Liturgy Live | Corpus Christi

by Gospels

We are being tested during this time of crisis. God is looking to see if you remember that He provides for you. He will guide you and provide for you. We are being allowed to feel the hunger for the Body and Blood of Christ, how are we to respond to the invitation back to Mass? This is a time of conversion, healing, and trust.

Our show Liturgy Live is a part of the expanding lineup of podcasts at Breadbox Media! We are happy to be a part of their team. Looking for the BEST in Catholic podcasting? Check out Breadbox Media!

Liturgy Live can now be found on iTunes, iheart, StitcherPodbean, Google Podcasts, and our dedicated Breadbox Media app, as well as YouTube! Follow us on Twitter @LiturgyLive. Join the conversation live on Mondays at 3pm EST on our Catholic Link English Facebook page.

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Transform Your Life By Changing Your Habits This Lent

The day passes you by and the prayer time you wanted to spend with God never happens. Kids, job, spouse and other important demands seem to push out the time you wanted to spend in prayer. You are exhausted from the day and you just want to “veg” out, so you reach for...

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