5 Things To Do To Make Holy Week The Most Important Week Of The Year

by Easter, Faith & Life, Holy Week, Lent

Holy Week should be the most important week of the year for all Christians. It should be the week in which we give of ourselves to the fullest in order to fully receive Christ during the Easter celebration. That’s the ideal.

However, we all know that sometimes life just gets in the way. Work or school, various activities, and even our family responsibilities can keep us from making the most of the week that should be set apart from all others.

Other times it’s not our busyness that prevents us from living out Holy Week, it’s our laziness. Maybe we’ve worked so hard to sacrifice during Lent that, by the time Holy Week hits, we’re done or, maybe, we never even started Lent and when Holy Week begins we feel no motivation to try.

Whatever your situation is, Jesus is still calling you to seek Him with all your heart during this time. Use our 5 tips to help you make the most of Holy Week this year. Come Easter Sunday, you will be so happy that you put forth the time and effort to be with Christ.

5 Ways To Make Holy Week The Most Important Week Of The Year

How to Live Holy Week 5 Ways To Make Holy Week The Most Important Week Of The Year


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