Something special is going on in our country right now. I love it! The entire United States is in the midst of a three-year Eucharistic Revival. Think of the long-term impact! What a beautiful time in our Catholic Church for all its members – the oldest all the way to...
Melissa Kirking's Author Page
Melissa Kirking
Melissa Kirking
Melissa Kirking, a passionate children’s Eucharistic Adoration expert, has over two decades of experience bringing children to meet and know Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It is her heart’s work to bring as many children as possible to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord in Adoration.
When Melissa was first asked by the priest at her school to bring her first grade class to Adoration, she had an initial moment of panic: “You want me to do what!?” But she quickly learned her students loved this time. Melissa recalls, “That priest gave me an unexpected treasure.”
Melissa is now the coordinator of Children’s Eucharistic Adoration and the former coordinator of Children’s Liturgy of the Word at her home parish. She is also the creator and publisher of the internationally recommended website GuidedChildren’ where she offers meaningful prayer materials tailored to meet the specific needs of children. She also speaks on these topics near to her heart.
Melissa is a former public and Catholic school teacher and enjoys creating a wide variety of crafts in her free time. She lives outside Austin, Texas, with her husband and youngest son and has recently been blessed with her first grandchild.
Melissa Kirking's Articles: