Mon, 15 Nov 2021 05:12:13 +0000 Who Is Albertus Magnus? One of the greatest saints in the History of the intellectual tradition of the Church is St. Thomas Aquinas. The Angelic Doctor, however, did not arise from a vacuum. Even the greatest teachers once had great teachers. The most famous teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas is St. Albert the Great (known […]

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Get To Know St. Charles Borromeo The “Practical Genius” Thu, 04 Nov 2021 16:56:08 +0000 Who is St. Charles Borromeo? Carlo Borromeo was born in Arona, Italy near Milan in 1538. He became a cardinal archbishop and was active in the Catholic Counter-Reformation (after the Protestant Reformation) in Italy. St. Charles Borromeo died at the age of 46 in 1584 and was canonized a short time later in 1610. His […]

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November Is Devoted To The Souls In Purgatory | Mark Your Calendar! Sat, 30 Oct 2021 12:26:00 +0000 Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? This year, let’s focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions! Make yourself notes, write it on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember. You could use a prayer already associated with the […]

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2 Books That Inspired St. Therese | Saints And The Books They Loved Fri, 01 Oct 2021 16:59:43 +0000 Catholic LinkCatholic-Link

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Saint Augustine’s “Confessions” | 11 Essential Quotes On The Christian Life Sun, 29 Aug 2021 02:58:00 +0000 The Confessions is the book through which I encountered a great saint. It is the book I recommend the most when it comes to conversion and the spiritual fight. In addition to being a beautiful dialogue between Saint Augustine and God, this autobiography shows that the saints were also sinners just like you and me. […]

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5 Women Saints Who Define True Beauty Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:07:18 +0000 Women are constantly bombarded with the culture’s ideas of beauty, but what if we chose to learn from the saints instead? Click the links below to dig deeper into the stories of these women saints and discover true beauty and goodness. 5 Saints Who Demonstrate True Beauty 1.  St. Brigid of Kildare –  “When she […]

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Can St. Irenaeus Prove That The Catholic Church Was The Original Church? Mon, 28 Jun 2021 16:42:03 +0000 Irenaeus was a 2nd-century bishop of Lyons in modern-day France. He knew Polycarp, who was a disciple of the Apostle John. He, therefore, serves as a significant witness to the early Church’s development, especially as it was consolidating itself against divergent groups. In his monumental Against Heresies, Irenaeus counters the various Gnostic groups, which misconstrued […]

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Meet Venerable Jan Tyranowski: An Ordinary Man With An Extraordinary Impact Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:37:33 +0000 In the early 1940s, the Nazis dominated many countries in central Europe. And they were not neutral toward religion. They sought to destroy the Catholic Church, sending thousands of priests and religious to concentration camps, silencing any opposition from religious leaders, prohibiting most public expressions of faith and outlawing education in the Christian life. The goal […]

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Can Married People Become Saints? Sun, 20 Jun 2021 14:37:34 +0000 Recently I read an account of a martyr who was not an ordained religious. The author began the reflection by saying that this saint helps us to keep in mind that sainthood is possible in all states of life. While this statement is true and supplies hope and encouragement for those of us who aren’t […]

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St. Anthony – More Than A Patron Saint Of Lost Car Keys Thu, 10 Jun 2021 18:33:20 +0000 Who is Saint Anthony? Many of us know he is the patron Saint of lost things but often that’s all we know. He is a doctor of the Church, Saint of miracles, and much more! Saint Anthony, is one of the Doctors of the Church, and there are many prayers to St Anthony. Why do […]

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How St. Joseph Taught Me To Follow God’s Plan When Things Don’t Go As Expected Fri, 23 Apr 2021 14:43:04 +0000 What St. Joseph Taught Us Things rarely go according to plan. Even if you have the greatest project manager in the world, there are still factors and elements that cannot be controlled. St. Joseph teaches us to place our trust in God, especially when things do not go as expected. St. Joseph, the Betrothed of […]

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What The Saints Had To Say About St. Joseph Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:13:45 +0000 St. Joseph was a man of few words. Well, at least as it was recorded in the Bible! But, we can learn a lot about St. Joseph from those who studied his ways and had divine inspirations about his character. Saint Quotes About St. Joseph “Though thou hast recourse to many saints as thine intercessors, […]

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St. Cyril And His Battle Against The Christological Controversies Thu, 18 Mar 2021 15:30:12 +0000 The First Two Ecumenical Councils In this short article, we are going to look at a complicated and intricate controversy in the early Church pertaining to the nature of Christ Himself. First, we have to set the scene. In the year 381 AD, the Emperor Theodosius I convened all of the bishops in an ecumenical […]

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4 Steps To Creating A Simple St. Joseph Altar In Your Home Fri, 12 Mar 2021 21:03:45 +0000 Is St. Joseph our unofficial patron of Lent?  When we think of St. Joseph, we think of the Nativity, the escape into Egypt. We think of the carpenter and his early life with Jesus. But when do we ever connect him to the Passion? We don’t. He had already passed by the time Jesus made […]

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Why We All Need St. Jude Right Now Thu, 18 Feb 2021 19:12:46 +0000 Who Was St. Jude? Judas Thaddeus is often known in Greek as simply “Thaddeus” because this is the name used in the Gospels according to St. Matthew and St. Mark. When translators were putting the books of the Bible into English, they sought to distant this Apostle we call “Jude” from the betrayer of Jesus: […]

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St. Joseph’s Seven Joys Fri, 29 Jan 2021 15:27:24 +0000 Pope Francis has announced that this year (from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021) will be the Year of St. Joseph. The Holy Father explained why he made this decree in his Apostolic Letter PATRIS CORDE. “Now, one hundred and fifty years after his proclamation as Patron of the Catholic Church by Blessed Pius IX (8 December 1870), I would […]

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All The Resources You Need For The Feast Of St. Joseph Fri, 11 Dec 2020 15:18:25 +0000 Are you ready to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19? Last year was the Year of St. Joseph. The Holy Father explained why he made this decree in his Apostolic Letter PATRIS CORDE. “Now, one hundred and fifty years after his proclamation as Patron of the Catholic Church by Blessed Pius IX (8 December 1870), I […]

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Find Out Where The “Other” Arm Of St. Francis Xavier Is Located Fri, 04 Dec 2020 01:01:00 +0000 St. Francis Xavier, the missionary apostle who is the vanguard of the Church’s worldwide missionary outreach, served in a long tradition in the Church that reaches to present days.   The Arm Of St. Francis But Where Is His Other Arm? While many know of the famous left forearm of his, that has baptized thousands […]

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The Manger Is Where God’s Greatness Is Hidden | St. Josemaria Escriva Quote Wed, 02 Dec 2020 23:27:00 +0000 “Every time Christmas comes around, I love to look at representations of the child Jesus. Statues and pictures which show a God who lowered himself remind me that God is calling us. The Almighty wants us to know that he is defenseless, that he needs men’s help. From the cradle at Bethlehem, Christ tells you […]

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Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Therese Of Lisieux Mon, 09 Nov 2020 14:46:46 +0000 St. Therese of Lisieux | Doctor of the Church St. Therese of Lisieux was born on January 2, 1873, and died on September 30, 1897. St. Therese of Lisieux was a French Discalced Carmelite nun, the same order founded by St. Teresa of Avila. Her religious name is St. Therese of the Child Jesus and […]

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Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Catherine Of Siena Mon, 26 Oct 2020 13:39:56 +0000 St. Catherine of Siena Catherine was born March 25, 1347 and died on April 29, 1380. Catherine was the 23rd child of Jacopo and Lapa Benincasa and was from Siena, Italy. From an early age, she made a lot of time for prayer and meditation and at the age of 18, she became a lay […]

