Can You Ace An Advent Quiz Designed For Catholic Kids?

by Advent and Christmas, Quizzes

Many of us have participated in Advent activities since we were young children. Traditions such as the Advent wreath and Jesse tree bring memories of childhood, but do we really know the meaning behind them?

Don’t let the season of Advent pass you by without taking a moment to reflect on the joy, sacrifice, and beauty of this important liturgical season.  The more we know and understand our faith traditions, the greater our appreciation for them.

Take our Advent Quiz!

Share your results from our Advent Quiz in the comments below.

Please use this resource and share in your classroom, Bible study, youth group, family or the apostolate you’re involved in! All of Catholic Link’s materials are free to use and distribute.  Resources may be printed or invite your group members to use their own mobile devices to take our quizzes.

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