July Is Devoted To The Precious Blood Of Jesus | Mark Your Calendar!

by Evangelization, Feasts and Solemnities, July

Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? This year, let’s focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions! Make yourself notes, write it on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember. You could use a prayer already associated with the devotion or pray a personal one.

Our parish bulletin included a note reminding us that we should not use irreverent phrases such as “we’re serving wine at Mass.” After consecration, the wine is no longer wine—it is the Precious Blood of Jesus, to which the month of July is devoted.

Holy Communion is not always the simplest thing to explain, though with a lively faith it can be easy to be enthusiastic about it! People may be even be put off because we’re “exclusive” about who receives. (If you’re stumped on how to explain this subject to others, here’s some help.) Other people not understanding or not believing shouldn’t hold you back, though! How much do you understand? Do you need to pray “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!”?

This month being dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus, spilled on the cross for us, is your opportunity to focus directly on this topic. Read about it. Pray about it. Frequent the sacraments, including confession so you can receive Him with a clean soul!

Reflect on how you can succinctly respond to others’ questions about your faith, your Savior, and receiving the Precious Blood. The Anima Christi prayer may help you to delve into this month’s focus.

The Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, inebriate me.

Water from the side of Christ, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O Good Jesus, hear me.

Within Your wounds hide me.

Suffer me not to be separated from you.

From the evil one defend me.

In the hour of my death, call me.

And bid me come to You,

That with all Your saints,

I may praise You forever and ever.


Also this month, we remember and celebrate notable followers of Christ, who being saints truly lived their lives dedicated to Christ, Who shed His Blood for us.

July Catholic Feast Days

July 1 – St. Junipero Serra

July 3 –St. Thomas 

July 4 – Blessed Pier Giorgio

What You Can Do To Make Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati A Saint!

July 5 – St. Elizabeth of Portugal

July 6 – St. Maria Goretti

July 11 – St. Benedict

July 12 – St. Zelie and St. Louis Martin 

July 14 – St. Kateri

July 15 – St. Bonaventure

July 16 – Our Lady of Mount Carmel 

July 21 – St. Lawerence

July 22 – St. Mary Magdalene

July 23 – St. Bridget of Sweden

July 24 – St. Christina the Astonishing | St. Sharbel | National Natural Family Planning Week | World Day for Grandparents and Elderly

July 25 – St. James the Apostle

July 26 – Sts. Joachim and Anne

July 28 – Blessed Stanley Rother

July 29 –  St. Martha

July 30 – St. Peter Chrysologus

July 31 – St. Ignatius

July Reflection Questions:

  1.      In the United States of America, we will be celebrating a national holiday, Independence Day, on July 4, which often reminds us of all the men and women who have died or are currently putting their lives at risk for our safety. Sacrificing Himself, Jesus shed His blood for all of us. How do you bring the love of God into others’ lives, especially those who may need help after sacrificing comfort, resources, time, or their own body for others? (Perhaps some inspiration can be taken from these chaplains:  https://catholic-link.org/4-heroic-stories-military-chaplains)
  2.      What is your two-sentence explanation of your love of Christ and His love for you as found in His Precious Blood?
  3.      What saint inspires you most to reverence when receiving Holy Communion or when in God’s house?
  4.      How can you improve your active participation in the Mass? (For instance, know what’s happening! https://catholic-link.org/a-walk-through-the-holy-mass/ )
  5.      In what parts of your own life do you find it most difficult to sacrifice for others when they need it, and how can you become more Christ-like in these areas, starting this month?
  6.      What will you dedicate to Christ in honor of His Precious Blood this month?

5 Catholic Challenges For July

Research Eucharistic miracles and Catholic theology of Holy Communion.

Take a pilgrimage to a miracle site, if possible!

Pick a feast day, learn about the saint(s) and how you can model their life, and celebrate with Mass or a special dinner.

Memorize the Anima Christi.

Most importantly, this month renew your reverence in receiving the Precious Body and Blood of Christ. 

Catholic Books To Read In July

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