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Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Teresa Of Avila Thu, 15 Oct 2020 15:24:08 +0000 Will WrightWill Wright lives in Phoenix with his wife and sons and is a History and Religion Teacher at St. John Paul II Catholic High School. He is a regular speaker at the Institute of Catholic Theology in Phoenix and an instructor at the Kino Catechetical Institute. He is also a regular author for the […]

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Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Hildegard Of Bingen Mon, 12 Oct 2020 13:59:16 +0000 What is a Doctor of the Church?  Before we dive into this series on four amazing female saints, it is worth examining the question: what is a Doctor of the Church? Doctor comes from the Latin word “docere” meaning “to teach.” A Doctor of the Church is someone recognized by the Church who has three […]

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Carlo Acutis: The Newest Patron Saint Of The Internet? Sat, 10 Oct 2020 03:00:54 +0000 Carlo Acutis, who passed away in 2006, was beatified October 10, 2020 in Assisi. Blessed Carlo Acutis is proving to the world that you don’t need to be rich, famous, crazy smart or the coolest kid in school to make an impact.  He once said, “To be always close to Jesus, that’s my life plan.” […]

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The Bold, Childlike Preaching Of St. Francis Of Assisi Sun, 04 Oct 2020 16:17:37 +0000 Sometimes he preached hard like a boxer’s jaw.  But sometimes he preached soft as the underside of a kitten’s paw.  And sometimes he preached so joyful it shone through the sweetness of his smile.  But sometimes he preached so soulful it stung through the salt of his tears.  But hard or soft, joyful or soulful,  St. Francis […]

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5 Patron Saints Every Student Needs To Know About! Fri, 11 Sep 2020 10:35:00 +0000 Ever need help with your studies? For many students, there are times when motivation is hard and studying is full of stress. The Church has recognized certain people as saints, stating with confidence that they are in Heaven and able to intercede on our behalf before God. And there are many saints who are perfect […]

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Mother Teresa’s Daily Prayer | Radiating Christ Fri, 04 Sep 2020 14:47:06 +0000 St. Teresa of Calcutta prayed the “Radiating Christ” prayer daily. It is thought to have been written by St. John Henry Newman. Radiating Christ Dear Jesus, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Thy spirit and love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life […]

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What Today’s Church Can Learn From St. Gregory The Great Thu, 03 Sep 2020 00:50:22 +0000 Who is St. Gregory the Great? Gregory was the son of a wealthy Sicilian who owned large estates in Sicily and a mansion in Rome. It is reported that Gregory was the best student of grammar, logic, and dialectic in the city of Rome and also did a course in legal studies. Gregory was always […]

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St. Clare, Scandal, & Why Saints Are Often Foolish Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:09:50 +0000 People do foolish things for love. Consider a wonderful Catholic girl I know who creeped away from her loving parents one night to join some neighborhood dude who had shamed his family by stealing from his own father, and then scandalized the whole town by flashing naked on the steps of the cathedral. Yes people […]

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This Is Why St. Dominic Is Given Credit For The Holy Rosary Wed, 05 Aug 2020 03:15:13 +0000 The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most popular devotions of the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church. The image of the Rosary is inseparable from the Roman Catholic Church. Certainly, there are countless devotions in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the East. But, where […]

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Looking For A Mountaintop Spiritual Experience? Dive Into St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises! Fri, 31 Jul 2020 03:45:03 +0000 In the spiritual life, the term “mountaintop experience” refers to a glorious, monumental event in which one comes face to face with God, and through which, He reveals Himself to an individual in a new and powerful way. Think back to the story of the Transfiguration where Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James and […]

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What We Can Learn About Being ProLife From Sts. Zelie And Louis Martin Fri, 10 Jul 2020 03:00:23 +0000 St. Therese’s parents, as they are most commonly known, are incredible prolife witnesses. They didn’t found the March for Life or repeal laws or establish pregnancy crisis centers, which are all amazing ways to help protect and respect life from conception until a natural death. What Sts. Zelie and Louis Martin did do is live […]

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What You Can Do To Make Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati A Saint! Wed, 01 Jul 2020 17:16:00 +0000 Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, mountain-enthusiast, student, fun-lover and passionate Catholic, was born in Italy in 1901 and died when he was only 24. Born to a wealthy family, he used his privileged position to secretly support the poor. For all intents and purposes, he lead an ordinary life of a young person. He orchestrated pranks […]

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Why St. Bernardine Created The IHS Christogram And What It Means Tue, 23 Jun 2020 02:49:26 +0000 St. Bernardine – A St. Paul of the 15th Century St. Bernardine was from Siena, Italy and was ordained a Franciscan priest at the age of 24 in the year 1402. He took upon himself the poverty of the Franciscan Order and expressed an acute awareness for the needs of people of his time. He […]

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A Litany Of Pro-life Saints Tue, 05 May 2020 23:03:06 +0000 Now is a great time to remember that life is precious from conception until natural death and reflect on what we can do to protect each other. Let’s ask for the intercession of these pro-life saints who undoubtedly lived with love for others, respecting their human dignity despite circumstances. The prayers of these saints and […]

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What Can Dads Learn From The “Silent Giant Of Faith”? Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:00:55 +0000 Husband of Mary, Father of Jesus, and Model of Faith in God St. Joseph was betrothed to the Blessed Virgin Mary when Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jewish custom, betrothal was the first of a two-part ceremony. In the first part, the erusin, the bride is dedicated to the […]

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The Example Of Saints In Times Of Trial: A Priest, A Lay Man, And A Pope Mon, 30 Mar 2020 01:52:13 +0000 FAITH IN TIME OF WAR, Servant of God Emil Kapaun: Fr. Emil Kapaun’s cause for canonization is proceeding forward, and he is currently recognized by the Church with the title: Servant of God. He was a priest and chaplain in the United States Army during the Second World War and the Korean War. He was […]

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New Year’s Advice From The Saints Mon, 30 Dec 2019 15:32:23 +0000 Looking for advice and suggestions to help you live out your New Year’s resolutions? Start with the wisdom of the Saints! “During this new year I resolve to begin a new life. I do not know what will happen to me during this year. But I abandon myself entirely to you, my God. And my […]

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Albert The Great: A Saint For Our Times Who Shows That Faith And Science Are Compatible Fri, 15 Nov 2019 04:33:42 +0000 Fr. Brenton CordeiroFather Brenton Cordeiro first felt the call to the priesthood in a simple, profound way on his sixteenth birthday. “As I began to fall in love with my faith, discover my faith,” he says, “that call was something that I kept close to me in my heart.” About ten years after first feeling […]

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St. Francis of Assisi’s Prayer To Mary Wed, 06 Nov 2019 04:54:44 +0000 Hail, holy Lady, most holy Queen, Mary, Mother of God, ever Virgin. You were chosen by the Most High Father in heaven,consecrated by Him, with His most Holy Beloved Son and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. On you descended and still remains all the fullness of grace and every good.Hail, His Palace.Hail His Tabernacle.Hail His Robe.Hail His […]

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5 Saints You’ve Probably Never Heard Of, But Should Get To Know Fri, 01 Nov 2019 15:32:06 +0000 There are a few Saints that most Catholics seem to love. St. John Paul II, St. Therese the Little Flower, St. Anthony are usually at the top of everyone’s list and with good reason! These Saints are powerhouses of love, virtue, and holiness. Of course, I adore these Saints just like you do, but I […]

