The Best Catholic Lent Resources

by Lent

This year we’ve had a bit more time to think about Lent, but it still feels like Ash Wednesday is coming too soon! How will you spend these forty days dedicated to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving? We have the Lent resources you need to make this sacrificial season one that bears great fruit in your spiritual life.

In this day and age, we’ve got it easy in many ways.  From websites to apps to books, there are hundreds of ways to add to your prayer life this Lent. Find one that suits your needs.

Start Here – What Should You Give Up For Lent? A Quiz!

This is a fun quiz to help you start thinking about and planning for Lent.  We’ve created a handy little quiz to help give you some direction: What Should You Give Up for Lent? Most people will get a result that requires not so much giving something up, but doing something. Adding a prayer time, serving the poor, reading a spiritual book – these are all ways to achieve your spiritual goals. Ready to discover what Lent resource is best for you to use to grow spiritually? 

Discover The “Why” Behind The Three Pillars Of Lent

Infographic: The 3 Pillars of Lent Almsgiving, Fasting and Prayer

Get an illustrated guide to Fasting HERE!

The Best Catholic Resources For Lent: Catholic Apps

(The Catholic apps listed here are free!)

#Pray40 Challenge from Hallow

Take the #Pray40 Challenge from Hallow – the Catholic Prayer and Meditation App!

The #Pray40 Community Challenge on Hallow is one of the most popular and life-changing challenges of the year with exclusive prayer resources to enhance your Lenten journey.

To help support you, Hallow has put together 40 days of Lenten meditations with length options that work for every schedule and experience level.

Pray 40 Days: Fr. Michael Denk created the Pray 40 Days app to set your prayer time on fire. This app will change your prayer life forever.

Laudate: This app is wonderful year-round, not just during Lent.  It provides the daily readings, reflections, and a vast collection of prayers.

Get Ready To Make A Pilgrimage

Lent has traditionally been a time of pilgrimage, particularly to the Holy Land as we prepare to commemorate Our Lord’s Passion.

Daily Text Messages

Flocknote : Flocknote is offering a daily Lenten reflection that you can choose to receive as either an email or text message.

The Best Catholic Books For Lent

Make it a goal to read a book (or a few) during this holy season. We’ve compiled a list of our writers’ favorite Lenten resources. Please add your own favorite in the comments!

Restore: A Guided Journal for Prayer and Meditation | Sr. Miriam James Heidland SOLT 

This is a beautiful guided journal for prayer and meditation written by Sr. Miriam. You’re invited on a healing journey to meet the tenderness of God’s mercy, the power of his love, and the restoration of your heart and life during this holy season of Lent.

Born of Fire | Fr. Mark Mary Ames

This is honestly the best Lent resource for Catholic men we’ve ever read! If you desire to provide Catholic resources for men this is a must-read.

The Lenten Cookbook | Scott Hahn and David Geisser 

Jesus I Trust in You: A 30-Day Personal Retreat with the Litany of Trust | Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, S.V.

The Cries of Jesus From the Cross A Fulton Sheen Anthology |  Allan Smith

Find a reading plan and study guide for The Cries of Jesus From the Cross HERE.

Louie’s Lent | Claudia Cangilla McAdam

Ask your Husband: A Catholic Guide to Femininity | Stephanie C. Gordon 

What Jesus Saw from the Cross | A. G. Sertillanges

33 Years in the Holy Land | A. G. Sertillanges

The Pain and Sorrow of God | Fr. Gerald Vann

The Best Catholic Lent Resources For Kids

Holy Heroes: Holy Heroes offers a free Lenten Adventure for children. The series will include videos, activities, and coloring sheets.

Catholic Family Crate

Do your kids find fasting, praying, and giving difficult or boring? Give your sacrifices a boost this season with the Family Sacrifices Kit. 

Daily Emails This Lent

Redeemed Online: Subscribe to this channel to get access to daily talks given by a variety of Catholic speakers.

Best Lent Ever by Dynamic Catholic: Catholic Speaker Matthew Kelly provides daily emails with videos and reflections to help you “Rediscover Jesus”.

