
The Paschal Mystery In Light Of COVID-19

The Paschal Mystery In Light Of COVID-19

As we navigate through the Coronavirus and the seemingly unending strain of directives and regulations released by the Church and government agencies, we pray for and await good health and healing in all the world. In most dioceses, the latest is: Closed and locked...

How To Recover When Lent Goes Wrong

How To Recover When Lent Goes Wrong

The Best-Laid Plans The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. We layout the best plans for our Lenten journey. We seek to approach Easter having undergone a well thought out and executed routine of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. If you are like me, this...

Liturgy Live 3rd Sunday In Lent | Reveal The Well

Liturgy Live 3rd Sunday In Lent | Reveal The Well

This week on the podcast we talk about how Moses was able to be real with God. He prayed in a way that showed his frustration with the people of Israel. The people knew what they needed but they didn't ask God for it. In the Gospel we talk about the woman at the well,...

2nd Sunday Of Lent | On The Mountain

2nd Sunday Of Lent | On The Mountain

On this second Sunday in lent we talk about aversion to climbing the mountain. When we make it to the top, we also don't want to leave. We don't like the cross, nor do we like the climb of exercising virtue to get up the mountain. We are to go as the Lord directs us,...

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