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These Horrifying Saint Costume Ideas Will Freak Your Friends Out Fri, 25 Oct 2019 04:05:49 +0000 If you think Saint costumes are boring, think again! Check out these gory, gruesome, and horrifying costumes that will have your friends talking all night long. It’s an interesting way to evangelize, but it just might work. 8 Scary Saint Costumes Saint Ursula – The princess saint who was shot by an arrow while on […]

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St. John Paul II’s Advice For When Life Is Stressful Wed, 23 Oct 2019 02:57:54 +0000 Fr. Brenton CordeiroFather Brenton Cordeiro first felt the call to the priesthood in a simple, profound way on his sixteenth birthday. “As I began to fall in love with my faith, discover my faith,” he says, “that call was something that I kept close to me in my heart.” About ten years after first feeling […]

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4 Catholic Recipes To Help You Stay On-Trend With Liturgical Living Mon, 14 Oct 2019 16:18:22 +0000 Liturgical living is trending. Tradition is being reignited in unexpected ways, even meal planning. Since our primary meal was given to us at the Last Supper, we have been giving meals back. All across the universal Church, the faithful have spent the last 2000 years committing prayers of thanksgiving to memory and, more recently, writing […]

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5 Things St. Francis Teaches Us About Rebuilding The Church Fri, 04 Oct 2019 13:51:47 +0000 St. Francis of Assisi is arguably one of the most beloved and venerated Catholic saints (after Mary and Joseph, obviously). However, by his own admission, Francis wasn’t always the radical, holy saint we revere. He once said, “I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.” Growing […]

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A 1-Minute Video Of St. Augustine Quotes To Live By Wed, 28 Aug 2019 18:48:38 +0000 Check out this collection of some of our favorite St. Augustine quotes! Let this great Saint inspire you! Click the “Play” button below to get started… More St. Augustine Resources Becky RoachBecky Roach lives in Ohio with her husband and six children. When not doing laundry or making memories with her kids, Becky enjoys diet […]

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Meet The Princess Saint Who Loved To Serve Fri, 05 Jul 2019 13:19:45 +0000 Meet The Princess Saint Who Loved To ServeThe Princess of Aragon St. Elizabeth of Portugal, also known as Isabel, was the daughter of Pedro III, King of Aragon, and the granddaughter of Emperor Frederick II, Constantia. She was born in 1271 and died in 1336. She was the daughter of a king. She was a […]

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Why Is This Astonishing Saint Known As “The Spooky Saint”? Wed, 31 Oct 2018 11:10:01 +0000 Becky RoachBecky Roach lives in Ohio with her husband and six children. When not doing laundry or making memories with her kids, Becky enjoys diet coke and date nights with her husband.

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A Closer Look At Of Our 7 Newer Saints Tue, 23 Oct 2018 14:37:08 +0000 Pope Francis has canonized several new saints are Pope Paul VI, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Father Vincenzo Romano, Sister Nazaria Ignacia de Santa Teresa de Jesús March Mesa, Father Francesco Spinelli, Sister Maria Katharina Kasper, and Nunzio Sulprizio. Let’s take a look at these new saints! 7 New Catholic Saints St. Pope Paul VI Giovanni Battista […]

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How To Pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet: Your Step By Step Visual Guide Wed, 10 Oct 2018 01:32:53 +0000 What is the Divine Mercy Chaplet?  Sister Faustina Kowalska was a nun who received visions from Jesus Himself. After a particular vision on September 13, 1935, she began to share a prayer that Jesus taught her. The account of that vision can still be found in her diary, where she writes that Jesus said: “When […]

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The Intercession of a Saint: How St. Joseph Moved Us Across the Country and Back Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:42:28 +0000 Asking for a saint’s help never seemed odd to me growing up. It was like asking friends or family to pray for me. In fact, it is asking friends and family to pray for me. God wishes to help His children grow strong and help each other. He didn’t make us to passively walk the […]

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A Big List Of Saints From Big Families Fri, 03 Aug 2018 02:59:07 +0000 When I’m out and about running errands with my children, it’s inevitable that someone will comment on the size of my family. Are they all yours? Were you trying for the girl? My, you’ve got your hands full! And, my personal favorite, you do know how that happens, right? The thing that I find most amusing […]

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The 36 Doctors Of The Church | Part 3: The 11 Medieval Doctors Thu, 10 May 2018 17:18:48 +0000 Today we present Part 3 of our series on the Doctors of the Church, having begun our list with Part 1, the Eight Ecumenical Doctors – four from the West and four from the East. In Part 2, we brought you the remaining eight Patristic Era Doctors. The eleven that follow today are called the […]

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A List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation Thu, 03 May 2018 18:38:35 +0000 The most comprehensive List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation. Ask the Saints to interceded for you and get to know their stories! You’ll be glad you did. A List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Were […]

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Just Announced: Blessed Pope Paul VI And Blessed Oscar Romero To Be Saints! Wed, 07 Mar 2018 20:27:39 +0000 Blessed Pope Paul VI and Blessed Oscar Romero will be canonized. Many expect this will take place in October at the Synod of Bishops. Find out more in this video! Inspiring Words From Our Future Saints The violence we preach is not the violence of the sword, the violence of hatred. It is the violence of […]

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The Stations of The Cross | Video Reflections From 3 Saints Wed, 28 Feb 2018 01:13:18 +0000 Praying the Stations of the Cross is an important spiritual practice during the season of Lent. Meditating on the sufferings of Our Lord will help us to more fully experience the joy and the victory of Easter Sunday. If you’re not able to attend The Stations of the Cross at your Church, try setting aside […]

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Who Are The 36 Doctors Of The Church? (The 8 Patristic Era Doctors Mon, 26 Feb 2018 19:15:04 +0000 Recently, we brought you Part 1 of our series on the Doctors of the Church, having begun our list with the so-called Eight Ecumenical Doctors – from the West – St. Ambrose (340-397), St. Jerome (345-420), St. Augustine (354-430), and Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604), and – from the East – St. Athanasius (295-373), […]

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Why We Need Bl. Miguel Pro Now, More Than Ever Fri, 24 Nov 2017 00:11:29 +0000 “¡Viva Cristo Rey!” These were the electric and immortal words shouted by Fr. Miguel Pro, S.J., as the virulently anti-Catholic government firing squad took aim at him, his eyes wide open and arms stretched forth in cruciform posture. Long live Christ the King! Miguel Pro was martyred for the faith at the age of 36, […]

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4 Heroic Stories of Military Chaplains Who Went Beyond Their Call of Duty Sat, 11 Nov 2017 03:38:06 +0000 During patriotic holidays, we are intentional in remembering the men and women who have fought for our freedom from the beginning.  In a special way, military chaplains carry out their duties displaying exemplary courage and faith. They reflect the love of Jesus to those around them, often in heartbreaking and difficult situations. In some cases, […]

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QUIZ: What Should You Be For Halloween? (And One Thing You Shouldn’t Be) Thu, 26 Oct 2017 01:50:07 +0000 It’s that time of year again in which we are bombarded with Halloween costume ideas. Everyone is looking for the most creative, clever, and unique costume idea to show off to their friends and neighbors. We’ve decided to join in the fun, so we’ve created a personality quiz to help you decide what to dress […]

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Is Roberto Clemente The Patron “Saint” Of Baseball? Tue, 24 Oct 2017 21:39:49 +0000 As the World Series gets underway this week between the Houston Astros and the Los Angeles Dodgers, we present a poignant story of one of pro sports’ great humanitarians, the late Roberto Clemente. Clemente (1934-1972) was a pioneer in Major League Baseball, both as a black man and a Latino, hailing from Puerto Rico. He […]

