Like many, I jumped on the Marvel Movie phenomenon late in the game. I was visiting my brother in Florida on a rainy day. Our time together was limited, and as far as things to do, going to a movie seemed like the logical option. Avengers Endgame had just come out,...
Samantha McDonald's Author Page
Samantha McDonald
Samantha McDonald
Why Don’t I Ever Get Enough Sleep?
As someone who usually has trouble falling asleep at night, I often wake up thinking “I didn’t get enough sleep.” A great attitude for the start of the day, right? This idea of lack directly results from the Fall in the Garden of Eden. God created in the...
Has The Heresy Of Gnosticism Led To Gender Dysphoria?
I am not a fan of scary movies. Watching people blow off zombie heads or hunt ghosts in abandoned mental hospitals gives some an adrenaline rush. I just get a sense of stress and anxiety. Please don’t play dramatic music leading up to a jump scare. No, thank...
4 Things To Do When Your Prayer Time Is Dry
What happens when we enter into the desert of prayer? While some of us easily walk in the hope and solace of Christ in the sacrifices of the season, others of us wonder whether we’ve wandered from our Guide and question His ongoing Presence. The saints often...
Do You Recognize The Voice Of The Good Shepherd?
Sometimes I think Jesus gives us too much credit. This past Sunday's Gospel reading, on what is often known as Good Shepherd Sunday, makes what I consider a big assumption. ". . . [T]he sheep follow [the shepherd], because they recognize his voice. But they will not...
What COVID-19 And Whole 30 Have In Common
As we move beyond our time of sheltering in place, how are we going to make the most of these past few weeks? What are we going to do to ensure that quarantine was not a waste? There is an image floating around on social media of an open refrigerator door, with a note...
Faith Resources For Middle Schoolers
For the sake of #socialdistancing and #flattenthecurve, take a look below at some resources to help foster your domestic church. This list is not exhaustive or sponsored, just a few ideas to help during this time! Ascension Presents is a YouTube...
Talking To Your Middle Schooler About The Faith
I got to visit with a friend and my godson this past week. Since I last saw him two months ago, I noticed some typical changes for a seven-month-old: emotive facial expressions including smiles and grumpy faces; babble vocab of high pitched shrieks and blowing...
A Conversation On Gender: Part 1 – Defining Our Terms
I think it is safe to say that we’ve all had conversations with people where both parties are clearly not on the same page. Sometimes, the differing stories involve differing definitions for terms. I had a philosophy professor who urged us to always define our terms...