World Youth Day Quiz: How Much Do You Know?

by August, Evangelization, Holy Father, Mass, Quizzes, World Youth Day

Millions of young Catholics are gathering from around the world to celebrate our faith this week.  Undoubtedly, many will experience conversions, form much-needed spiritual friendships, and feel God’s love in a whole new way. There will be an abundance of joy, songs of praise, and prayers of thanksgiving. World Youth Day seems to be just the thing that our youth need in a world that often appears to have grown hopeless and violent. It is because of the prophetic vision of one of our most beloved popes that this great event has come to fruition at a time when youth are desperate for faith experiences that shed light on the darkness.

Pope Francis gave us these words of wisdom in regard to WYD:

“I meet so many young people who say that they are tired of this world being so divided, with clashes between supporters of different factions and so many wars, in some of which religion is being used as justification for violence.  We must ask the Lord to give us the grace to be merciful to those who do us wrong.  Jesus on the cross prayed for those who had crucified him: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do” (Lk 23:34).  Mercy is the only way to overcome evil.  Justice is necessary, very much so, but by itself it is not enough.  Justice and mercy must go together.  How I wish that we could join together in a chorus of prayer, from the depths of our hearts, to implore the Lord to have mercy on us and on the whole world!”  

Pope Francis

Are you aware of the immense history of World Youth Day? Take our quiz to learn more about this beautiful event’s motivation and purpose.

World Youth Day Quiz

No matter how you did on the quiz, we ask for two things.


Those pilgrims in attendance need our prayers of support.  Remember them in prayer this week.  Make it a special intention to ask for an outpouring of joy for our Catholic youth. Ask the Lord to help them grow in wisdom, knowledge, and boldness to face a culture that often opposes them.


Because of the technology we have available, you can be part of World Youth Day 2023 without even leaving your home. To find out more about the historical aspect of WYD, read Pope Francis’ message to youth and learn the official prayer of WYD; visit the official website. To watch a Livestream, listen to talks, and find other resources, check out this post, 7 Ways to be a Part of World Youth Day

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