This New Pro-Life Resource Is Making An Impact On College Campuses

by Movie Reviews and Recommendations, Outstanding Initiatives, Pro-Life

As the Dobbs v. Jackson decision promptly put to rest the misguided decisions in both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, faithful men and women across the United States must ready themselves to support and defend life at their state and local levels. FOCUS has brought forth a new educational resource meant to aid all of the faithful, and in particular college students, in their efforts to defend life.

The 11-part video series features a range of prominent pro-life advocates – such as Dr. Ryan Anderson, Kristan Hawkins, and David Bereit – who each address a particularly pressing topic or question – abortion and ectopic pregnancies, how abortion hurts women, and healing after abortion, to name a few. The series also includes interviews with clergy and religious, including Father Josh Johnson and Sisters of Life Sister Maris Stella, S.V.

The conversations surrounding issues of life are so often muddled with misinformation and faulty argumentation. Over the course of my seven years as a missionary with FOCUS, I have learned the importance of diving into this topic with love, care, patience, and truth. The conversations captured in the “Love Life” video series helped me more deeply understand the how to share the clarity and consistency of thought that the Church proclaims about the beauty of life.

College Students Respond To The Love Life Series

A few students, with whom I shared this series, offered some feedback on the “Love Life” series. As they watched the content and relayed their thoughts, some key ideas stood out: 1) The series showcases people with varying areas of expertise, from diverse walks of life, who each share a different aspect of the pro-life message. 2) The pro-life perspective is firmly rooted in embryology and ethical axioms, and it is important that the sound reasoning of our position is shared with others. 3) The faithful need to be unified about life issues.

1) The series showcases people with varying areas of expertise, from diverse walks of life, who each share a different aspect of the pro-life message.

Stephanie, a PhD Candidate at California Institute of Technology (Caltech), said, “FOCUS has done a fantastic job with their Love Life series! These videos are extremely well-made, and excellently lay out pro-life arguments from a variety of perspectives.”

She elaborates on the goodness of the series for both those who are still learning about the pro-life movement and those who are already a part of it: “For folks less familiar with pro-life issues, or who may lean pro-choice, the speakers articulate convincing arguments for life. For others who already are on board with the pro-life movement, these videos can help prepare them to engage with the culture, give them the words to explain the pro-life perspective, and identify avenues for them to play an active role in the pro-life movement.”

Alexis, a Junior at Brigham Young University, reflected on the difficulty of speaking up in defense of the preborn: “Some individuals view the pro-life movement as the greatest evil. The claims that we are ruining lives seem to echo and drown out what the pro-life movement is all about. When I’ve had these difficult conversations, it feels as if I’ve forgotten English and all that comes out is a garbled sentence.”

She went on to praise the formation she received from the series. “The Love Life series allowed me to get a better grasp of what I can and will say in the future while presenting the pro-life stance. Each video was done with a spirit of love rather than condemnation.”

Mikaela, a senior at John Paul the Great University highlights the diversity of speakers: “I think the well-roundedness is very appreciated because, while every Catholic should end up with the same core beliefs, we don’t all start from one place in our thinking.”

2) The pro-life perspective is firmly rooted in embryology and ethical axioms, and it is important that the sound reasoning of our position is shared with others.

Alexis notes what struck her about some videos: “There were two videos that stood out to me. The first pointed out that ultrasound technicians say, “There’s your baby,” they don’t say “Look at that pulsation in a clump of cells.” Their words speak the truth. Life begins at conception.

She goes on to say, “The second video was Irene Zamorano Archacki sharing her abortion experience. Her story shed light on what really happens, and it broke my heart. However, her story taught me that the love and mercy of God shines brighter than our darkest of sins. Although abortion is a heated topic, we can approach all those we encounter with respect and love as we attempt to convert hearts and minds to the pro-life movement.”

“In the video, ‘Unborn People are People’, it was fascinating to touch on the metaphysical and philosophical standpoint of personhood and self-awareness. These arguments were a great response to many pro-choice activists who try to ignore the personhood of the preborn and have tried to stay away from looking at the preborn as human people,” Valeria says, a sophomore at Mt. Antonio College.

3) The faithful need to be unified about life issues.

Stephanie commends the series and encourages all of us to act: “[These videos are] especially timely as we enter into the post-Roe world. Now more than ever, we must begin to engage the culture and change hearts. FOCUS has given us the tools and encouragement to do just that.”

Valeria adds that “the topic of abortion is never an easy one to discuss. I think it can be very difficult to understand opposing viewpoints when oftentimes we aren’t looking at abortion from the same angle.”

She also points out: “Once we can arrive together [to the truth of the personhood of the preborn] we can further expand the conversation to the importance of protecting them inside the womb.”

We must identify our common first principles: life begins at conception and a human being in the womb is a person. From there, together we can engage those around us.

This formative new resource highlights many facets of the pro-life perspective, how to share the scientifically and philosophically sound reasoning of the pro-life position, and the importance of unity in this movement. With charity and truth, we continue to fight for life.

Learn More HERE.

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Photo by Tai’s Captures on Unsplash

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