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Special Agent Of The Sacred Heart: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Tue, 17 Oct 2017 15:32:23 +0000 October 16th and 17th (in the post- and pre-conciliar liturgical calendars, respectively) mark the feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. It is from this beautiful saint that the Church and the world came to practice the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Under the care and formation of the Poor Clares from the age […]

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5 Recommended (Short & Easy!) Catholic Books On The Spiritual Life Mon, 09 Oct 2017 02:18:14 +0000 We frequently complain about our lack of time, especially when it comes to having time to read. Usually, the problem is not time, but the way we organize our priorities throughout the day. Spiritual readings are an excellent way to take advantage of time and nourish our soul. Certainly, they require us to find an […]

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Read 11 Of The Best Quotes By St. John Chrysostom OR Listen To 10 Hours Of His Homilies Tue, 19 Sep 2017 14:13:42 +0000 The feast of St. John Chrysostom is September 13th. He is a Doctor of the Church and was known for his incredibly insightful and powerful preaching. Saint John Chrysostom lived from 349 to 407. As one of the early Church fathers, his writing has been extremely beneficial to the faith. It is said that he […]

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That Time St. Clare Defeated An Army With the Holy Eucharist Fri, 11 Aug 2017 15:26:25 +0000 This story from the life of St. Clare not only reveals to us her incredible devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and her deep trust in the Lord’s protection, but it also demonstrates the power of the Holy Eucharist. Though she was feeble and sick, St.Clare turned away an army and prevented an attack on the […]

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Champion Of The Feminine, Martyr Of Auschwitz: 18 Beautiful Quotes From St. Teresa Benedicta Of The Cross Wed, 09 Aug 2017 01:53:32 +0000 St. Teresa Benedicta. Do you know her? You ought to. Edith Stein was born in 1891 in Germany, the youngest of 11 children. She was raised Jewish but fell away from the faith and all belief in God as a teen. Highly gifted, Stein grew up to obtain her doctorate in philosophy, studying under the […]

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In Obscurity And In Humility: 7 Things You Should Know About The Curé of Ars (St. John Vianney) Thu, 03 Aug 2017 18:50:47 +0000 The month of August is jam packed with feasts of spiritual powerhouses. August 4th – or 8th in the pre-1962 calendar – is the commemoration of St. John Vianney, also known as the Curé of Ars. Born in 1786, the fourth of six children to devout Catholic parents in the region of Lyon, France – […]

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According To St. Josemaria Escriva, If You Do These 17 Things You Probably Need To Work On Humility Tue, 01 Aug 2017 23:51:08 +0000 I’ve been trying to go to Confession more regularly because I have been so encouraged by some of the articles we have posted here on Catholic-Link. (Find them here!) One of the many benefits of going more often has been that I’ve been able to see a pattern in the sins that I’m confessing. What […]

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Mother Of the Mother Of God: Why You Should Have A Devotion To St. Anne Tue, 25 Jul 2017 20:08:34 +0000 July 26th is the feast of St. Anne, grandmother of Jesus and mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although the Bible says nothing of her, devotion to St. Anne runs deep in both the Eastern and Western Churches’ traditions. What we know comes from apocryphal tradition, i.e., from ancient texts that were not included in […]

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The Rule Of St. Benedict: 7 Radical Values Of Catholic Monasticism Thu, 20 Jul 2017 20:41:54 +0000 On July 11th in the Liturgical Calendar, and on March 21st in the pre-1970 calendar, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Benedict of Nursia, father of Western Monasticism. Saint Benedict’s name has garnered more attention of late due to the conversation across the Catholic and Christian blogosphere over Rod Dreher’s best-selling book, The Benedict […]

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6 Medieval Religious Orders That Came to the Rescue of the Church Thu, 13 Jul 2017 22:47:24 +0000 In the history of the Church, the regular clergy, that is to say the communities that decide to live by a determined rule which dictates their religious practices, have been something like the Ecclesiastical body’s lung. The Church, although Holy, has had a need for correction in every age. Subordination to temporal powers, worldly corruption […]

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10 Quotes on Friendship From the Saints That You’ll Want to Share With Your Bestie Sun, 09 Jul 2017 15:40:33 +0000 The Saints understood the value of a good friend. Friends that encourage us and inspire us in our faith are an essential part of the Christian life. As the Saints remind us in these quotes, a true friend is difficult to find and when we do find one, we should do all we can to maintain […]

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5 Things To Know About St. Thomas More Wed, 21 Jun 2017 18:55:35 +0000 The lives of the Saints are meant to inspire and encourage us in our spiritual walk. We can look to them as examples of how to live out the faith, especially in times of great difficulty and trial. Because the list of Saints is so diverse, you are sure to stumble upon one whose life […]

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9 Images That Take The Confusion Out Of Identifying Religious Orders Of The Church Fri, 09 Jun 2017 20:14:35 +0000 Do you ever get confused by the many religious orders that the Catholic Church has? Each individual order has their own particular character, or charism, attracting different people with the same common style of prayer, work and way of life. The religious orders are as rich and as varied as individual people are, meaning that […]

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St. Charles Lwanga And Companions, Martyrs Of Uganda: Saints You Need To Meet Thu, 01 Jun 2017 19:41:08 +0000 June 3rd is the feast of St. Charles Lwanga and Companions. These great saints have been officially designated as martyrs for the Catholic faith. Officially, St. Charles Lwanga is the patron of converts, torture victims, and the African Catholic Youth Action. Unofficially, it would seem he’s a perfect patron of those striving for purity and […]

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The Meaning Behind the Names of the 12 Apostles Fri, 26 May 2017 21:25:09 +0000 Names matter. For the Catholic Christian, who sees all of reality as replete with meaning, all the more so! The Catechism tells us, “God calls each one by name. Everyone’s name is sacred. The name is the icon of the person. It demands respect as a sign of the dignity of the one who bears […]

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11 Quotes From Saint Philip Neri That You Need To Read This Feast Day! Fri, 26 May 2017 03:20:02 +0000 Ruth KennedyRuth Kennedy (nee Baker) is 30 and lives in England with her husband. She loves running, wild camping and writing, and thinks there is almost nothing better than the feeling of satisfaction after a day out in the mountains. She is a graduate from the University of Wales and holds a First Class Honours […]

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These 10 Married Saints Teach Us How Marriage Can Lead To Holiness Tue, 16 May 2017 14:02:58 +0000 Did you know there are several married Saints? As our society likes to frequently remind us, marriage is no easy task. To live out the vocation of marriage requires a great deal of self-sacrifice and self-discipline. In the Sacrament of Marriage, both the husband and the wife make a promise before God to remain committed to […]

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10 Saints Who Were Friends Teach Us The Meaning Of Friendship Sun, 30 Apr 2017 17:35:14 +0000 These Saints who were friends discovered that the experience of authentic friendship is a real treasure. It is, as Elredo de Rieval said, “the homeland of those in exile, the wealth of the poor, the medicine of the sick, the grace of the healthy, the strength of the weak, Who is strong.” A real friend […]

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QUIZ: What Happened To The Apostles And Where Do They Rest Now? Thu, 27 Apr 2017 18:00:10 +0000 You and I know it. We have been sent by Jesus, we have a mission and the noun that best describes what we are is: “Apostle.” The word apostle, from the Greek apostello, “to send,” “to serve,” has a very general etymological meaning. It refers to a person who has been sent, just like you […]

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15 Martyr Saints Who Teach Us How To Carry The Cross With Jesus Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:19:09 +0000 The lives of the saints provide us rich, beautiful sources of instruction in virtue. But there’s a particular heroism to be gleaned from stories of the martyrs. Today we present 15 saints – some well known, others, more obscure, but all are admirable for a common reason: they succeeded in carrying their cross to the […]

