10 Saints Who Prove God’s Grace Is Bigger Than Your Sin

by History of the Church, July, Saints, Sin, Spiritual Warfare

Have you ever heard someone say, “My sin is too big for God to forgive”? Or, maybe you yourself even feel this way at times?

This is a lie that the devil would like us to believe, but the truth is no one’s sin is bigger than God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness. He has immeasurable grace for our sinful nature and He will lavish His goodness upon any repentant sinner.

“But, you don’t know what I’ve done. It’s really, really bad…” Yes, it’s very true that I don’t know what you’ve done, but God certainly does and He loves you in spite of your past mistakes. God always desires for you to find your way back to Him, no matter how far you have strayed from His plans.

Because God wants us to trust in His mercy, He has given us many examples of His forgiveness. There are several examples of people in the Bible who sinned greatly, but repented and went on to do great things for God. There are also Saints who were murderers, thieves, and prostitutes before they found the Lord. Their stories prove to us that God is faithful to His Word.

Let the stories of the lives of these Saints encourage you that God wants you to come to Him, not run from Him, no matter what sin you have in your life. If has been a while since you’ve been to Confession, this post is a great place to start:

Additional Resources:

Saints Behaving Badly: The Cutthroats, Crooks, Trollops, Con Men, and Devil-Worshippers Who Became Saints by Thomas J. Craughwell

Saints for the Sinner, by Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J.

Litany Of Trust | Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, Sister of Life

“I Thirst For You” – A Letter From Mother Teresa

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