Have you spent time thinking about why you exist, what your purpose is, and the unique mission you have been called to?
Start With Why
Simon Sinek’s principle, TED Talk, and book Start With Why challenges what drives our decisions as organizations and individuals. We want to be inspiring, as a Church, ministry, and individual. He explains that every organization knows what they do, some know how they do it, but very few know why they do it. What’s their purpose? Why do they exist?
The truly inspiring leaders start with why. People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. It’s not about having the perfect plan, it’s about having a dream, Martin Luther King Jr. just told people what he believed, and he inspired the change he desired. He didn’t have to work out every detail or step; he just empowered people to do the what and how through communicating a vision.
The What, How and Why For Catholic Leaders
As Catholic leaders in the New Evangelization, some of what we do includes: making people happier, creating deep friendships, reducing addictions, providing greater peace and meaning, formation, and education. All of which “bring you life, life to the abundance” (John 10:10). How we do it: Sacraments, scripture, small groups, prayer, spiritual and formational reading, conversions personally, and through telling our stories.
But what is our WHY? It is Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 15:17 Saint Paul states, “and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins.” Without Jesus, this is all in vain. If he is not the underlying reason for everything we do, we will fall flat, we will burn out, and there will be no fruit in what and how we do it.
Each of us has to make this personal. There is no one way to live this out. How have you been raised, how Christ has changed you?
In Christus Vivit, Pope Francis quotes the poem Enamórate by Pedro Arrupe, “What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, whom you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything”. He goes on to say, “This love for God..is possible thanks to the Spirit, for “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Rom 5:5)” (Christus Vivit, 132).
This passion, this love should be what drives us. It also fuels us and roots us in our true why. Our purpose is to know and serve God, ultimately, to become more Christ-like. When we look at our activities, choices, and actions in this light, you can help filter where God is calling you and how he uses good and bad experiences to cultivate this within you. Each lesson can refine us, drawing us closer to him and making us more like him.
What Is Your Mission
Our mission statement is, “We are passionate about equipping and training leaders in the New Evangelization through living awesome Catholic lives and providing light and truth to the world.” We do this through video series, Bible study resources, leading small groups, and coaching individuals. We have a dream that virtuous, inspiring leadership can transform the Church and, ultimately, the entire world to achieve their highest potential and enjoy the gift of eternal life.
What are you in love with, what frustrates you, inspires you, and drives you? The Venerable Carlo Acutis said, “everyone is born an original, but many people end up dying as photocopies.” You must reflect God with your unique gifts, talents, and experiences. So as you watch this video, think about your why, your purpose. Go to Jesus and ask him to shed light.
It is through living your remarkable Catholic life, that you will inspire others. Use this why, to develop your vision, your dream, and bring about the reality through your daily habits, that will inspire others to join you!
Check out our video below and hit subscribe on the Catholic-Link English Youtube Channel so that you don’t miss any opportunity to achieve your greatest leadership potential!
What’s Your Why? | Episode 3 Of Thicker Skins, Bigger Hearts
Photo by Lucas Clara on Unsplash