7 Attitudes The Virgin Mary Teaches Us On The Feast Of The Annunciation

by Feasts and Solemnities, Mary - The Blessed Mother

Today, the Feast of the Annunciation, we are celebrating Mary, celebrating her yes, that yes which opened the world to our Savior. Today is a great day because She has taught us that by the cooperation of a person the doors of heaven have been opened to all mankind. Today we can marvel at the mystery of God who wanted to become a man in the womb of Mary in order to grant us life.

From generation to generation, the wonder evoked by this ineffable mystery never ceases. St Augustine imagines a dialogue between himself and the Angel of the Annunciation, in which he asks:  “Tell me, O Angel, why did this happen in Mary?”. The answer, says the Messenger, is contained in the very words of the greeting:  “Hail, full of grace” (cf. Sermo 291: 6). In fact, the Angel, “appearing to her”, does not call her by her earthly name, Mary, but by her divine name, as she has always been seen and characterized by God:  “Full of grace – gratia plena”,  “full of grace”, and the grace is none other than the love of God; thus, in the end, we can translate this word:  “beloved” of God (cf. Lk 1: 28). Origen observes that no such title had ever been given to a human being, and that it is unparalleled in all of Sacred Scripture (cf. In Lucam6: 7). Benedict XVI

For this reason, we want to ask our Mother for her help so that we may share her attitudes and dispositions and thus receive the mystery of God into our lives. By her intercession and our cooperation may we become increasingly capable of loving as she loved.

7 Attitudes The Virgin Mary Teaches Us On The Feast Of The Annunciation

  1. Mary shows us Interior Silence

Mary is overwhelmed by the visit of the angel, but she is able to receive and understand the message that he communicates to her because of the deep silence that fills her interior. She is used to meditating on the words of the Lord, she is used to Divine language, and she grasps it with deep meditation. Let us learn from Mary to have that interior silence that allows us to be in tune with the Lord even in the midst of our daily activities.

2.  Mary models Careful Listening

Mary listens reverently to the angel. She is not thinking about herself or what she has to do or what things she will have to let go of in order to be the Mother of Jesus. She listens and allows herself be touched by the words of the angel Gabriel as she meditates on them in her heart. Let us learn from Mary to listen to God in silence and in the midst of the circumstances of our life. Let us ask Him to help us keep our hearts open to His word.

3. Mary shows us how to Receive the Word

After listening to Gabriel’s words, Mary welcomes them. Words bear fruit within you and take root in your heart when you allow them to do so. Let us learn from Mary to have a humble acceptance of God’s Plan in our life.  May she teach us to accept Divine designs with love and not want another for our lives.

4. Mary models how to Wonder

Mary to wonders about the deep meaning of the words of the Messenger of God at the time of the Annunciation: “How will this be, since I do not know a man?” Her question is not the result of doubt, but the result of a desire for greater light in order to discover the depth of God’s mission. Her desire is to respond with greater fidelity and generosity. Let us learn from Mary to have a restless heart that does not rest until we give glory to God with our life.

5. Mary shows us how to be Open To God’s Plan

Mary is totally open to do what God asks of her. This attitude is that of a heart that has been educated to say yes to every little thing, a heart that has been educated to think first of others rather than of itself. Let us learn from Mary to have that openness, that unmeasured generosity that gives herself completely and out of love for God and others.

6. Mary models Trust In God And His Promises

Since she was a child, Mary has meditated on the promises of God to the people of Israel. She knows them and knows that He has always been faithful despite the weakness of the people. Her confidence is not blind, it is based on the actions of God. She has allowed Him to be the center of her life and she has opened herself to his love. In these promises are the hopes and struggles of a people that, although fragile, have believed in God. Let us learn from Mary to trust that God always keeps His promises.  He will never abandon us because He is infinitely good and faithful.

7. Mary shows us Courage

Mary does not shrink from the exceptionally great mission that the angel Gabriel announces to her. She is afraid, yes, but she boldly sets out to fulfill God’s Plan. Although she is just a teenager, she deeply trusts in the grace of God that magnifies her small efforts and is capable of recognizing the value of her yes, the value that God gives to the free surrender of our humanity. Let us learn from Mary to trust that God can do great things with our littleness when we give ourselves totally to Him.

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