See The Passion In These 7 Young Men Who Have Heard “The Call”

by Evangelization, Testimonies, Vocation

Have you ever been on Facebook and suddenly found yourself looking at wedding pictures of someone you’ve never even met? I’ll admit, it’s happened to me more than once. There’s something about the joy in the life of another that draws us in. We want to see it, experience it, and journey through some of life’s greatest moments with others.

I had a similar feeling when I stumbled upon these powerful vocation videos from Detroit Priest. I sat and listened to every single story as each young man shared about how God called him to the priesthood. It’s absolutely amazing to hear the plans God has carefully put into motion for these seminarians. Every story is unique. Every one of them called by name. And this is just a small representation of the many being called into a religious vocation!

As you watch and experience the joy of the call with these seminarians, remember that God is also calling you by name. Not all will be called to a religious vocation, but each of us will be called upon to serve Him, worship Him and grow in holiness through the plans that God has for our lives.

I strongly encourage you to check out more of these great testimonies which can be found on the Detroit Priest Youtube Channel.

7 Seminarians Share Their Vocation Stories
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