13 Things To Know About Our Lady Of Fatima

by Mary - The Blessed Mother, May

Our Lady of Fatima is one of the most well-known, famous, and venerated Marian apparitions of our day. What is remarkable is how over 100 years later, the message of Fatima cuts right to the heart and speaks to all. Here are some reasons why.

13 Things To Know About Our Lady Of Fatima

1. Our Lady does not just tell us what to do and leave, she walks with us.

Between 1916 and 1917, the Blessed Mother appeared to three children in the town of Fatima, Portugal. While the time spent with them was brief, she loved, nurtured, and guided them as she wishes to do for us each and every day.

2. Our Lady appears to children and the child-like.

Through the apparition, she appeared to 3 young shepherd children, Lucia and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta. Like them, we are called to have child-like faith, be poor in spirit, and rely on Our Father.

3. Our Lady is with us in times of trial and fear.

The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima occurred as the First World War ravaged Europe. Violence, hatred, persecution, and oppression marked the times. Yet, through all this, Our Lady made her presence known to the young children. She is with us through all times.

4. Our Lady brings us peace.

The “Angel of Peace” appeared to the children three times, encouraged them to pray, and taught them how to truly adore the Lord, thus bringing peace. Mary helps us live in peace through union with God and His Church.

5. Our Lady helps us to give meaning to our sufferings.

The “Angel of Peace” also encouraged the children to make sacrifices and accept suffering for sinners and offenses against Our Lord. Our sufferings and sacrifices can also be meaningful and help unite us with Jesus and His Passion.

6. Our Lady wants all people to be friends of her Son, Jesus Christ.

As the children offered prayers and penances, they did so not only for themselves but for the conversion of sinners. We can do the same and pray that all sinners might live in the light of the Gospel. 

7. Our Lady is Queen of Heaven and Earth.

On May 13, 1917, Mary appeared to the children for the first time and told them to not fear for she comes from Heaven. Assumed body and soul into Heaven after her earthly life, Mary still intercedes for us and all the Church today.

8. Our Lady helps us meditate on and imitate Jesus’ life through her Rosary.

Mary encouraged the children to pray their Rosaries for peace and an end to the war. Mary helps us meditate on the Gospel through the Rosary. Our prayer of the Holy Rosary each day helps us know and follow Jesus through the eyes of His Mother.

9. Our Lady shows us her presence and helps us believe.

Mary manifested her truth, presence, and peace to the children through the famous “Miracle of the Sun” on October 13, 1917. Approximately 50,000 people witnessed the sun change colors and dance in the sky in circular moves. Reports of this event all vary, but for the children this miracle them believe in the truth of her teachings as the “Lady of the Rosary” who comes “from Heaven.”

10. Our Lady helps us persevere and remain united in the Church.

The guidance and nurturing of the Angel and Our Lady helped the children know, love, and serve Jesus. Mary helped them build up the Church for her Son through prayer and penance in tough times. As the Body of Christ, she walks with the Church and wants all people to be united in knowing, loving, and serving Jesus.

11. Our Lady helps us see the hand of God in the world.

Our Lady of Fatima revealed three “secrets” which spoke directly to the violence and chaos of the day. She encouraged conversion and repentance, and devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. She also predicted World War II, the horror of dwindling Christianity, and persecution against the Church. Mary helps us see the world and difficulties through lenses of faith, hope, and charity by her example.

12. Our Lady helps us live the virtue of hope.

Our Lady’s apparition at Fatima came at a time of great tumult, yet she gave signs of hope to those who accepted her Son. With her help and guidance, we can trust that through all challenges, our ultimate hope lies in the Kingdom of Heaven and communion with Jesus Christ.

13. Our Lady always proclaims the Gospel – the Good News of Jesus Christ.

At the heart of the message of Fatima is conversion, repentance, and belief in the Gospel. Jesus proclaimed, “the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15) at the beginning of His preaching. Our Lady of Fatima echoed His words and calls all to “repent and believe.”

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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Photo credit ~ Adora Comunicação

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