Now is a great time to remember that life is precious from conception until natural death and reflect on what we can do to protect each other. Let’s ask for the intercession of these pro-life saints who undoubtedly lived with love for others, respecting their human dignity despite circumstances. The prayers of these saints and faithful Catholics across the world overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion in the United States, but it is imperative that we continue to pray for an end to all abortion throughout the world.

A Litany Of Pro-Life Saints

St. Gianna Molla, who as a mother and doctor sacrificed her own life for that of her child and who is the patroness of unborn children, mothers, and physicians, pray for us and the vulnerable, especially those who are pregnant with health complications. St. Gianna Molla, pray for an end to abortion!

St. Gerard Majella, who is sought after for miracles such as the ones from his lifetime and the young girl whose life and the life of her baby were saved through his handkerchief after his death and who is the patron of expectant mothers and saint, pray for us and the vulnerable, especially those in extreme pain and in need of miracles to live.  St. Gerard Majella, pray for an end to abortion!

St. Anne, who is the mother of Mary and Jesus’ grandmother and who is patroness of pregnant mothers, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those grandparents who are raising grandchildren or children who are caregivers to parents. St. Anne, pray for an end to abortion!

St. Margaret of Antioch, who upon refusing advances of a pagan man was charged with being a Christian and imprisoned, where legends say the devil swallowed her and spit her out due to the cross she held and the following day her survival of several unsuccessful execution attempts—the final attempt of beheading martyring her—converted thousands of soon-martyred onlookers, who spoke to St. Joan of Arc, and who is the patroness of pregnant women and childbirth, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those in need of legendary help. St. Margaret, pray for an increase in respect for the dignity of life!

St. Brigid of Ireland, who was pure and generous since her childhood in a pagan society and who is said to be a close friend of St. Patrick as she helped spread Christianity and serve God through the Church, and who is patroness of midwives, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those in need of friendship and working in a society that doesn’t understand them. St. Brigid, pray for an increase in respect for the dignity of life!

St. Philomena, who is saint who was martyred at the age of thirteen as a perpetual virgin having opposed Emperor Diocletian’s marriage offer and miraculously survived the consequential torture, drowning, and arrows until she was decapitated and who is patroness of children, pray for us and the vulnerable, especially the innocents in impossible circumstances. St. Philomena, pray for an increase in respect for the dignity of life!

St. Maximillian Kolbe, who saint who was sent to a concentration camp for hiding Jews from Nazis and voluntarily took the place of a father and died in a gas chamber and who is patron of the unborn, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those discriminated against because of prejudice or politics.  St. Maximillian Kolbe, pray that we may be a people of life!

St. Joseph, who was chosen by the Father to be the foster father of His Son and the most chaste spouse of His Holy Mother Mary and so dutifully and virtuously fulfilled his role in serving God and who is patron of fathers, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially the fathers and those without father-figures. St. Joseph, pray that we may be a people of life!

St. Elizabeth, who is Mother Mary’s cousin and called righteous and blameless (Gospel of Luke), and gave birth to John the Baptist despite being deemed infertile and who is the patroness of pregnant women, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those struggling with health or family issues and in need of a miracle. St. Elizabeth, pray that we may be a people of life!

St. Faustina, who is known for her diary recording what Jesus told her about Divine Mercy, whose later beautification process was started by St. Pope John Paul II, and who is patroness for women in distress and crisis pregnancy centers, especially those in need of mercy. St. Faustina, pray that we may be a people of life!

Blessed Miguel Pro, who secretly ministered to Mexican Catholics under persecution with the skill of an undercover spy and later was martyred by firing squad while shouting, “Vivi Cristo Rey” and who is patron of the pro-life movement, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those persecuted and forced into hiding. Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for an increase in seeing the value of life!

Saint Pope John Paul II, who is well-known for his works on the theology of the body, for his life before and during his papacy, and promotion of respect for human dignity despite gender or situation and who is the patron of World Youth Day, pray for us and the most vulnerable, especially those who don’t know their worth. St. John Paul II, pray for an increase in seeing the value of life!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is patroness of the unborn and to whom the month of May is devoted, pray for us and intercede for us that we may have the courage like you did to accept God’s Will and follow the path for which He designed us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for an increase in seeing the value of life!

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Associate Justice Samuel Alito

More Pro-Life Resources

Photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

What We Can Learn About Being ProLife From Sts. Zelie And Louis Martin

A Litany Of Pro-life Saints

“We Are the Pro-life Generation” – And Here’s How We’re Proving It!

Want To Be Pro-life? Stop Doing These 10 Things!

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