QUIZ: What Medieval Times Religious Order Would You Belong To?

by Funny, History of the Church, Quizzes

Many of us have heard of the great feats accomplished by the knights and saints in medieval times, perhaps certain names come to mind: Robert of Molesme, Saint Dominic de Guzman, Saint Benedict of Nursia, Saint Bruno, Saint Francis of Assisi, or Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Perhaps we have heard of their and their followers’ heroic battles, whether they be those won with cries of victory of the field or those won with silent courage and preserving sacrifice within a monastery. All of them were great saints whose way of Christian living captivated others and led to the formation of various religious orders. Each had their particular path, but all had the same goal: Christ.

Besides a moment of simple fun and perhaps one to learn a bit more about the history of the Church, we hope that in learning more about these great men and their orders, each one might be inspired to live out their Christian lives with even greater radicality and fervor. Albeit in our own way, each one of us is called to respond generously to the Lord’s call with our own talents and in our own particular situations as they did.

What Medieval Times Religious Order Would You Belong To?

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