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The Solemnity Of St. Joseph, Truly A Saint For Our Times Mon, 20 Mar 2017 00:30:02 +0000 The Gospel of Matthew gives emphasis to St. Joseph, for it is through him that the legal, filial line passed from King David to Jesus. The following are virtues we all stand to learn from St. Joseph. St. Joseph’s Silence If we look at Sacred Scripture, there is not one word uttered by St. Joseph […]

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10 Saints Who Prove God’s Grace Is Bigger Than Your Sin Mon, 13 Mar 2017 01:25:19 +0000 Have you ever heard someone say, “My sin is too big for God to forgive”? Or, maybe you yourself even feel this way at times? This is a lie that the devil would like us to believe, but the truth is no one’s sin is bigger than God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness. He has immeasurable […]

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5 Blesseds Every Catholic (Especially Young People) Should Get To Know Thu, 23 Feb 2017 16:56:55 +0000 How often have you met a young adult and thought “Wow, they are so holy”… or looked to them as an inspiration and example for your own faith? Teens and young adults, especially those in high school or college, are notoriously stereotyped as the opposite of saintly, but there are multiple righteous examples of young […]

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15 Of St. Pope John Paul II’s Most Inspirational Quotes Mon, 16 Jan 2017 03:03:30 +0000 Pope St. John Paul II is rightly nicknamed John Paul the Great because of his tremendous impact on so many spheres of our life and on world history. Not only will he be remembered as the Pope who traveled more than any of his predecessors, but his legacy also includes a myriad of writings and […]

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The Reason Many Catholics Will Be Taking Their Pets to Church Today Tue, 04 Oct 2016 02:25:17 +0000 Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis. Among many other wonderful things, St. Francis was known for his love of animals and uncanny ability to connect with them.  It is said that he treated animals with the utmost respect, love, and care.   Legend has it that St. Francis even preached to the animals […]

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I Didn’t Like St. Therese of Lisieux… Until I Learned These 8 Little Known Facts About Her Sat, 01 Oct 2016 01:22:02 +0000 I was fourteen years old and mad at my parents. They were wasting a whole day of our French vacation driving a four hour round trip to the Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux. The car was uncomfortable, it was a perfect hot sunny day and I didn’t want to go. All I knew of […]

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The Holiness And Sufferings Of Padre Pio: A Rare Peek Into His Life! Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:00:28 +0000 Born May 25, 1887, in Pietrelcina, Italy, Padre Pio has been and continues to be one of the most fascinating and sought-after saints of our times. Deeply pious as a child, at age 15, he took the Habit of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin on January 22, 1903. He took the name of Pio […]

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Quiz: Which Saint Will “Get” Your Problems? Tue, 06 Sep 2016 01:49:43 +0000 Have you ever wanted to talk to someone who has been through some of the same trials, struggles and situations in life that you are currently facing? It always seems to help to speak with a person who “gets” it. The advice and empathy they give is unlike anyone else’s because they know exactly what […]

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Mother Teresa, The Saint Of Darkness Sun, 04 Sep 2016 08:49:39 +0000 Catholic LinkCatholic-Link

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The Spiritual Journey Of St. Mother Teresa Illustrated! Sat, 03 Sep 2016 06:14:03 +0000 The life of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was extraordinary: her generosity, her tireless struggle for justice, her love and care for the poorest of the poor, and the simplicity of her words and deeds. But what is most moving about her life was not only her capacity to see and acknowledge the suffering in […]

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Top 10 St. Teresa of Calcutta Quotes of All Time Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:15:31 +0000 Many of us anticipated the day in which we could call our beloved Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta.  She lived her life as a witness to this generation of Catholics and was canonized by Pope Francis on September 4th, 2016.  Because of modern technology, we are have been able to have a more intimate […]

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The Best Scriptural Evidence For Saintly Intercession That You Probably Don’t Know About Wed, 20 Jul 2016 13:46:14 +0000 On a purely practical level, the intercession of the saints makes perfect sense to me. Yes, God is everything to me, but he’s not the only thing. In other words, I cannot navigate life without the assistance of God’s creatures (both living and dead). Whether it is the immediate help of a friend whom I […]

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8 Contributions Christians Can Make To The World (According to Saint Francis of Assisi) Tue, 19 Jul 2016 01:57:41 +0000 The main characteristic that distinguishes a Christian from a person of a different religious denomination is true love. This consists in feeling deeply loved by God, and loving Him in return, above all things. From this conception of life derives other characteristics such as forgiveness, hope, faith, truth, etc. Saint Francis of Assisi, in his […]

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Rhoda Wise: The Woman Who Helped Mother Angelica Find Her Vocation Fri, 01 Jul 2016 01:20:11 +0000 Most Catholics are very familiar with the beloved Mother Angelica, but few know the story behind her vocation.  Best known as the founder of Eternal Word Television Network, Mother Angelica impacted millions of lives with her quick-witted humor and profound love of Jesus.   Catholics everywhere mourned her death on Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016.  […]

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7 Times St. Peter Was An Absolute Boss Wed, 29 Jun 2016 03:28:39 +0000 Just a couple of weeks ago, I attended my friend Sean’s ordination to the priesthood.  I was overwhelmed by just how beautiful the whole experience was, and I was struck by the eternal nature of the whole ceremony. They say that when you’re ordained a priest, you’re a priest forever (like for all eternity). This […]

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9 Saints That Had Superhero Powers In Real Life Wed, 22 Jun 2016 10:49:20 +0000 These days, the most popular movies often involve superheroes (Ironman, Captain America, etc.). They show us a series of admirable values such as nobility, courage, and integrity. We watch as hundreds of thousands of children fill the movie theaters to watch their idols beat the bad guys and save the world. But, what if we […]

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The Saints’ Secret To Attaining Holiness? Devotion To Mary! Fri, 27 May 2016 12:16:07 +0000 Though there may not be a perfect formula for obtaining the holiness required to become a Saint, there are a few common characteristics that many of the Saints seem to share.  As you study the lives of the Saints, it becomes very clear that most had a true devotion and love of the Mother of […]

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10 Ways Prince Fans Taught Me About The Veneration of Saints Thu, 05 May 2016 13:15:13 +0000 In a society that doesn’t bat an eyelash when it comes to inaugurating “halls of fame” for the heroes of our age (musicians, actors, sports players, etc), why are Catholics looked upon with suspicion and ridicule when it comes to the veneration of the saints? Why is it that we cover our walls with of […]

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QUIZ: Quotes From The Saints Thu, 21 Apr 2016 02:53:56 +0000 I’m one of those Catholics who is obsessed with Saint quotes.  I have them scribbled on my planner, saved as the background on the my phone, and written in my Bible. I love to listen to the wisdom of the Saints and learn from their experiences because I know that many of the Saints have […]

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10 Catholic Saint Quotes That Encourage Us To Reach For Heaven Sat, 09 Apr 2016 01:53:57 +0000 If you are in need of reclaiming the spirit of joy, we suggest that you spend time in prayer thinking about Heaven.  The promise of Heaven allows the power of the  Victory of Christ’s resurrection to come alive in our hearts.  Jesus opened the doors for us to be with Him for all eternity when […]

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7 Things Saint Patrick Might Have Done On Saint Patrick’s Day Wed, 16 Mar 2016 17:54:42 +0000 While we often hear a lot about the popular culture that surrounds St. Patrick’s Day, many of us are quite ignorant when it comes to the man himself. To put it simply, we do not call him “Saint” for nothing; the man’s faith was truly impressive: “For by decent I was a freeman, born of […]

