4 Reasons To Wear The Cord Of St. Joseph

by History of the Church, March, Prayer

The cord of St. Joseph is a powerful devotion that grants special graces to those who wear it with faith. These graces will help you grow in your spiritual life. Delving deeper into the tradition of the cord of St. Joseph can lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith.

4 Reasons To Wear The Cord Of St. Joseph

  • St. Joseph’s protection
  • Grace of Chastity
  • Final Perseverance
  • St. Joseph’s assistance in our hour of death

How To Use St. Joseph’s Cord

To use the cord as a devotion, it must be blessed by a priest and then worn around the waist. Say one Gloria on each of the seven knots while meditating on each of the sorrows and joys of St. Joseph.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was In the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

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