In a world that demands grit and guts, men are called upon to lead, not just in their workplaces but also within their homes. It's a journey laden with challenges and triumphs. Qualities like integrity, communication, and adaptability are more than soft skills....
St. Joseph
The Powerful Story Of One Couple’s Novena That Led To Thousands Of Novenas Prayed
I’ve been praying novenas for almost twelve years now and I’ve found they’re a great option for when you don’t know what to say, when you have a specific intention you’re praying for, and when you’re trying to “pray always.” Novenas are a traditional prayer that dates...
Drew and Katie – Interview with Fr. Boniface Hicks
Drew and Katie Taylor sit down with Father Boniface Hicks, OSB to discuss Fr Boniface’s book Through the Heart of Saint Joseph.
4 Reasons To Wear The Cord Of St. Joseph
The cord of St. Joseph is a powerful devotion that grants special graces to those who wear it with faith. These graces will help you grow in your spiritual life. Delving deeper into the tradition of the cord of St. Joseph can lead to a greater understanding and...
Why The Goodness Of St. Joseph Teaches Us Not To Seek Revenge | Fourth Week Of Advent Reflection
Gospel of Matthew 1:18-24 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about.When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,but before they lived together,she was found with child through the Holy Spirit.Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man,yet unwilling to...
The Second Greatest Saint…St. Joseph
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of the Incarnate Word, it doesn’t take much more explanation to understand why St. Joseph is an epic saint. Tune into this Catholic Bytes episode to learn more!
3 Reasons You Should Consecrate Your Family To St. Joseph
So…why should you consecrate your family to St. Joseph? 3 Reasons You Should Consecrate Your Family to St. Joseph There is a battle waging against your family “The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family.” —Sister...
2024 Catholic Monthly Devotions And An Inspirational Catholic Quote For Each Month
It is a tradition of the Catholic Church to observe a specific devotion during each month of the year. Here is the list of those devotions and a saint quote that will inspire you! 2024 Catholic Monthly Devotions January - The Holy Name of Jesus "The sweet name of...
Can Married People Become Saints?
Recently I read an account of a martyr who was not an ordained religious. The author began the reflection by saying that this saint helps us to keep in mind that sainthood is possible in all states of life. While this statement is true and supplies hope and...
How St. Joseph Taught Me To Follow God’s Plan When Things Don’t Go As Expected
What St. Joseph Taught Us Things rarely go according to plan. Even if you have the greatest project manager in the world, there are still factors and elements that cannot be controlled. St. Joseph teaches us to place our trust in God, especially when things do not go...
What The Saints Had To Say About St. Joseph
St. Joseph was a man of few words. Well, at least as it was recorded in the Bible! But, we can learn a lot about St. Joseph from those who studied his ways and had divine inspirations about his character. Saint Quotes About St. Joseph “Though thou hast recourse to...
4 Steps To Creating A Simple St. Joseph Altar In Your Home
Is St. Joseph our unofficial patron of Lent? When we think of St. Joseph, we think of the Nativity, the escape into Egypt. We think of the carpenter and his early life with Jesus. But when do we ever connect him to the Passion? We don’t. He had already passed by...
Mark Your Calendar: March Is Dedicated To St. Joseph
Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? This year, let’s focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions! Make yourself notes, write it on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember....
St. Joseph’s Seven Joys
Pope Francis has announced that this year (from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021) will be the Year of St. Joseph. The Holy Father explained why he made this decree in his Apostolic Letter PATRIS CORDE. “Now, one hundred and fifty years after his...
All The Resources You Need For The Feast Of St. Joseph
Are you ready to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19? Last year was the Year of St. Joseph. The Holy Father explained why he made this decree in his Apostolic Letter PATRIS CORDE. "Now, one hundred and fifty years after his proclamation as Patron of the...
A Litany Of Pro-life Saints
Now is a great time to remember that life is precious from conception until natural death and reflect on what we can do to protect each other. Let’s ask for the intercession of these pro-life saints who undoubtedly lived with love for others, respecting their human...
What Can Dads Learn From The “Silent Giant Of Faith”?
Husband of Mary, Father of Jesus, and Model of Faith in God St. Joseph was betrothed to the Blessed Virgin Mary when Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jewish custom, betrothal was the first of a two-part ceremony. In the first part, the erusin,...
A Catholic’s March To-Do List
Lent Resources
Meditating On Perfection| 4th Week Of Advent Reflection Questions For Reflection: Do you have a false notion of perfection?What areas of woundedness in your heart need attention?How is the pattern of communication in your family? Challenge: Make a plan now so...
A Sign | Liturgy Live 4th Sunday in Advent
After a few weeks with technical issues, we are back! We have actual bingo cards being created to play during the show. If you have common words or phrases you think we should have on the cards let us know, and if you want a bingo card, email us at...
The Intercession of a Saint: How St. Joseph Moved Us Across the Country and Back
Asking for a saint’s help never seemed odd to me growing up. It was like asking friends or family to pray for me. In fact, it is asking friends and family to pray for me. God wishes to help His children grow strong and help each other. He didn’t make us to passively...
The Solemnity Of St. Joseph, Truly A Saint For Our Times
The Gospel of Matthew gives emphasis to St. Joseph, for it is through him that the legal, filial line passed from King David to Jesus. The following are virtues we all stand to learn from St. Joseph. St. Joseph's Silence If we look at Sacred Scripture, there is not...
Two Heroes Of Chastity That Show Us How To Live: St. Joseph & St. Maria Goretti
St. Joseph and St. Maria Goretti, two incredible Saints who chose to live holy and chaste lives no matter what the cost, are the focus of this video reflection. These two Saints led very different lives but each shows how chastity can be implemented in any...
7 Things Every Husband Should Ask From Saint Joseph
Today we celebrate a great Saint, a model man and protector of families: Saint Joseph. We know very little about this Saint who, along with Mary through her generous Yes, welcomed, cared for and formed our Lord Jesus in infancy and childhood. In this gallery we want...