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Love Will Always Conquer The Hearts Of Men | Saint Titus Brandsma Quote Sat, 12 Mar 2016 20:33:46 +0000 “We live in a world where love itself is condemned: people call it weakness, something to grow out of. Some are saying: «Love is of no importance, we should rather develop our strength; let each one become as strong as he can and let the weak perish!» Again, they say that the Christian religion with […]

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Let Your Prayer Be Entirely Simple | St. John Climacus Quote Thu, 10 Mar 2016 17:13:39 +0000 “Let your prayer be entirely simple. One word was enough for the publican and for the prodigal son to obtain God’s forgiveness (cf. Lk 15,21)… No pretentiousness in the words of your prayers; how often it is that the simple and unadorned stammerings of children sway their father! So don’t launch into long discourses lest […]

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Full Of Grace | Catholic Movie Review Wed, 02 Mar 2016 03:31:46 +0000 Over the years, there have been many films about Mary. Most of them focus on Mary during the life of Jesus, or maybe one of her apparitions. Full of Grace covers a time period that is not frequently seen in films, taking place ten years after the resurrection of Jesus. It shows the life of […]

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Go, Be Reconciled With Your Brother | St. Augustine Mon, 22 Feb 2016 20:44:26 +0000 “Brethren, let no disagreement remain amongst you seeing that these are the holy days [of Lent]… Maybe you begin to say to yourselves in thought: “I want to make peace but my brother is the one who has offended me… and doesn’t want to come to terms”. What then?… In that case some third parties […]

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Jesus May Be Silent, But He Is Always At Work | Benedict XVI Quote Sat, 06 Feb 2016 05:52:11 +0000 “Let us not be consumed with haste, as if time dedicated to Christ in silent prayer were time wasted. On the contrary, it is precisely then that the most wonderful fruits of pastoral service come to birth. There is no need to be discouraged on account of the fact that prayer requires effort, or because […]

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The Modern Mind According To G.K. Chesterton Fri, 05 Feb 2016 21:18:04 +0000 “The modern mind will accept nothing on authority, but will accept anything on no authority. Say that the Bible or the Pope says so and it will be dismissed without further examination. But preface your remark with ‘I think I heard somewhere,’ or, try but fail to remember the name of some professor who might […]

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Without Suffering No One Wins The Crown | St. Thomas Becket Fri, 05 Feb 2016 18:41:04 +0000 “Remember then how our fathers worked out their salvation; remember the sufferings through which the Church has grown, and the storms the ship of Peter has weathered because it has Christ on board. Remember how the crown was attained by those whose sufferings gave new radiance to their faith. The whole company of saints bears […]

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What Does It Mean To Be Cheerful? | Archbishop Fulton Sheen Quote Wed, 03 Feb 2016 21:57:14 +0000 “The cheerful person always sees in any present evil some prospective good; in pain he sees a Cross from which will issue a Resurrection; in trial, he finds correction and discipline and an opportunity to grow in wisdom; in sorrow, he gathers patience and resignation to the Will of God. Helping others is not only […]

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It Is Good For Us To Have Trials | Thomas à Kempis Fri, 29 Jan 2016 20:03:20 +0000 “It is good for us to have trials and troubles at times, for they often remind us that we are on probation and ought not to hope in any worldly thing. It is good for us sometimes to suffer contradiction, to be misjudged by men even though we do well and mean well. These things […]

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The Saint’s Name Generator – Find Your Patron Saint For 2024! Sat, 16 Jan 2016 06:34:30 +0000 Perhaps, like me, you have already made and broken several New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you haven’t made any, or maybe you are doing great with all your plans. But, have you thought of choosing a patron saint for the year? I know people who spend hours chopping lists of saints into bags, boxes or baskets […]

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What Happens When We Turn Our Backs On The Poor | Mother Teresa Quote Fri, 15 Jan 2016 02:49:36 +0000 ”The poor are thirsty for water but also for peace, truth and justice. The poor are naked and need clothing, but also need human dignity and compassion for those who sin. The poor have no shelter and need shelters made of bricks, but also of a joyful heart, compassionate and full of love. They are […]

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We Are Not Called Only Once St. John Henry Newman Thu, 07 Jan 2016 20:08:38 +0000 ”For in truth we are not called once only, but many times; all through our life Christ is calling us. He called us first in Baptism; but afterwards also; whether we obey His voice or not, He graciously calls us still. If we fall from our Baptism, He calls us to repent; if we are […]

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God Chose To Be Known By Us | St. Peter Chrysologus Quote Thu, 24 Dec 2015 16:18:05 +0000 “In the mystery of our Lord’s incarnation there were clear indications of his eternal Godhead. Yet the great events we celebrate today disclose and reveal in different ways the fact that God himself took a human body. Mortal man, enshrouded always in darkness, must not be left in ignorance, and so be deprived of what […]

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In The Fullness Of Time, The Fullness Of Divinity Appeared | St. Bernard Quote Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:55:42 +0000 “Behold, goodness and kindness has appeared, the humanity of God our Savior” (Tit 3,4 Vg). Thanks be to God, through whose mercy in this our pilgrimage, in this our banishment, in this our state of misery, has also greatly increased our consolation… Before his humanity appeared, his goodness remained hidden too. Of course, it existed […]

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John the Baptist Preaches God From The Womb | St. John Chrysostom Mon, 21 Dec 2015 15:33:26 +0000 “O what a novel and wonderful mystery! John has not yet been born but already he gives voice with his bounds; he has not yet appeared but already he manifests signs of his presence; he cannot yet cry and already he is heard through what he does; as yet he has not begun his life […]

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God was attracted by the humility of Mary (Benedict XVI) Tue, 08 Dec 2015 17:05:53 +0000 “Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today, we celebrate one of the most beautiful and popular feasts of the Blessed Virgin: the Immaculate Conception. Not only did Mary commit no sin, but she was also preserved from original sin, the common legacy of the human race. This is due to the mission for which God had destined […]

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Our desires will be completely fulfilled in the vision of the Word (St. Augustine) Mon, 07 Dec 2015 19:01:22 +0000 “What man knows all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Christ and concealed in the poverty of his flesh?   Though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor, so that by his poverty we might become rich.  When he made mortality his own and made away with death, he appeared […]

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The Light Of Bethlehem Has Never Been Extinguished | Pope Benedict XVI Fri, 04 Dec 2015 17:20:14 +0000 “Where there is love, light shines forth in the world; where there is hatred, the world remains in darkness. In the stable of Bethlehem there appeared the great light which the world awaits. In that Child lying in the stable, God has shown his glory – the glory of love, which gives itself away, stripping […]

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God invites us to the eternal Bethlehem (St. Josemaria Escriva) Thu, 03 Dec 2015 16:18:34 +0000 “Look how gently the Lord invites us. His words have human warmth; they are the words of a person in love: “I have called you by your name. You are mine.” God, who is beauty and greatness and wisdom, declares that we are his, that we have been chosen as the object of his infinite […]

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Quotes From Saints Who Have No Reason To Be Thankful (but found one anyway) Wed, 25 Nov 2015 13:24:33 +0000 This time of year, throughout the holiday season, we tend to hear a lot about the importance of being thankful.  Some of us may ask, though, what about those moments or seasons in life when we just don’t feel like we have anything to be grateful for? Often our trials can make it extremely difficult […]

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Overcoming Temptation with Prayer and Patience Tue, 10 Nov 2015 07:36:50 +0000 If a man tries to overcome temptations without prayer and patient endurance, he will become more entangled in them instead of driving them away. – St. Mark the Ascetic, On Spiritual Law Alanna BurgAlanna is a military spouse and mother of 2. She spends her time as a homemaker conquering the chaos along with serving […]

