This Lent, Take A Deeper Journey Through The Story Of Salvation 

by Lent, Outstanding Initiatives

Salvation history has been called the most important story ever told—but even though it’s the most important, it’s surprising how few of us truly know it. 

Sure, we may recognize names like Abraham and Moses, David and Jesus. We may be able to pronounce locations like Canaan and Sinai, Judea and Galilee—maybe even Caesarea Philippi. Even so, how well do we understand the big players, significant locations, and key movements in Scripture? Can we repeat it well enough for someone else to understand its significance? And, perhaps most importantly: How many of us Catholics view salvation history as our own story? 

If what’s past is prologue, as the Bard claims, then knowing where we’ve been greatly impacts where we’ll end up. This is more than true when it comes to our Catholic faith. Unless we learn the story of salvation, dwell on it, and live according to its truth, we risk forgetting our roots and becoming lukewarm in the practice of our faith—which can affect our eternal destiny. 

Here’s some wonderful news: This January, you have the chance to explore the full story of salvation from a pair of experts who’ve dedicated their lives to knowing the story and passing it along. 

Curtis Martin, the founder of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and Dr. Edward Sri, FOCUS’ senior vice president of Apostolic Outreach, will present a free online Bible study that will cover the big picture of salvation history over twelve weeks. The study will start on January 23, carry on through Lent, and end on April 10 (Easter Monday).  

There are a plethora of online/digital Bible studies out there that touch upon the same material. But two things in particular set Martin and Sri’s study apart from the rest. One: As Catholic evangelization authorities, Sri and Martin present the material in a way that is transmissible; what you receive can readily be shared with others. And two: The experts will answer your questions in real time. Since the study is broadcast live, every session will include a Q&A—so you can ask Martin and Sri your questions and receive their direct, detailed answers. (Note: Even if you can’t attend live, each session is recorded, so you can watch and rewatch all sessions at a later time.) 

Martin and Sri have hosted this study for the past two years, and they’ve received encouraging responses. Dr. Sri remarked, “We’ve seen countless lay people not only come to grasp the big picture of the Bible for themselves, but also come away from this experience confident in sharing the Biblical story of salvation with others. This experience changes people’s lives!” 

The study will start just a couple weeks after the well-known SEEK23 event. SEEK, FOCUS’ national annual conference, invites people college-aged and above to experience an authentic encounter with Christ in fellowship and sacrament. While the Bible study is for everyone, not solely those who’ve attended SEEK, those who do attend the five-day event will find the study a perfect opportunity to continue their SEEK experience and grow even more familiar with knowing and sharing the Gospel. 

Sri is thrilled to host this study for the third year in a row and encourages even those who’ve participated before to join them again. “We’re excited to have thousands of Catholics around the country come together to rediscover the one true story that really matters: the Biblical story of salvation history,” he said. 

Martin, of course, shares the sentiment. “Our hope is that [this] study will accompany those on the path from becoming a disciple of Christ to becoming a missionary disciple-maker. Please join us!” 

The invitation is open. Let your friends, family, and fellow parishioners know. It doesn’t matter whether you participate solo or as a group. Join Martin and Sri on this scriptural journey and reclaim your true heritage, identity, and kinship in Christ.  Sign-up HERE!

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