Father Gregory Pine, O.P. – How To Live the Virtue of Prudence

Catholic-Link Podcast
Catholic-Link Podcast
Father Gregory Pine, O.P. - How To Live the Virtue of Prudence

Fr Gregory Pine, OP sits down to discuss Prudence: Choose Confidently, Live Boldly his new book ➡️ https://amzn.to/33LUJHp which answers the question what is prudence and how do we live the virtue of prudence?

Fr Gregory is a regular contributor on Pints with Aquinas found here:    / pintswithaquinas   Pints with Aquinas Fr Gregory Pine Playlist:    • Q&A W/ Fr. Pine   Father Gregory Pine, OP is also a host of Godsplaining a Dominican Friars Podcast: https://godsplaining.org/ Fr. Gregory Pine of the Dominican Friars of the Province of St Joseph discusses by theologically and practically how to live out the virtue of prudence.

He explains the virtues, especially the moral virtues or cardinal virtues. Father Pine provides great clarity to the question, of what is prudence and how to make decisions as Catholics utilizing the virtue of prudence. If you found value from this video, please consider SUBSCRIBING: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatholicLin… It really helps YouTube share this video with others. And please send this to a friend who is interested in growing deeper in the faith… you could change someone’s life! Join our email newsletter and stay up to date on the latest Catholic resources! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/s…


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Order Fr Gregory Pine’s Prudence: Choose Confidently Live Boldly book: https://amzn.to/33LUJHp Share this video with one friend!

MORE ABOUT THIS EPISODE #Prudence#FatherGregoryPine#Catholicbook We often think of a prudent person as an overly cautious person, but the virtue of prudence helps Catholics make decisions about anything in life. It is through this moral virtue and intellectual virtue that all the virtues are correctly exercised, it is the action of our conscience. It moves us to confidence, true happiness, and a bold life that is in fact the abundant life we desire. Drew and Katie Taylor discuss with Fr Gregory Pine what is happiness, what is the difference between pleasure happiness, and purpose happiness, and how we market Catholicism or market virtue as the key to life. Don’t miss Father Gregory Pine’s new book!

***QUESTION of the DAY – What was your biggest takeaway from the video?

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