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The more you feed sin, the more it burns. Tue, 10 Nov 2015 07:25:14 +0000 Sin is a blazing fire. The less fuel you give it, the faster it dies down; the more you feed it, the more it burns. St. Mark the Ascetic, On Spiritual Law Alanna BurgAlanna is a military spouse and mother of 2. She spends her time as a homemaker conquering the chaos along with serving […]

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More than rebuke, pray for your neighbor. Tue, 10 Nov 2015 07:22:51 +0000 It is better to pray devoutly for your neighbour than to rebuke him every time he sins. – St. Mark the Ascetic, On Spiritual Law Alanna BurgAlanna is a military spouse and mother of 2. She spends her time as a homemaker conquering the chaos along with serving her family and community. In her free […]

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The “defects” of Jesus (Card. Van Thuan) Fri, 06 Nov 2015 21:12:56 +0000 First Defect: Jesus does not have a good memory (Luke23:42-43)  During his agony on the cross, Jesus heard the voice of the thief at his right side: Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. If it had been me, I would have answered him: “I won’t forget you, but you must pay for […]

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Too Late Did I Love You! (St. Augustine) Thu, 05 Nov 2015 17:25:36 +0000 “Too late did I love You! For behold, You were within, and I without, and there did I seek You; I, unlovely, rushed heedlessly among the things of beauty You made. You were with me, but I was not with You. Those things kept me far from You, which, unless they were in You, were […]

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What love is (Thomas a Kempis) Wed, 04 Nov 2015 17:04:44 +0000 ”Love is a mighty power, a great and complete good; Love alone lightens every burden, and makes the rough places smooth. It bears every hardship as though it were nothing, and renders all bitterness sweet and acceptable. The love of Jesus is noble, and inspires us to great deeds; it moves us always to desire […]

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The shortcut to sanctity (Archbishop Fulton Sheen) Wed, 04 Nov 2015 14:08:35 +0000 “In what does your life consist except two things: (1) Active duties; and (2) passive circumstances. The first is under your control; do these in God’s name. The second is outside your control; these submit to in God’s name. Consider only the present; leave the past to God’s justice, the future to His Providence. Perfection […]

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What Makes A Saint Tick? : Lessons from the heart of Dorothy Day Wed, 21 Oct 2015 13:26:36 +0000 In his apostolic visit to the United States, Pope Francis mentioned several people who, through hard work and sacrifice, have been able to build a better future. People who, “shaped fundamental values which will endure forever in the spirit of the American people.”  True cultural game-changers. Among the names that he mentioned is the controversial […]

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How Much Do You Know About These Catholic “Power” Couples? (Quiz) Sat, 17 Oct 2015 17:51:25 +0000 In October of 2016, Pope Francis canonized both Louis and Zelie Martin.  This marks the first time that a married couple was canonized together. In the Catholic Church, we are blessed to have this “power” couple to look to as our example of how a Godly marriage should be. Their example of loving one another, […]

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The Drama of Our Masks Wed, 14 Oct 2015 20:53:33 +0000 “I was still laughing as I dressed up, and in the process I completely forgot what I had intended to represent. No matter; it was novel and exciting not to decide till afterward before the mirror. The face I fastened on had a singularly hollow smell; it lay tight over my own face, but I […]

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10 Quotes On The Eucharist From Fathers Of The Church Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:13:51 +0000 It can be said that there is a yearning for something – an object, a certain food or a drink – that is capable of giving us eternal life or eternal youth. It is rooted in the deepest recesses of the human heart. This desire has always been present; in the oldest poems, we can […]

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Too Young to Be Saint? 10 Phrases That Prove You Wrong Mon, 05 Oct 2015 13:36:10 +0000 In today’s world, everyone has an excuse as to why they can’t be involved in their Church, serve the poor, or spend time in prayer.   They are either too busy, too tired, too old, or too young.  Yet, God calls us to serve Him no matter what our schedules look like or what stage […]

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10 Quotes To Help You Meditate On The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross Mon, 14 Sep 2015 13:53:36 +0000 Today we celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross though this day is a commemoration of three events in the history of the Church (St. Helena finding the True Cross; the dedication of churches that St. Constantine build on the site of the Holy Sepulchre and Mount Calvary; and the restoration of the […]

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What Do You Think This Man Was Looking At? Mon, 31 Aug 2015 17:21:47 +0000 A photographer, evidently. But, before we get to the more interesting answer (for those who don’t know, no cheating or looking below!), ask yourself: What is he feeling? What emotions come to mind? What do you think is going on in his heart? Who do you think this man is? I see a man enjoying […]

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St. Monica Teaches Us How To Lead Others To God With 5 Tips Thu, 27 Aug 2015 03:01:29 +0000 St. Monica may have lived in the 4th century, but she can teach us a lot about how to reach souls in the 21st century.  St. Monica led her husband, mother-in-law, son (St. Augustine) and most likely many others to the Catholic faith.  We can learn a few things from her life that will help […]

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Who Is The Patron Saint Of Your Profession? Mon, 03 Aug 2015 18:42:15 +0000 Nowadays it is common to hear people say, “There’s an app for that.” about anything and everything.  But long before we had apps, we had Saints.  There truly is a patron saint for just about everything from oversleeping (Saint Vitus) to clowns (St. Julian the Hospitaler). Finding a patron Saint for the profession you have […]

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10 Powerhouse Quotes From JPII’s Theology Of The Body Mon, 15 Jun 2015 19:25:42 +0000 It’s summer and that means many couples will be entering into the Sacrament of Marriage. If you want to give a great gift to your future spouse, then I would suggest studying a bit of Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. You can find information and guides at the Theology of the Body […]

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5 Weak Virtues That Make People Great Tue, 09 Jun 2015 21:49:35 +0000 David Brooks, famous columnist for the New York Times, a Yale University Professor, and a Jew, set out\ to write about his “Bucket List”. Having accomplished many of his life’s goals with a certain level of worldly success, Brooks realized something was still missing. What awoke him to this reality? He says: “About once a […]

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What Does It Take To Officially Be Declared A Catholic Saint? Tue, 26 May 2015 17:35:03 +0000 Today’s video offers a quick and clear explanation of the Church’s official process which leads up to the moment of canonization. The Catechism (828) explains: Finally, let us remember that the canonization process isn’t designed for us to simply cheer from the stands, rather to discover in their example inspiration and courage to become we […]

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Who Is Junipero Serra? The Biography Of One Of Our Newest Saints Tue, 12 May 2015 16:25:56 +0000 Who is Pope Francis’ new saint? Pope Francis recently canonized St. Junipero Serra, who he called “the evangelizer of the west”,  in January while on board Sri Lankan Air Flight on the way to Manila. Beatified by St. John Paul II in 1988, the 18th century missionary and Franciscan priest – who worked to defend the […]

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10 Saints Who Were Mothers Sun, 10 May 2015 16:57:35 +0000 In our modern world, it is essential to have role models of women who exhibit virtues and willingly embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood. We are fortunate that our Church has many Saints who were also mothers and can inspire us to live out our vocation with sanctity. From single mothers to working mothers […]

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A Face Only A Child Knows How To Love – Reflection On The True Beauty Of Mothers Sat, 09 May 2015 17:47:49 +0000 Pandora recently released this very touching commercial that pulls at the heart of every mother. Watching it brings up a swell of emotions as the blindfolded children are able to identify their own mother by touching her, smelling her and embracing her.  It resonates in the heart of every mom because we know our own […]

