Across America many Catholic convent buildings, which once housed a blessed surplus of religious sisters, are now standing underutilized and sometimes completely empty. The disuse of these buildings is expensive on our already cash-strapped parishes. On the other...
Love and Relationships
Learn more about love and relationships from a Catholic perspective. Perfect for Catholic dating couples, Catholic engaged couples, Catholic married couples, and those looking to form meaningful relationships.
The Virtue Of Getting Along
Niceness gets a bad rap these days. In politics, being too nice to one’s opponents is seen as a sign of unseriousness, even betrayal of one’s comrades and principles. In Church affairs, the “Church of Nice” gets dragged for being unwilling to stand up for truth and to...
Start With A Friendship…Here’s How
Let’s face it, 2020 has been a year like no other. If you’re anything like me, sometimes you wake up in the morning with a real “what the heck is going on” attitude. But, if you’re anything like me, you might also wake up in the...
Ask A Priest With Fr. George Elliott | Love Is Difficult
If you missed Ask a Priest Live with Fr. George Elliott, you can watch the replay here. Each Sunday at 3:00 PM Central, I go live on the Catholic-Link Facebook page. I will start with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, then provide a quick reflection...
St. Clare, Scandal, & Why Saints Are Often Foolish
People do foolish things for love. Consider a wonderful Catholic girl I know who creeped away from her loving parents one night to join some neighborhood dude who had shamed his family by stealing from his own father, and then scandalized the whole town by flashing...
Can Non-Catholics Be Saved?
Outside the Church There is No Salvation Can non-Catholics be saved? It is a big question, with a nuanced answer. Let us begin in 3rd Century Carthage. St. Cyprian coined the following perennial adage of the Church: “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” which means “outside...
Racism: A Catholic Response
Racism is Always Evil There are some things that are always true, no matter when, where, or whom is involved. One of these truths is that racism is always wrong. It is a form of discrimination which is always unjust and, therefore, morally wrong and incompatible with...
How To Quit Pornography…From Someone Who Has Been There
Three years ago, today, I published a blog about my personal struggle with pornography. Before that day, I had never spoken openly about porn, it was very much a secret problem that had been eating me up for years. More than anything else I have ever written, I look...
5 Ways To Strengthen Your Marriage During Quarantine
This time of quarantine has been a relationship accelerator for so many couples. For Better or For Worse. Starting today, what are five things you can do to make the most of this time together? There is a five-step process that we have seen work miracles in hundreds...
A Love Story In The Time Of Quarantine
I wish I had always known God’s loving tenderness. I have been a Catholic all my life but it was only a year ago that I discovered a God who loves us with such magnitude that not only is He powerful, He is also tender, as a terrified new father, who stands in by the...
What Is Sex For?
What is the purpose of intimacy? This question is at the heart of the video "Theology of the Body (Catholic Sexuality). The Church's teaching about sex is a topic that probably garners the most attention in today's culture. Why? Because the idea of waiting until...
A Few Of Our Favorite Catholic Valentine’s Gifts
What will you buy your Catholic Valentine? Here are a few of our favorite things... Sock Religious FREE! Catholic Valentine's Day Cards From Be A Heart Custom Journaling Bible Gethsemani Farms - Chocolate MIRACULOUS SLIDER BRASS | Telos ARt Little Catholic Box...
Why You Should Listen Closely To This Part Of The Wedding Ceremony
If someone asked you what was said in the Nuptial Blessing at a wedding, would you know? Probably not. This rather lengthy prayer is tucked between the Exchange of Consent and the Our Father and if you aren't paying attention, you may miss one of the most beautiful...
Love Is Love…Right? Right.
Okay, before everyone starts to throw tomatoes at us over here, let me explain. Yes, love is love, and everyone is created for love. If that's the case, then why do people think the Church is against love? Or why is this phrase so taboo in Catholic circles? Maybe it's...
5 Tips For Talking To Your Friends About Gender Identity
Have you ever had a conversation about gender identity with friends or family? The Vatican offers an educational guide, "Male and Female He Created Them" to address the current educational crisis around human sexuality. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when talking...
10 Ways To Honor Your Catholic Wife On Mother’s Day (Or Any Day)
What I Notice About My Wife I am by no means a perfect husband. I have many faults and do not always show my wife how much I love her. Even when I do not mention the things I see, I do notice quite a bit. Here is what I notice. I notice when my wife gets up early to...
Objective Standard for Love | Liturgy Live 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week on the podcast we talk about motivation and what is required to keep us going. A few things we go over is companionship, mission, and knowledge of what you are created for. The second reading we talk about the primacy of love in the use of our gifts....
Are We Falling In Love With A List Of Qualities Rather Than A Person?
I was 18 years old when I wrote my first ‘list.’ The ‘list’ was introduced to me by a friend of mine who wanted to know what kind of men I would like to date. She explained to me that ‘the list’ is a carefully thought out list of qualities that single people would...
Sick of the Dating Scene? Here are Some Surprising Reasons to Hope
This Disorientated Generation - Part 3 Isaac Withers was one of 300 hundred people who attended the Vatican Pre-Synod of Young People, speaking with Pope Francis on the issues that his generation and younger face. Inspired by this incredible trip he has written an...
Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It?
Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the...
New Priest Assignments: Advice For Times of Parish Upheaval
So, your beloved parish priest of the past many years has been given a new assignment in another city, what do you do? You may have spent years getting to know him, or you may be brand new to the parish. You may have gone through marriage prep, RCIA or the baptism of...
Catholic Social Teaching: What It Is And Why It Is So Important!
In this first part of a two-part series on Catholic Social Teaching, we explore the seven main themes. This is a bird’s eye view of Catholic Social Teaching and only begins to scratch the surface. The Heart of Christ The social teaching of the Church is a rich...
The Critical Difference Between A Friend And A Master | Catholic Bible Study
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 15:9-17 Jesus said to his disciples: "As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in...
31 Of The Best Catholic Books On Marriage
If you're like most people, you have spent more time preparing for your career than you have for your marriage. We tend to dedicate years of education to get ready for our jobs, but when it comes to marriage most of us focus more on planning a wedding than investing...
Why This Generation Thinks Going Out To Coffee Is More Intimate Than A Hooking Up
I was married with a few kids by the time Tinder became a thing. Never having used the app myself, I had no idea how much it is has impacted the culture of dating and romance until I had the chance to view The Dating Project. This documentary, produced by Paulist...