Warning: The Bible Can Change Your Life!
More Catholic Bible Resources
Is It AI (Artificial Intelligence) Or A Verse From The Bible? Take our QUIZ!
In this digital age, where information is readily accessible at our fingertips, we are faced with a new challenge: discerning the truth amidst the vast sea of online content. As a Catholic, our faith calls us to seek truth and embrace it. However, we must recognize that the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has introduced […]
How To Hear God’s Voice When Life Is Busy
As human beings, we all long for a deeper connection with God. We want to hear His voice, feel His presence, and know that He is with us in our daily lives. But how can we achieve this? How can we hear God’s voice amidst the noise and chaos of our busy lives? Here are […]
How A Stuffed Animal Taught Me To Read My Bible
Did you ever have that toy as a child that you took wherever you went? Mine was a stuffed monkey named Mooch. I don’t know why it was my favorite, but I brought him everywhere for years until I lost it. Needless to say I was a nervous wreck for a few weeks after that. […]
Have The Patience Of The Sower | Matthew 13 Reflection
Gospel of Matthew 13:1-23 On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.Such large crowds gathered around himthat he got into a boat and sat down,and the whole crowd stood along the shore.And he spoke to them at length in parables, saying:“A sower went out to sow.And as he […]
One Way Technology Will Benefit The Catholic Church
Technology has significantly impacted how people communicate and connect and it will continue to do so in the future. The Catholic Church is not immune to this change, and it has embraced using digital platforms to reach out to its followers. One effective way the Catholic Church can use technology to enhance its ministry is […]
A Powerful Lesson Of Forgiveness Found In The Gospel Of Matthew 18:21-35
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his […]
Christifideles Laici – Join Us As We Study This Important Apostolic Exhortation
We are all familiar with the dynamics of being part of a family. There are moments of joy and occasional misunderstandings. Some may feel burdened with the majority of responsibilities, while others may feel overlooked and unable to contribute their skills. There are times of distance, but also joyful reunions that strengthen the bond. In […]
Advent Book Study – Join Catholic-Link For A Digital Small Group!
I must admit, that patience is not a virtue that comes easily to me. Waiting for something, whether it’s a package from Amazon or standing in line at the grocery store, tends to frustrate me. Even sitting in traffic on the highway can test my patience to its limits. Waiting is just not my thing. […]
What St. John The Baptist Teaches Us About Expectations | Catholic Bible Study
This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me.I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan […]
What Will You Leave Behind To Follow Jesus? | Gospel Reflection
Gospel of Mark 1:14-20 After John had been arrested,Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God:“This is the time of fulfillment.The kingdom of God is at hand.Repent, and believe in the gospel.” As he passed by the Sea of Galilee,he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea;they were fishermen.Jesus […]
How The Letter Of Saint James Guides Your Speech (And Heart)
The Sacred Scriptures contain truth and wisdom from God. These truths are eternal and ever relevant— and practical. When you live in accordance with the Word of God everything in your life is ordered. This doesn’t mean you will be free of struggles and suffering. However, you will experience an otherworldly joy and peace more […]
Catholic Resources For Discipleship And Small Groups
Discipleship is key to evangelization. As Fr. George puts it, “Mass is where the meat is” and oftentimes this is a hard place for people to START their relationship with God. As a result, we need to be inviting people into a relationship with Christ and helping build their spiritual lives and bring them to […]
5 Reasons To Read The Word Of God Daily
The Bible has undergone something of a revival in recent years. The Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson, drew global appeal with his lengthy YouTube commentaries on the book of Genesis. Fr. Mike Schmitz’s ‘Bible in a Year’ podcast maintained over 400,000 daily listeners throughout 2021. And recent studies show that a majority of Americans still believe […]
What Do Catholics Need To Know About Reading The Bible?
What is the Bible? What is the Bible? Where did it come from? The Bible is not one book. It is a library. It is 73 books consisting of various literary genres. There is history, romance, poetry, inspiration, drama, and so much more. In every single page, we believe that God is the primary author […]
30 Things Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival
What Do Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival? Related content: The Task Of Every Man And Woman Dorthy Day’s Advent Advice He Acts As If He Had No One To Love But Me New Year’s Advice From St. John Of The Cross Catholic Books To Give & Read Best Catholic Gifts For Kids Gift Cardinals, Bishops, […]
Pray The Gospels In 30 Days? Here’s How It’s Possible…
The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books teach us facts about Jesus’ life and share valuable lessons we can learn from the true stories of Christ’s life here on earth. To really understand the faith, it’s essential that we read and understand the Gospels. It […]
Why Journal Your Prayer Time?
Whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening prayer time, keeping a journal along with your spiritual reading offers many benefits. Drew and Katie Taylor recently sat down with Kelly Wahlquist and Allison Gingras from WINE: Women in the New Evangelization to discuss the power of journaling and their new daily devotional Called By Name: 365 […]
Discovering The Eucharist On Every Page Of The Bible
“Parousia: The Bible and the Mass” We are proud to share with you a phenomenal Bible study series at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology called “Parousia: The Bible and the Mass” hosted by Dr. Scott Hahn. Beautifully presented, impeccably edited, with masterful cinematography, we cannot recommend this study highly enough. As a graduate […]
Do Smartphones Promote Dumb Disciples? Mark 4: 26-34
Groceries such as Whole Foods online are instantaneous. Gardens are not. Gardens are progressive. We scatter seeds and as we sleep they sprout and grow. Groceries market the obvious by deploying dye or colored lights to make produce more noticeable. Gardens do not. Most of us, as in Jesus’ day, know not how the land […]
A Guided Advent Meditation On Scripture And Experience
God come to my assistance, Lord make haste to help me. As I enter into prayer today, I will take a moment to acknowledge where I am in my physical and emotional space. I offer any suffering to Jesus through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Lord come into my heart and mind and guide me through these […]
What Catholics Should Look For When Buying A Bible
What is the Bible? Before we can really answer the question of which Bible to buy, we have to investigate a bigger question: “What is the Bible?” The Bible is more of a library than it is one book. It contains seventy-three books of various literary genres. In the Bible, there is history, romance, poetry, […]
Seriously. How Do I Pray With Scripture?
When I think of prayer, I often picture myself sitting there, asking for answers, waiting, and trying to hear or see a reply. Or maybe I am on the run and throw out a quick thank you, help me with x please, or a prayer for a friend’s request. But in reality, what every spiritual […]
Spiritual Training: A Workout For Your Soul
When I first heard Matthew Kelly state, “Our lives change when our habits change,” it rang so true in my heart. In fact, looking back those words rang true in regards to all of my life experiences. In school, if I wanted to get an A on the test, I put in the time studying, […]
Hallow Plus GIVEAWAY! Enter Here
You’re going to be hearing a lot about Hallow over the next few weeks. We’ve just launched a partnership with this revolutionary Catholic prayer and meditation app and we’re so excited to share how we’ve been growing spiritually because of it with you. Katie and Drew Taylor recently did a Facebook Live Question and Answer […]
8 Bible Verses That Inspire Kids To Be Brave
These days, we all need a little extra help finding our brave. Teach your children that when fear surrounds us, we can look to the Word of God to find our strength. Pray these scripture verses together as a family and work together to memorize them. 8 Bible Verses That Inspire Kids To Be Brave […]