The Shift: Catholic Movie Review!

Drew and Katie are bringing you the quickest movie review ever because, well, life happened, and the whole family caught a bug last night. But, undeterred, we’re still excited to share our thoughts on the latest film from Angel Studios, “The Shift.” Let’s dive right in! “The Shift,” Angel Studios’s newest movie, set to premiere in theaters on December 1st.

Should Catholics Watch The Shift?

Now, before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about the impressive cast. We’ve got Christopher Polaha, Neil McDonough, Elizabeth Tabish, and Sean Astin—yes, Sam from “Lord of the Rings” and Rudy from “Rudy.” It’s an all-star lineup that piqued our interest from the get-go.

“The Shift” is a Sci-Fi, a contemporary retelling drawing inspiration from the Book of Job. The main character, Kevin, experiences a Job-like journey where he loses everything—his family, health, wealth, and more. The movie delves into profound questions about suffering, faith, and the presence of God in the midst of trials.

Faith in the Face of Adversity

The film introduces Neil McDonough as the benefactor, a character initially shrouded in benevolence but later revealed as the devil. He tempts Kevin to become a shifter, someone with the power to shift people between dimensions. Kevin, however, rejects the devil’s offer and faces five years of hardship in an alternate reality. Yet, in the darkness, he remains faithful to the Lord, becoming a source of hope and inspiration.

Without giving away too much, we want to highlight the surprises and twists in the plot. The movie keeps you guessing, and we encourage you to experience it for yourself. Head to the theaters and support this incredible project, and pay it forward by getting tickets for someone else.

In a nutshell, “The Shift” is worth your time. It’s a testament to the incredible strides Christian media is making, offering engaging characters, compelling plotlines, and meaningful stories with solid acting. While we might think twice about bringing our little ones due to some intense scenes, for older children and adults, it’s a definite go!

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