12 “Pope Quotes” To Reflect On As We Approach Mid-Lent

by Lent

So, we’re approaching the midpoint of Lent! How is it going for you so far?! No matter how you feel you’re doing, this is a good time to pause and reflect on what has happened so far and to remind yourself of the purpose of this important time.

To help you, we’ve compiled 12 short quotes, from several different popes, on the meaning of Lent. We are all called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving during this season, and these “pope quotes” highlight the importance of each.

Take a short moment out to read them, and be affirmed, encouraged and reawakened on our way towards Easter!

12 Pope Quotes On Lent

Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Francis’ Message for Lent
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic
Pope Lent Quotes Catholic

Lent Resources

QUIZ: What Should You Give Up For Lent?

A Guide To The Best Catholic Lent Resources

How to Discern Between Consolation & Desolation | Lenten Spiritual Exercises

A Guide To The Best Catholic Lent Resources

How to Discern Between Consolation & Desolation | Lenten Spiritual Exercises

3 Questions To Examine Your Heart During Lent

How Giving Alms Gives Us More of Jesus: A Lenten Reflection

How To Go Into The Desert: Entering The Wild, Scary, Interior Battle Of Lent

12 Pieces Of Advice That Revolutionized My Lent

12 “Pope Quotes” To Reflect On As We Approach Mid-Lent

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