Celebrate the Feasts – Katie Warner, known as Catholic Katie, provides emails to help you celebrate feasts and better understand Church traditions.

“Living Lent Daily” by Loyola Press: This will be a daily email based on the book Grace-Filled Days by Amy Andrews.

Catholic Websites To Visit During Lent

Catholic-Link:  We have a series of several great posts that will encourage you during this holy season, as well as weekly video reflections on the Gospel message. Come back to our site often so you don’t miss out on all of our wonderful resources!

CRS Rice Bowl: Provides brief videos, stories of hope and even suggestions for meals during times of fasting as well as raising awareness for the CRS rice bowl project. This is an excellent resource for those who desire to spend these 40 days sacrificing in order to give more to the poor.

USCCB: The United States Council of Catholic Bishops offers some excellent resources.

Catholic Movies For Lent

Full of Grace: There is one person in the gospel that had the experience of living thirty years with Jesus–from birth through His resurrection: Mary, His Mother. After a full life with the Son of God – fleeing into Egypt, losing him in the temple, and seeing him placed on the cross – Mary lives her final earthly days in reflection.

More Movie Recommendations

Catholic Video Reflections

Lentsanity Reflections: Every Sunday, Benedictine monk, Fr. Ananias Buccicone O.S.B. will share a new video giving you amazing and profound reflections and instruction on how to grow in faith.

Virtual Stations of the Cross: BustedHalo presents the Stations of the Cross on YouTube. This is a great form of prayer you can do in your own home. *New* YouTube Channel

Lenten Recipes To Help With Your Fast

Catholic Online Retreats



Called And Commanded

The Wild Goose: This free online video series on the Holy Spirit is sure to enhance your spiritual growth over the next 40 days. The videos feature Fr. Dave Pivonka and several testimonies to help better understand the Holy Spirit. Also available is a newer series Here!

Digital Immersion Trip: Join Catholic Extension on a trip to some of the poorest areas of the United States to see how the Catholic faith is growing.

The Best Catholic Music For Lent

The Vigil Project: “The VIGIL Project is a community of artists, musicians, and filmmakers that produce a multimedia resource for deep prayer and authentic encounter with God.” The first series they created focuses on songs for Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.

40 Songs for 40 Days by Steubenville Conferences: An amazing list of 40 contemporary songs to help guide your prayer time this Lent. There is a direct link to Spotify so the work is done for you!

Ephesus: “This compilation of poignant chants, intricate harmonies and rousing hymns of glory and redemption includes: “O Sacred Head Surrounded,” made famous by Bach’s oratorios, “All Glory Laud and Honor,” the well-known “Adoramus Te Christe” and the entrancing “Improperia” from the liturgy of Good Friday.”

2022 Lent Dates To Remember

The season of Lent lasts for forty days from Ash Wednesday through Holy Thursday Mass. Sundays are not included in the 40 days because each Sunday is considered a mini-Easter celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. You’re not obligated to fast on Sundays during Lent, but you can choose to if you would like.

March 1, 2022: Mardi Gra (Fat Tuesday)

March 2, 2022: Ash Wednesday

March 19: St. Joseph

March 25: The Feast of the Annunciation

April 10, 2022: Palm Sunday (Holy Week begins)

April 13, 2022: Spy Wednesday

April 14, 2022: Holy Thursday

April 15, 2022: Good Friday

April 16, 2022: Holy Saturday

April 17, 2022: Easter Sunday

More Lent Resources

QUIZ: What Should You Give Up For Lent?

An Illustrated Guide To Fasting: Why Do We Fast During Lent?

Simple (And Creative!) Things To Do To Make The Best Of Lent!

How To Recover When Lent Goes Wrong

The Stations of The Cross | Video Reflections From 3 Saints

3 Soul-Changing Challenges From A Seminarian To Make This Lent Count!

What tools will you use to grow spiritually this Lent? Leave your suggestions in the comments.

There are so many wonderful ways for you to become more united with Christ during this Lenten season. Take the time to find one that will enrich the next 40 days and a significant impact on your life far beyond that. Pope Francis has offered great insight and wisdom to help our focus during Lent. You can find his message for Lent here.

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