“Confession is an act of honesty and courage—an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God,” affirmed St. Pope John Paul II. Having recently walked with our own two oldest children through the beautiful experience of...
Bobby Angel's Author Page
Bobby Angel
Bobby Angel
Jackie and Bobby Angel are presenters in the Leader and Parent videos for the new Renewed and Received programs for First Reconciliation and First Communion (ascensionpress.com/rr). Jackie is a full-time traveling speaker, singer/songwriter, and worship leader from Orange County, CA. In 2006, she became an artist with Oregon Catholic Press, with whom she has released two albums. Her husband Bobby Angel is a native Floridian who worked for eight years as a campus minister and teacher at an all-boys school. Jackie and Bobby have spoken and written on Catholic marriage, discernment, and Theology of the Body. The pair are regular video contributors on Ascension Presents, and currently live in Dallas, Texas with their four children.
Bobby Angel's Articles:
Four Ways To Foster A Child’s Love For The Eucharist
“Alright kids, why do we go to Mass?” We ask a variation of that question every time we arrive at our parish parking lot, usually sweaty and disheveled from wrangling four (soon to be five) children into the van. A mini call-to-action and reminder of why Mass is...