Some pro-lifers believe contraceptives are a necessary tool for helping prevent abortions. To many, it seems logical. Contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancies. No unwanted pregnancies mean no abortions. Therefore, many people believe contraception is the answer to...
Sexuality and Chastity
Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It?
Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the...
What It’s Really Like To Use NFP (From A Man’s Perspective)
Here in my home diocese, the Diocese of Phoenix, taking a multiple-month class on Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a mandatory part of marriage preparation. I honestly wish this was the case everywhere. NFP, when used properly, is just as effective or more effective...
Chastity Within Marriage | Part 2: Living Conjugal Chastity
Authentic sexual expression is always rooted in two purposes: procreative and unitive. The procreative aspect of sex is the couple’s openness to life. The unitive is the fulfillment of the one-flesh union of man and woman within the context of marriage. If the...
Chastity Within Marriage | Part 1: Laying The Groundwork
We hear a lot about what it means to be chaste before marriage, but what about when you are married? In this two-part series, we will take a look at the important points of purity within marriage. If you are married or preparing for marriage, we hope this series...
Green Sex: What is it? (And Why We All Should Care!)
Healthier and more holistic approaches to lifestyle and diet abound. Diet fads come and go, certainly, but a steadily increasing demand for ‘organic’ products is evidence that as a consumer base we’re looking for healthier and less processed food and lifestyle to go...
Loved Just As We Are? A Short Film That Delves Into Theology of the Body
“The Cry of the Heart,” is a new film by evangelist Christopher West and the Cor Project addressing JPII's Theology of the Body. Based on the General Audiences given by the pope during the course his pontificate, West explains the meaning of our corporeality, why we...
Five Feminine Virtues I Learned From the Joyful Mysteries
How many women ache in longing - in one way or another - for the men in their lives (fathers, husbands, boyfriends, sons) to man up? We see the problem, we get exasperated by it, we suffer for it... the struggles of so many men to be grown up, to behave chivalrously,...
Want To Marry A Man Who Loves God? Do This 1 Thing Now!
The Culture Project has been producing some amazing videos that answer the questions so many of us have about relationships, chastity, and learning to accept yourself. The video featured today contains practical advice for those who are waiting on a man who loves...
Five Feminine Virtues I Learned From The Joyful Mysteries | Part 3: The Nativity
Relations between the sexes: Have they ever been worse? It's enough to tempt one to despair. Thankfully, the Church is a bulwark of sanity in every human realm, not least of all in matters of sex and sexuality, on the deepest, primordial realities of Male and Female....
Top 5 Myths About Catholic Virgins
Living a life of chastity is probably one of the most challenging calls of Catholic disciples today! There are so many myths regarding what it means to be a virgin - and what it means to simply be a person who embraces a life of chastity. Since chastity is quite...
How Far Is Too Far? Answers To Teens’ Toughest Questions On Dating And Sex
In this high school assembly, Jason Evert and Crystalina Padilla (not yet married at the time) offer straight answers to teens' toughest questions on dating, relationships, and how to have romance without regret. Through their humor, honesty, and powerful testimonies,...
Restoring Sexual Order: Catholic Men’s Movements
Our regular readers have probably noticed... a few of us here at Catholic-Link take a particular interest in the restoration of sexual order and sanity in society. Catholic men's movements are one important thread of a complex tapestry of healing and restoration...
A Mother’s Letter to her Daughter who is “Accidentally” Pregnant
My dear girl: Yesterday after we talked I was devastated. Forgive me, but the pain and anger won me over. Where was I? Could it be I never listened to what you told me? So many reprimands, so much guilt for not taking better care of you, for not being more clear and...
3 Good Reasons Catholics Should be Feminists
If you’ve heard that being a feminist is anti-Catholic, think again. In today’s world, being a Catholic can be controversial. Especially when it comes to women’s rights. Feminism has a history of advocating for things that the Catholic Church contends with, whether it...
Five Benefits of Dating Catholic
Relationships are so many things: wonderful, difficult, adventurous, etc. What about Godly? A relationship that glorifies Jesus Christ? Well, we are meant to glorify our King in all that we say and do, in every aspect of our lives. What about dating men and women who...
Behold the Man! – Masculinity Series Part 5
Men, Manhood & Masculinity Over the next five articles, we will embark on a brief exploration of the complex and often overlooked topic of being male. The articles will be reflective and open to discussion, so please share your thoughts and experiences in the...
Does True Womanhood Mean Being Exactly Like Men?
Womanhood is hard to define, even more so in a culture that suggests that there is no inherent difference between being male and female. What does womanhood mean? Is it less or more than manhood? Is there a distinct difference? Ascension Presents recently published a...
11 Rules For When You Are Absolutely Sick Of Today’s Dating Scene
Although I barely listen to any pop music, even I couldn’t fail to notice this single that has spent seven weeks in the UK charts and made it to number one two weeks in a row here in Britain this summer. Dua Lipa’s track “New Rules” is undoubtedly catchy, but it’s the...
Five Feminine Virtues I Learned From The Joyful Mysteries Of The Rosary: The Visitation
The 5-part series is the fruit of personal meditation, reading, and prayer. It is not an authoritative or comprehensive exposition, nor is it a theological treatment of the virtues as the Church names and categorizes them. Rather, it's meant to be an informal...
10 Resources For Individuals And Families Dealing With Same-Sex Attraction
“Look at the face of the other.… Discover that he has a soul, a history, and a life, that he is a person, and that God loves this person.” - Benedict XVI One of the most important services we hope to render in our media ministry at Catholic-Link is to connect our...
Playing With Pornography: 6 Practical Steps To Help You Stop
Saint Pope John Paul II once made this memorable comment on Pornography, "the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little." We live in society where sex sells. Models, showing too much sex appeal and wearing...
Beholden To Other Men: Masculinity Series Part 4
Over the next five articles, we will embark on a brief exploration of the complex and often overlooked topic of being male. The articles will be reflective and open to discussion, so please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Be mindful...
5 Feminine Virtues I Learned From Mary In The Joyful Mysteries Of The Rosary (Part 1: The Annunciation)
These days, I find myself praying often for a restoration of the masculine and feminine virtues in society. There's so much confusion swirling about, whether it's "gender ideology," sexual orientation, body dysmorphia, or otherwise. We all feel the tensions...
The Blog Posts You Need To Read For NFP Week
In the United States, it is officially #NFPWEEK. Understanding why the Church encourages the use of Natural Family Planning (NFP) can be a very difficult concept for many Catholics to embrace. Take the time to read some of the teachings of the Church that explain the...