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Two Heroes Of Chastity That Show Us How To Live: St. Joseph & St. Maria Goretti Tue, 05 May 2015 21:27:11 +0000 St. Joseph and St. Maria Goretti, two incredible Saints who chose to live holy and chaste lives no matter what the cost, are the focus of this video reflection. These two Saints led very different lives but each shows how chastity can be implemented in any circumstance. This short film was produced by Spirit Juice Studios. […]

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(Quiz) Discover What Saint Would Like to be Your Friend! Thu, 23 Apr 2015 16:09:34 +0000 What’s the greatest part about being friends with the saints? It reminds us that the saints were normal people just like us. While we all have our unique story, everyone can find a saint that has walked a path similar our own. More than distant, unreachable models of perfection, they are men and women who came from all sorts […]

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The 7 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit And What The Saints Have To Say About Them Thu, 16 Apr 2015 17:43:08 +0000 Do teens understand what Confirmation is all about? We pray that all those receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation are being prepared to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that He has to offer them. The resources we have today will help you understand the importance of this Sacrament. What is Confirmation? […]

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7 Things Every Husband Should Ask From Saint Joseph Thu, 19 Mar 2015 15:40:18 +0000 Today we celebrate a great Saint, a model man and protector of families: Saint Joseph. We know very little about this Saint who, along with Mary through her generous Yes, welcomed, cared for and formed our Lord Jesus in infancy and childhood. In this gallery we want to show you some details of this great […]

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What Bible Character Are You? | QUIZ Fri, 13 Mar 2015 22:52:29 +0000 When reading Holy Scripture, we can’t help but discover certain traits in the various characters of the bible that we can identify with. Whether it be those who walked side by side with the Lord Jesus, or those who proved their faith in God time and time again in the Old Testament, each one of […]

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6 Great Quotes By Saints And Popes On Prayer And Its Importance Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:05:16 +0000 For any sincere Christian and determined apostle, prayer is an absolute must. It isn’t rare that many seem to doubt in the power of prayer. In fact, I would say it is perhaps the fundamental temptation: God does not listen. Still, more times than not, we are lacking two key ingredients for a deeper and […]

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10 Quotes Of Nobel Winning Scientists That Think Faith And Science Are Compatible Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:40:39 +0000 The other day I had the opportunity to speak to a group of Italian youth. I asked how many of them believe in God. One responded saying, “I don’t believe in religion; rather, I believe in science.” I love this response because it is a typical, yet fertile starting point for speaking about the faith, […]

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San Giovanni Paolo II, la vita di un papa santo Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:34:30 +0000 Perché è santo? E ‘a causa delle sue realizzazioni apostoliche, la sua vita e il suo instancabile viaggio imponente? Tutto ciò che è importante, ma non basta. San Giovanni Paolo II è sacro per un altro motivo … cerchiamo di darvi la risposta a questo video divertente. Garrett JohnsonBorn in Texas, I spent 12 years […]

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Ever Wondered What The Saints Looked Like As Children? 32 Photos Of Saints Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:09:28 +0000 Saints aren’t born saints, they are forged in fire. They all started small, very small. Like you or me, they were once babies, children. They cried, whined, spurted food in embarrassing ways, needed diaper changes, etc. They were fragile and vulnerable.   Their first experience of God’s infinite love was a very finite one: a […]

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The Tireless Apostle: Maximilian Kolbe Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:52:35 +0000 The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother (HM) have produced this documentary about the life of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, an outstanding Catholic figure of the 20th century. Kolbe was a man with great apostolic zeal, a precursor in the use of the Mass Media for the transmission of the Gospel and consumed […]

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St. John Paul II, The Life Of A Holy Pope (Animated Video) Sat, 07 Jun 2014 21:59:39 +0000 What led St. John Paul II to greatness? Was it because of his apostolic success, his impressive figure, or his untiring travels? Why is he so beloved by Catholics? No doubt, all this is important, but it isn’t enough. John Paul the II has been recognized a saint for a different reason… Now, allow us […]

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Stand by me (1986) Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:44:21 +0000  Stand by me is a beautiful, nostalgic production based on a Stephen King novella. The story is told through flashbacks in which the main character, Gordie, a writer, recalls the far off summer of 1959 when he was 12 years old. Hearing of the death of another child whose body still hasn’t been found, Gordie […]

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Doctor, Mother, And Saint: Her Story Inspires And Empowers All Women Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:38:23 +0000 St. Gianna was born in Magenta (Milan) on October 4, 1922. A mother, wife, doctor, and an ardent lover of the Catholic faith in all areas of her life, she was a living witness of an authentic joie de vivre, passionate love of nature, and a spirit of charity and service. After having been married […]

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Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko: The Holy Man You Should Know Tue, 08 Jan 2013 17:48:26 +0000 This video is a trailer for the docu-film Jerzy: Messenger of Truth. Jerzy Popieluszko, a Polish priest, was murdered by the Communist authorities in 1984 at the age of 37. He was beatified in June of 2010. On this occasion, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message to the Church in Poland saying that Fr Jerzy’s […]

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A Social Network Christmas – is this the fastest way to spread the Good News? Fri, 14 Dec 2012 12:18:07 +0000 The next video in the Advent Avalanche is Igniter Media’s Social Network Christmas, which uses a facebook-style format to tell the Christmas story through the news feeds of Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and Zechariah, with cameo appearances from the Emperor Augustus and three shepherds. As we know, Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of […]

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Do Your Kids Want to be Saints When They Grow Up? Wed, 07 Nov 2012 07:17:57 +0000 This video was made by Adcom to promote the Creative Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. As children, we dream impossible dreams. We do not calculate pros and cons; we just launch ourselves into action. As we grow older we learn that we need to be more careful, more realistic, but often we go even […]

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Have You Watched Mother Teresa’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech? Thu, 13 Sep 2012 21:59:10 +0000 In 1985 at the UN headquarters in New York, Mother Teresa was introduced by the UN secretary of the time, Javier Perez of Cuellar, as “the most powerful woman in the world”. How can this be said of a woman who dedicated her life to the least powerful (at least in the eyes of the world)? Let’s […]

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They Call Her “The Prophet of Mercy,” Meet St. Faustina Thu, 13 Sep 2012 15:18:22 +0000 Prayer of St. Faustina “O Lord, I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy and to be Your living reflection. May the greatest of all divine attributes, that of Your unfathomable mercy, pass through my heart and soul to my neighbor.Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may […]

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St. Stephen Was “Full of the Holy Spirit” and the First Christian Martyr Thu, 13 Sep 2012 15:12:00 +0000 “But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top […]

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What Should You Know About St. Maximilian Kolbe? Thu, 13 Sep 2012 14:50:10 +0000 Do you know about St. Maximilian Kolbe? You will be captivated by his heroic story and inspired by the life of faith he lived. Lifeteen has produced this Saintly Minute video to help you get to know and understand the life of this great Saint. “No one in the world can change Truth. What we […]

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The Life, Prayer, And Writings Of St. Teresa Of Avila – Doctor Of The Church Thu, 13 Sep 2012 11:02:33 +0000 St. Teresa of Avila went through a time of conversion even after consecrating her life to God as a Carmelite sister. Like many others, she also placed her hope on temporary things, without focusing on the eternal God she followed, but one day, years after entering the convent, Jesus touched her heart and she responded […]

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St. Maria Goretti – One of Youngest Saints Shows Us How to Love and Forgive With a Pure Heart Thu, 13 Sep 2012 10:54:49 +0000 Lifeteen presents another excellent and informative video on the life of St. Maria Goretti. Her pure heart and strength to forgive is a lesson for us all. She became a martyr at the young age of 12, which means that she is one of our youngest Saints. However, her wisdom extends far beyond her years. […]

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