April Is Devoted To The Blessed Sacrament And The Holy Spirit – Mark Your Calendar!

by Family, Feasts and Solemnities, History of the Church, Liturgical Seasons

Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? This year, let’s focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions! Make yourself notes, write them on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember. You could use a prayer already associated with the devotion or pray a personal one.

“I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament,” J.R.R. Tolkien is often quoted.

For this month of April, devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, you probably expected a saint quote or Catechism reference, but this famous author of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit says something the saints would all agree with (and, rumor has it, there is a case for his canonization).

Instead of loving idols, let’s worship and adore Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. This month we also celebrate Holy Week, when Christ gave His life for us and rose again! When He ascended into heaven, He did not abandon us. In fact, His mercy is endless and on April 24th we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday to remind us of this. Learn to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, check out our guide. He is truly present in the Eucharist, and we are surrounded by the Holy Spirit.

If you don’t fully embrace the Eucharist as the True Presence of Jesus Christ, His Body, and Blood, perhaps read up on it and pray for God’s guidance to help any unbelief in you about it.

April Feast Days

April 2 – St. Francis of Paola | Palm Sunday

April 4 – St. Isidore

April 5 – St. Vincent Ferrer | Spy Wednesday

April 6 – Holy Thursday

April 7 – St. John Baptist de la Salle | Good Friday

April 8 – St. Julie Billiart | Holy Saturday

April 10 – Easter Sunday

April 16 – St. Bernadette

April 17 – Divine Mercy Sunday

April 21 – St. Anselm

April 22 – Earth Day

April 23 – St. George and St. Adalbert

April 25 – St. Mark

April 27 – St. Louie de Montfort

April 29 – St. Catherine of Sienna

April 30 – St. Pius V

What To Reflect On In April For Catholics

  1.      How do you thank the Lord for His sacrifice on the cross? 
  2.      What does it mean to you to receive the Eucharist reverently?
  3.      How do you feel God’s love in adoration?
  4.      What best helps you focus in Mass and Eucharistic Adoration?
  5.      How do you share the love of Christ through the Blessed Sacrament with others?
  6.      Do you let the Holy Spirit work in your life?
  7.      How do you follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting in your daily life?

April’s Catholic Challenge

This month’s challenge is to go to adoration and pray a Holy Spirit prayer every day. Whether your parish has a special adoration hour weekly with praise or is blessed with perpetual adoration, make an effort to visit the Lord. Consider signing up for an hour in perpetual adoration or organizing a special Eucharistic adoration hour. (Here are some song suggestions: https://catholic-link.org/21-songs-for-eucharistic-adoration-and-prayer/.)

The goal is to gaze lovingly and in awe at the Consecrated Host and share that love with others with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Catholic Books To Read In April

What is the Holy Spirit? Read this:

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