If you are a Catholic active on social media, you have probably noticed that many of your favorite Catholic websites are offering daily Advent reflections. How do you decide what to read or watch when there are so many wonderful options? It’s nearly impossible to catch them all! Don’t worry, Catholic Link to the rescue. Each Friday of Advent we will feature our three favorite Advent reflections from the week. We hope to give you a sample of all of the best Advent material available so that you can use it to enrich your faith and grow in holiness this Advent.
1.) “What Is Advent?” from #ShareJesus with Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Redeemed Online brings us Fr. Leo Patalinghug, a priest known for his amazing culinary skills, to start us off on right this seasons as he answers the questions “What is Advent?” and shares his advice for having an encounter with God during Advent. He asks the question, “What are the virtues that you want for God to give to you?”
2. “Admonish the Sinner” from BestAdventEver.com with Dan Burke
In this video and reflection Dan Burke offers wonderful spiritual insight on what it means to admonish the sinner. He clarifies for us what this means to show others the way of Christ and explains how to do that with dignity, respect and reverence. “Love builds a bridge over which truth can pass.” Click here for a direct link the video and reflection.
3. “Three Advent Practices” from Word on Fire with Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron offers three wonderful suggestions for accepting God’s invitation to grow in holiness this Advent season. Though we won’t spoil the article for you, you will be surprised at these unique ways to learn more about God. Both the advice and the suggestions are practical insights that should be applied to each of our lives. Click here for Bishop Barron’s post.
Of course, it goes without saying that you should connect with Catholic Link on Facebook so that you can be a part of our Advent journey #RoadToPeace.