39 Things 18-39 Year-Olds Should Consider Giving Up For Lent

by Family, Lent, Outstanding Initiatives

Pete Burak, director of i.d.916 gives a quick rundown of some creative ideas for young adults to think about giving up this Lent. The suggestions to give up eye-rolling, extra guac, and not finishing a book spoke directly to my heart! Which ideas will inspire you?


Still Can’t Decide What To Do For Lent? We’ve got 2 Quizzes for that!

“What Should You Give Up For Lent?” will help you narrow down your choices and give you ideas based on your lifestyle and personality.

“Which Lent Resource Is Best For You?” will help you choose between the many books, apps, emails, and retreats available to help you grow spiritually this Lent so that you can focus on doing one thing well.

Don’t have time for a Quiz? Skip right to our list of resources here.

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